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"I'm Christian, unless you're gay"


This was a great article, and can serve as a wake-up call for a lot of Christians. The guy who wrote this isn't a religious man himself, but he definitely sees the difference between how a lot of Christians act toward gay people.....and how Jesus would act toward them. The article is 3 pages, but please read it all the way through, take it to heart, and forward it to as many fellow Christians as possible! Here's the link.....
This was a great article, and can serve as a wake-up call for a lot of Christians. The guy who wrote this isn't a religious man himself, but he definitely sees the difference between how a lot of Christians act toward gay people.....and how Jesus would act toward them. The article is 3 pages, but please read it all the way through, take it to heart, and forward it to as many fellow Christians as possible! Here's the link.....
<sup class="versenum" id="en-KJV-14089">1</sup>Lord, who shall abide in thy tabernacle? who shall dwell in thy holy hill? <sup class="versenum" id="en-KJV-14090">2</sup>He that walketh uprightly, and worketh righteousness, and speaketh the truth in his heart.
<sup class="versenum" id="en-KJV-14091">3</sup>He that backbiteth not with his tongue, nor doeth evil to his neighbour, nor taketh up a reproach against his neighbour.
<sup class="versenum" id="en-KJV-14092">4</sup>In whose eyes a vile person is contemned; but he honoureth them that fear the LORD. He that sweareth to his own hurt, and changeth not.
<sup class="versenum" id="en-KJV-14093">5</sup>He that putteth not out his money to usury, nor taketh reward against the innocent. He that doeth these things shall never be moved.

<sup class="versenum" id="en-KJV-17201">4</sup>They that forsake the law praise the wicked: but such as keep the law contend with them. <sup class="versenum" id="en-KJV-17202">5</sup>Evil men understand not judgment: but they that seek the LORD understand all things.
<sup class="versenum" id="en-KJV-17203">6</sup>Better is the poor that walketh in his uprightness, than he that is perverse in his ways, though he be rich.
<sup class="versenum" id="en-KJV-17204">7</sup>Whoso keepeth the law is a wise son: but he that is a companion of riotous men shameth his father.

Jesus made friends of repentant sinners.
This article is a real eye-opener. We need to love gay people, and it's not that we don't love them; it's just that they're not feeling that love. The problem with a lot of our fellow Christians is that they keep "putting the cart before the horse"; they seem to want to rebuke the LGBTs for their "sodomite ways", before they even know their names! So now Christianity has very bad PR with the gay community. They actually see us as the enemy!

Since virtually every homosexual out there already knows where we stand on this issue....there's no need to rush into a conversation with them about their sinfulness. That'll just make them dig their heels in deeper, and not listen to us. We should first get to know gay people, be their friend, genuinely love them and care about them, help them find Jesus.....and THEN have the homosexuality conversation, only after we've earned their trust. And it would help if, at that time, we talk about our OWN sins as well, so they don't think that it's just an attack on THEM.

After all that, if they still hate us and reject Jesus, then there's nothing else we can do. It'll be between them and God. And how WE did our job will be between US and God. For a lot of our gay friends and family members, we might be the only Jesus they see. I don't want any gay person NOT to find Jesus because I failed to represent him accurately.
It'll be between them and God. And how WE did our job will be between US and God. For a lot of our gay friends and family members, we might be the only Jesus they see. I don't want any gay person NOT to find Jesus because I failed to represent him accurately.

Personally Im glad to have 'bad PR' with the queers.
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one must use wisdom with them but still, as a former bi-male i will not pull punches. i was that way and i know what i does.i will not be made to marry gays, tell them its ok to sin...

we dont do that with murderers and thieves now do we?or any other sinner.
Jesus made friends of repentant sinners.

You're right. He did. And he didn't make friends with everyone. He had very harsh words for the self-righteous, sanctimonious, hypocritical religious leaders of the day. And he lost it on those moneychangers who were turning his dad's house into a den of theives. But I still haven't located that verse yet, where Jesus talks about homosexuals and calls them derogatory names such as.....

.....the queers.

Hitch, it's true that there are a lot of LGBTs out there who will reject Jesus and continue to try to justify their sin, no matter what we say or do. But those individuals know who they are, and will answer to God at the end of the day. We will also answer to God for how WE conducted ourselves down here. Calling them "queers" is not just rude and uncouth, it's also very counterproductive. This kind of talk enables the gay community to reject Jesus, based solely on the words and actions of his "followers".

