Reido said:
I am neither homosexual nor heterosexual.
I am asexual, though I'm also panromantic.
Some people come up with their own terms of definition for a variety of behaviors and, these days, terms of definition are being made up in astounding measures by those who are not quite so aware in the knowledge of the Holy Spirit. Some people have either not come to a place of adamant study in regard to the character of the Holy Spirit, or they have outright rejected it. Many times just because they choose to not want to know, or they have come to learn but refuse to give up carnal minded pleasures. If sin was not pleasurable, it wouldn't be so difficult for the carnal minded to give it up. Sin results in rebuke, and rebuke is not always taken easily by the one who does not want to discard that which is pleasurable to them. If a child enjoys something that is not good for them, will they stop if the parent comes to explain that it will eventually lead to no good? The truth is quite simple, and that is, Only IF the child
is willing to obey and take Godly counsel from their parent. Otherwise, the sin (transgression) will continue UNTIL something stark happens to bring about an end to the destructive behavior.
Truth is going to be challenged by those who are not well studied in the absoluteness of it. Truth cannot ever be compromised, but it will be challenged by those who are not well learned of it's inherent rule of order as
it is SET by the Holy
Spirit of God (God IS Creator Spirit) , that is, the only
Absolute Truth, which defines what is Pure vs. that which is Impure in terms of Good, in terms of Holiness, in terms of that which leads to Godly Good in life vs. the opposite of all that.
Isn't it curious.... Devil spelled backward is lived and evil spelled backward is live? The devil is backward/opposite to that which is deemed Holy Pure by HOLY PURE SPIRIT . The definition cannot be altered, else it is a then a lie. Whole truth is that God is NOT a liar. And isn't it curious, that it is in how we live that determines what is constructive or destructive in our lives and what is of the purity of God's Holiness, or not? People who don't think about things like that don't have a clue. They remain in ignorance, and so then a positive change is hindered.
Positive change is hindered by ignoring a truth.
Some people just love living in that which belongs to the impure/unholy opposite of a PURE/HOLY Godly standard.
God's holiness is never going to be changed. The absolute laws of and in nature and of and in spirit are set. They cannot be changed. IF a person chooses to go against that which is pure unadulterated truth, then they will get that which is of the infidelity; a residing impurity. The Spirit is what we choose. God/Creator determined the truth about
what is Holy Spirit, and God determined the truth about
what is unholy spirit. It is our choice. Generations have passed on many odd things onto their children. It all started with Adam and Eve going against the pure holiness of the Spirit of a Holy God. God didn't make us without freedom of choice. But he did make the laws of Spirit and of nature absolute. If we as spirits in material bodies insist on making up our own definitions which are totally perverted to what is set as absolute by the only one who Created all things, THEN, we as spirits in material bodies will get perverted results, Period. We have freedom of choice. Sin leads to death ,death of the material and/or death of the spirit. It is up to us to learn what consequences are brought about by our choices. God had clearly shown us the consequences of choices. IT's all in the bible! And, that is why, for some, the reason the bible is a book so many want to silence.
The more I read the Psalms and read it from the perspective of the writer, the more I can understand the carnal vs. the spirit and why we must choose that which fosters life and not that which fosters the death of the Holy as is defined Holy by the Spirit named JHVH/Gd
The "I Am that I Am" . The Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth! There is no other religion, no other so called truth that can compare to the Truth that is given to us by the JHVH/Gd, the "I Am that I Am" . We can choose to live by Sin, or we can choose to live by Holiness. God's Pure
Holiness, or the opposite of that, which is the Unholiness, that which is defined as the
holiness of the thing that is backward to LIFE, and this is the
holiness of the spirit given the name Satan, Lucifer, Devil, Sin... etc.
Truth is defined according to the spirit of a thing! All things are of the spirit. Choose which spirit you want to live by and that is what you get, the I Am that I Am. Don't ever forget.... There are both side to the coin, there are both sides to any situation or circumstance in life.
We have a choice. :fight
The HOLY SPIRIT wants us to choose that which is constructive to Holy Life. If a person wants to choose the unholy... well, then, they will have to live with the consequences. The only thing that can save US from committing perform sin is the a SPIRIT-ual cleansing.... a WASHING. People who do not know the Character, will remain blind (in ignorance) having their eyes covered with mud (so to speak) UNTIL they go
get a good washing away of the sin.. that was. It doesn't matter how they got into that sin... be it passed down by generational ignorance or be it by a personal decision. ALL sin must be washed away by the process and understanding of the Christ, and of understanding who and what He, Jesus, represents; The HOLY SPIRIT. We fight not against what is flesh and blood, we fight against spirits and principalities.
Reading the bible, studying and meditating on the truth in the word helps us to become freed from sin! Far too many people reject that even if they don't know why or what they are rejecting. And so, we are called to bring the GOOD NEWS of Salvation from sin to them, That is why we are called to bring enlightenment to those who are unaware of what a blessing the bible really is!
Too many people see the condemnation of sin, no differently than the child who wants to continue in a poor behavior... they fight and resist the parent who brings correction. Teenagers are notorious for resisting any authority over wrong behavior. They insist that what they are doing is okay, Just because they like what they are doing.... It's sooo much fun to sin! They don't see it as sin because they are too busy having fun in it and making up their own lingo. My generation made up plenty of their own lingo as did other genertations past. However, A Holy Pure God will not change anything about the Whole Truth and nothing but the Absolute Truth of and in nature and the spirit because the Creator does not change the Truth. He speak a thing into being by HIS Absolute Truth. The devil knows this and perverts all that is HOLY Truth in life. The Lucifer was once an Angel of the Lord, worshiping the PURE Holiness of God, but was cast out of that heavenly purity because of taking the God given liberty of free will.... to pervert and try to rule outside of the Absolute Truth of that which keeps us under the protection of a HOLY GOD. We all have a choice to be redeemed by way of Christ Jesus. We must first come to the place of being willing. Being willing to learn of this Truth, being willing to live in The Truth of a Loving HOLY GOD. There is redemption from our past and redemption from our past sins, we have been given the gift of redemption, A way of life that saves us from committing to sin. It's called living in the HOLY SPIRIT by way of our Christ Jesus. That Christ lives in us only IF we come to Him of our own free will. Lucifer.... broke away from that blessing by his own choice, he chose the destruction and so now he is lord over it. But we have freedom of choice to Choose life, that same life that is IN CHRIST JESUS. We take our sins to the cross, Give them up to the cross, allow Christ Jesus to carry the burden of such a heavy load of the condemnation of sin. We are freed from it all to
go and sin no more by way of the HOLY SPIRIT living IN and THROUGH us. We as Christians are children of God, We are all subject to discipline. The thing is... those who are against authority of good counsel, of the discipline of the Holy Spirit... they are then grieving the Holy Spirit, and are subject to ungodly consequences of their own commitments to live in sin rather than to live in, abide in the Holy Spirit. It does not come easy to everyone. Children need to grow up! It's time to grow up out of sin. We are all learning and living the process of transformation. It's a choice of which type of transformation one choose to take.... Godly, or ungodly.
Pray to seek after and to choose the
Godly, not the un
godly. :amen (so be it)
Long drawn out way of presenting it, but those who know me from long ago know I still am in the process of refining :transformer in the area of writing short explanations. :type
Case closed. :halo

Gospel: Good News