- Oct 23, 2010
- 14,304
- 10,787 you think we go too far with this, especially Calvinists?
I grew up liberal PCUSA. My mother was briefly an elder. I vaguely remember the prayers and hymns and it boiled down to...a) I'm part of The Elect; and b) I don't deserve this.
I was saved by The Pentecostals (thank you, Teen Challenge!). I don't know if I quite go for their free will stuff...I mean, I just don't know...but I like their approach to life and The Bible more. At TC, they'd always say "Grace is unmerited favor," and "We serve The God of yet another chance," and that's stuff I've really taken to heart.
My own salvation experience leads me to believe in Predestination (I know, a sample of n=1, lol). I mean, if God hadn't seen fit to save me, I'd still be lost. And I do think on how I don't deserve the grace shown me, and Born Again Christians in general don't deserve to be "set apart for a purpose," but...
...I think sometimes the "I'm not worthy" aspect of salvation is over-emphasized, maybe to the exclusion of emphasizing other, more positive things, like "work out your salvation with fear and with trembling," and showing your gratitude to God for His grace, instead of wallowing in what I sometimes see as false humility.
Or am I wrong? Again, just a Baby Christian asking a random Q....
I grew up liberal PCUSA. My mother was briefly an elder. I vaguely remember the prayers and hymns and it boiled down to...a) I'm part of The Elect; and b) I don't deserve this.
I was saved by The Pentecostals (thank you, Teen Challenge!). I don't know if I quite go for their free will stuff...I mean, I just don't know...but I like their approach to life and The Bible more. At TC, they'd always say "Grace is unmerited favor," and "We serve The God of yet another chance," and that's stuff I've really taken to heart.
My own salvation experience leads me to believe in Predestination (I know, a sample of n=1, lol). I mean, if God hadn't seen fit to save me, I'd still be lost. And I do think on how I don't deserve the grace shown me, and Born Again Christians in general don't deserve to be "set apart for a purpose," but...
...I think sometimes the "I'm not worthy" aspect of salvation is over-emphasized, maybe to the exclusion of emphasizing other, more positive things, like "work out your salvation with fear and with trembling," and showing your gratitude to God for His grace, instead of wallowing in what I sometimes see as false humility.
Or am I wrong? Again, just a Baby Christian asking a random Q....