So, in my foolishness, I renounced my faith in Christ. I began to testify that Christ was a myth, and that Christianity was a falsehood.
If God was in the "casting into hell" business, then we'd all be there, in the end.
Fortunately He's not......instead, God is in the redemption business.
He is all about saving Souls and restoring lives.
Consider that God saves (justifies-redeems) the "Ungodly"..... "to him that worketh not, but believeth on him (GOD) who justifies the
And we still would be, (and in our natural Adamic state, still are), were it not for the Grace of God which allows the "ungodly" the right to be a part of God's family.
Nick, the issue with a lot of theology is that much of it it does not lead you into a close and loving relationship with Jesus The Christ and Father God.
And the reality is, ...Christianity is very simple......all we the redeemed are to do....... is Love God back, for what he has done for us, and love those around us and treat them as we would have them threat us.
Thats really all it is, regarding how we are to "work out our salvation with fear and trembling".
God is Holy.
We are not even close.
The person who mainly taught me about Christianity, once said that "God's holiness makes the SUN seem like an ice cube with regards/respect to HEAT".
Another person, an unbeliever says to a Christian..."well, if God will let you into heaven, (smirk) then he will certainly let me in, as i know all about you and what you have done (said the younger brother):"....... And the Believer (older brother) says......."sure, you are no doubt , as compared to me, a much better person then i have ever been or will ever be, but when you compare yourself to JESUS THE CHRIST, then
you have a big problem that only the CROSS can solve".
So, even on our best day, practicing our best behavior, were are truly that piece of Ice when we compare ourselves to the One who gave His Sinless Son so THAT we might be made partakers of the "divine nature" we don't have it for ourselves, and can never achieve it.
And if we could, then Jesus could have just stayed in Heaven and saved Himself a lot of agony.
See, Its not in us, we are not good, and that is why God PUTS
HIS GOOD in us.
And once its there, ("Christ in you the hope of glory") We then forever belong to the one who bought (redeemed) us with His very own
And this BLOOD (God's Blood) is so cleansing, is so HOLY, and is so purifying and eternally sustaining to us, we are now and forever being made able (by God's blood) to be accepted by God.
And, once we realize that God accepts us based ONLY on the BLOOD being shed for us, and not EVER based on our silly little lifestyle of good works.....then we begin to realize that "losing our salvation", is not a possibility.
To put it in street lingo, .....".you cant lose yo salvation because you cant get rid of de Blood"..(ever)....once its been applied to you.
The Blood of God, Jesus's blood, it marks you, it seals you, and its maintains your "sonship" position with God.
In other words, Jesus SAVES, God did it, and you are eternally secure because of what THEY provided for you to be so.
See Nick, you simply can't out-sin the Blood of Christ's ability to keep you eternally atoned - redeemed.
Thats just the eternal fact of how God's redemption is implemented.
See Nick, God is not stupid....... and that is why He didnt create a salvation that human's could mess up, as they certainly would if they could.
Follow me?
Didn't you try?
Most do.
And aren't you glad that God is so SMART, that He didnt create your salvation so that you could mess it up?
God is SOOOOOOOOO smart, and i am SOOOOOOOO Glad.
Aren't you?
Now understand....i didnt say you could not mess your life up....and i mean destroy it, while you are saved.
Many do, but not one of them can undo the blood atonement.
Not one.
Now, what about the Devil.
Now that is the issue.
Here is the thing..... there is conviction, which is the stinging of the conscience that is related to the Holy Spirit's being grieved by our activity.
However, there is CONDEMNATION, which is not the same as conviction, and is ALWAYS the Devil at work....always.
See, God does not condemn, He does not drive you into a mania or a savage guilt trip or a regret that is so strong that you want to die.
That is NOT God, that is always the Devil.
So, HE, the Devil, is the one who has been jamming you and pounding you with...."see what you went too can't go back, you are LOST".
Never fear are not lost, you are absolutely on your way to Heaven, and on your way there, Love God back for all He has done for you, through Christ.