Not EVERY homosexual out there is completely closed off to Jesus. There are a few whose hearts are still open (even if just a crack), and we are NOT going to get our foot in the door by calling them "queers". I don't know about you, but I don't want to have to answer to God for a single soul that wasn't saved because I said or did something to put a stumbling block in front of that person. Hitch, because we don't know what's in each person's heart, we don't know which gay people will end up in hell, no matter what......and which gay people can still be saved. So we need to be nice to all of them, for the sake of the few.
one must use wisdom with them but still, as a former bi-male i will not pull punches. i was that way and i know what i does.

That's great! Since you used to be one of them yourself, you've got a great opportunity to show the LGBTs who sincerely want to turn from their sin.....that it CAN be done with Jesus' power. With us straight people, it's all just talk to them. But you are a powerful living example that they can't ignore. But of course, like you said, we still need to use wisdom with them.

i will not be made to marry gays, tell them its ok to sin...

You're right. Our churches should never be forced to perform gay marriages if they don't want to.....and we should NEVER tell them that it's ok to sin. My only point is that if we want them to listen to us about sin and salvation, we should be their friend and love them first.
You're right. He did. And he didn't make friends with everyone. He had very harsh words for the self-righteous, sanctimonious, hypocritical religious leaders of the day. And he lost it on those moneychangers who were turning his dad's house into a den of theives. But I still haven't located that verse yet, where Jesus talks about homosexuals and calls them derogatory names such as.....
You need to remember who the Law Giver is. I suggest you look deeply into that article and others which portray the standard mean Christians are keeping us , fillintheblank from Jesus. They usually are barely camouflaged attacks on the Law and thus the Law Giver. And you are aiding and abetting.
Hitch, it's true that there are a lot of LGBTs out there who will reject Jesus and continue to try to justify their sin, no matter what we say or do. But those individuals know who they are, and will answer to God at the end of the day. We will also answer to God for how WE conducted ourselves down here. Calling them "queers" is not just rude and uncouth, it's also very counterproductive. This kind of talk enables the gay community to reject Jesus, based solely on the words and actions of his "followers".
Good ,you stand up for the Sodomites and I'll stand of for the Scriptures .
Not EVERY homosexual out there is completely closed off to Jesus. There are a few whose hearts are still open (even if just a crack), and we are NOT going to get our foot in the door by calling them "queers". I don't know about you, but I don't want to have to answer to God for a single soul that wasn't saved because I said or did something to put a stumbling block in front of that person.
Then I suggest you conform your conduct to the Scriptures
Hitch, because we don't know what's in each person's heart, we don't know which gay people will end up in hell, no matter what......and which gay people can still be saved. So we need to be nice to all of them, for the sake of the few.
You read the passages quoted.
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That's great! Since you used to be one of them yourself, you've got a great opportunity to show the LGBTs who sincerely want to turn from their sin.....that it CAN be done with Jesus' power. With us straight people, it's all just talk to them. But you are a powerful living example that they can't ignore. But of course, like you said, we still need to use wisdom with them.

You're right. Our churches should never be forced to perform gay marriages if they don't want to.....and we should NEVER tell them that it's ok to sin. My only point is that if we want them to listen to us about sin and salvation, we should be their friend and love them first.
who says i dont but let me say it this DONT TELL ME how to tell them how to repent. i work with wisdom. in fact i had a father call me over the phone asking for advice how to tell his sin that he loves him and not the sin that he is in. i asked the lord what should i say. it was love him but dont compromise the bible when you do patient and believe and pray the god will bring that boy back to the faith.the spirit lead that conversation as this man didnt want flesh to speak.that said i dont get along with most gays if they are militant. i know where they have been as much as i have been there. often these guys and gals are also athiests and will argue with me and i dont care for that. it is a lesson i had to learn. if they refuse the wisdom of god then they must be allowed to self-destruct.that doesnt mean i wont pray for them,just that i aint wasting time with pointless debates with them. i have been cyber-bullied for my testimony several times on this VERY Forum.i serve my country with two lesbians. i have made it point not to approach them on their lifestyles and one of them attended the chapel service with me. i told the chaplain to pray for her as he and i talk tween drills. my church has two lesbians attend my church and one of them was suicidal a few years ago and a cop/fellow member of my church saved her life. that is far more then words could say to the testimony of christ. i told him that.
Hitch, it's true that there are a lot of LGBTs out there who will reject Jesus and continue to try to justify their sin, no matter what we say or do. But those individuals know who they are, and will answer to God at the end of the day. We will also answer to God for how WE conducted ourselves down here. Calling them "queers" is not just rude and uncouth, it's also very counterproductive. This kind of talk enables the gay community to reject Jesus, based solely on the words and actions of his "followers".

