In ref. to the video, sounds like STALKING to me, and that's a real crime. Therefore, the concern that the girl would kidnap her children "VERY soon" is a real concern.
What people do in the privacy of their home is one issue, but telling the world on social media is a bold and foolish move. I can imagine that the girl considered those children as celebrities because of the proud posting of the photos. She fantasized they were her own children, and experienced the pleasure of pride herself vicariously. Broadcasting it on social media enhances the feeling of pride, because it imagines "the whole world watching."
By the way Dr. Phil was talking, it sounded like "digital kidnapping" is becoming common. I think it is akin to stalking, and should be a crime, because it's essentially messing with someone's identity and potential freedom. How would you like it if someone posted YOUR picture and said you were their family? Such a thing would be very creepy. It ought to be a crime like cyber bullying and slander.
One time many years ago, some girl half my age had some fantasy about me, and told people I made her pregnant. It was a very creepy experience, and we had to get the elders of the church involved.
We have no control over what goes on in someone's mind. But there are laws against certain behaviors, because the law is a minimum standard of how one ought to love their neighbor (at least to that standard), and is therefore a minimum standard of morality and ethics.
I think "digital kidnapping" is just as creepy as stalking, slander, or bullying. I'm curious if Dr. Phil had that girl on the program, and what transpired. She needs someone to tell her to "get a life," since she obviously doesn't have one!