None of the verses quoted above prove what you are trying to say.
Supressed means, you know it is the truth and yet you want to diminish it purposefully.
(Heb 10:26) For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins,
Heb 10:26 clearly says, not all have received the knowledge of Truth.
Yes, I chose those scriptures because they say what I am trying to reiterate, that we were all at one time children of wrath which Romans 1 is revealing. Yes I truly believe we have all taken God for granted and have been unthankful to some degree. How did Adam not do this when he sought to better his station under God? I think I am safer in thinking we all would have done the same and then being corrected of that, than thinking only some are children of wrath, not including me, and then being corrected.
It's not Adam.. anyway.. Scripture says Adam was deceived while he was innocent - not knowing good and evil. He did not accept any false image of God.
I agree Adam was deceived in that he listened to the woman who was deceived. But that is no excuse, since God had never done anything to Adam wherein he should distrust God. And because God is at the Godhead, Adam had no right to question the intentions of God from the position of the created since all that Adam is, God has given to him and he is not greater than his Maker. Adam should of at least given God the benefit of the doubt. My view is that Adam caved to a peer pressure because of insecurity about his own self, when faced with the womans assuredness.
No we don't.
The way God created man as image of Himself as said in Gen 1:27 was confirmed by God even after the fall in Gen 9:6. Man losing the image of God or having a false image is unbiblical.
I know God has always said Adam was a child of God and He does not lie. But if we don't believe in Him and what He says, we therefore don't believe in ourselves. And as I said, Adam didn't believe in himself and so he didn't trust in God and his Maker. We are one and the same since we are made in their image, but it's all about trust. Therefore he suppressed the Truth unto his own diminishment, and I am sure he would admit this in retrospect. He certainly wouldn't say he was right about listening to the woman and things improved from there.
Satan said, you won't die if you eat of the knowledge of good and evil. For God knows the day you eat of that fruit your eyes will be opened and you will become like gods. This is the subtlety of the lie. To find out if this is true or not so as to extinguish the doubt,
one must eat. But to eat is to then believe the lie that God is a Person that would withhold something good from us, hence a false image of god was introduced and believed in. Satan was cunning in his instilling doubt, for all things are built upon faith.
The prodigal son is a good example. This son thought he could do better for himself outside his Fathers house. He had a doubt about where he was and what he rightfully deserved. If the Father tried to stop him, it would only enforce the desire to leave. This son had to learn the hard way. And although he did not see he was sinning against his father at the start, he was in fact suppressing the Truth that his Father only had his best interests in mind at all times or that he didn't know what he was doing.
You have not addressed the issue that Romans 2:1 brings to the picture. Romans 2 is talking about all men as if no man can judge another because we are all guilty. Even if all men are not guilty of this, it would be becoming of them to not Lord it over those who are, since in doing so they are also taking God's attributes for granted and being unthankful and therefore becoming as guilty as the others.