Byron1122 said:
I been listening to the mainstream music of today and i find that alot of artist throw up the baphoment symbol or use symbolism in their videos.
I found some videos online that explains it out pretty well. the illuminati has also taking over our childrens network.
its stuff like this that go one let give you a wake up call that the last days are really close.
I always believed that the Illuminati is merely the world's recognition of what will become the Beast and his system of government. Yeah, I know about the 13 bloodlines and stuff like that--- nobody just goes to bed at night and dreams up this stuff. There's something to it. To what degree there's a systematic plot vs who gets to play in it I'm still uncertain.
Take for example medicine. With our new "healthcare" coming, I am convinced that we will have almost solely a medicinal ideology pushed, or should say forced on everyone. The drug companies don't care as their CEO's probably make 7,8 or 9-digit incomes a year, and now I see why government wants to be their bedfellows. In reality, most medicines, as with our foods, are actually causing cancer and heart disease as they strip us of nutrients. Under the guise of health and healthy advice, I see more and more people duped into thinking they "need" this stuff. They tell you to avoid nutritious foods, fresh air and the sun, and I see the very diseases they claim it prevents increasing instead. Perhaps there is some truth to killing us all off, I don't know. Any medicine that lowers numbers is basically worthless. Although I believe it's government doing all this ideology-pushing. I don't directly blame doctors as they are caught in the middle being severely forced to parrot what the FDA, RDA and whatever else "A" the government thinks they are having to say.
So, I come to the conclusion that nobody can be this abysmally stupid to believe in this medical stuff that obviously is not working by a long shot or any stretch of the imagination. Is it any wonder that I believe there's an ulterior motive? It all became so political (and maybe a plan to reduce the population).