Not EVERY homosexual out there is completely closed off to Jesus. There are a few whose hearts are still open (even if just a crack), and we are NOT going to get our foot in the door by calling them "queers". I don't know about you, but I don't want to have to answer to God for a single soul that wasn't saved because I said or did something to put a stumbling block in front of that person. Hitch, because we don't know what's in each person's heart, we don't know which gay people will end up in hell, no matter what......and which gay people can still be saved. So we need to be nice to all of them, for the sake of the few.

Hitch said:
Good ,you stand up for the queers and I'll stand of for the Scriptures .
Do not think that you are somehow standing up for Scripture with your hateful words and that someone who disagrees with you isn't. :bigfrown

Do not think that you are somehow standing up for Scripture with your hateful words and that someone who disagrees with you isn't. :bigfrown
That door swings both ways Free.

Now be good enough to tell me exactly what of my posts you consider hateful words.
That door swings both ways Free.
How so? It is your conduct and choice of words which need to be conformed to Scripture, not Josh's. His loving position is far more based in Scripture than your hateful position.
How so? It is your conduct and choice of words which need to be conformed to Scripture, not Josh's. His loving position is far more based in Scripture than your hateful position.
That door swings both ways Free.

Now be good enough to tell me exactly what of my posts you consider hateful words.

Must you be reminded that Paul said it is a shame to even speak of these things?
free, i dont see any hate in hitches posts. i would have said something as i know those types and will engage them if i see that. would you like if i posted the acts of sodomy in the open? that is what hitch is saying or how it felt when i did it? No in a church nor in the forum save the mens forum would i. and even then i would watch what i say.

one doesnt have to describe porn to know that its bad or tell that it is bad.
So I avoided this topic because I didn't want to go there. I'm a bit tied. On the one hand I'm sure gay people are decent enough, but it's a unique situation (well not as unique as it once was) because it is literally people embracing and living in perpetual sin. How can that be right? It ain't. I guess it's easiest to just say that you must love the person and hate the sin. However at the end of the day it's a still sinful life that they have learned to love.

Now if one comes to Christ and is battling with their gayness (?) then they are good to go in my book because that person is just like me, that is fighting an uphill battle against sin. I can understand that, but the key is that they gotta want to be other than what they are, so not gay but straight. Otherwise they are just talking the talking and still walking in the wrong way without remorse or disdain for it.
So I avoided this topic because I didn't want to go there. I'm a bit tied. On the one hand I'm sure gay people are decent enough, but it's a unique situation (well not as unique as it once was) because it is literally people embracing and living in perpetual sin. How can that be right? It ain't. I guess it's easiest to just say that you must love the person and hate the sin. However at the end of the day it's a still sinful life that they have learned to love.

Now if one comes to Christ and is battling with their gayness (?) then they are good to go in my book because that person is just like me, that is fighting an uphill battle against sin. I can understand that, but the key is that they gotta want to be other than what they are, so not gay but straight. Otherwise they are just talking the talking and still walking in the wrong way without remorse or disdain for it.

Men can come to Christ late in life and find salvation, even if they've had contempt for Him all their lives. Christ did not wait for the murderer on the next cross to "walk the walk" before welcoming him into God's kingdom.

"Betwixt the saddle and the ground,
twas mercy I sought and mercy I found."

God is never done working on any of us, and we should not presume to judge others or stand between them and God. Any gay man or woman is welcome to worship God with me. I will never tell them that what they're doing is pleasing in God's sight, but I will never condemn them either. They will walk the walk when they're ready.
Hitch, it's true that there are a lot of LGBTs out there who will reject Jesus and continue to try to justify their sin, no matter what we say or do. But those individuals know who they are, and will answer to God at the end of the day. We will also answer to God for how WE conducted ourselves down here. Calling them "queers" is not just rude and uncouth, it's also very counterproductive. This kind of talk enables the gay community to reject Jesus, based solely on the words and actions of his "followers".

Get a grip the ' sodomite community' is a personal and cultural rejection of Christ.

Whether that fits your PC classifications or not . No Im not the least bit concerned with making sure the 'sodomite community' is happy with my choice of words. If that is hateful,rude and uncouth in your definition I most certainly dont care.

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