Hey you guys . I'm new here . I've been questioning asking something like this online , but I would like some outside perspective . My boyfriend &I are both Christians & we've been together for 3 years . I love him & he's always treated me like gold . From buying me flowers , thoughtful handmade stuff, food, showing me love & being very attentive . He looks at me like he's very in love , like I'm perfect . However , there are negatives . There was a little white lie told in the beginning of our relationship & things kind of progressed . There was a girl on his snapchat , but he told me it was a guy that he knew . The second this happened , I wanted to be done . However I stuck through for years more. There has been lots of dishonesty in our relationship . I always believed things could get better . I'm not saying I'm perfect . I used to get upset / jealous / needy .. Maybe I contributed to the problem ? But it was something that I worked on. About 2 months ago we were out for dinner. We were looking through his pictures & in his glasses I could see he was deleting pictures of girls . I confronted him &I he told me it was a girl from a wedding his friend went to . He kept trying to delete the pictures without me seeing , pretending like he was looking at the check , when in reality he was looking at his phone in his lap . I also thought I saw him deleting contacts , but he said he was on snapchat . He later told me that he had gone on tinder during one of our rough patches. I broke up with him that day . Which I'm not sure it was during our rough patch , because why would the pictures still be there ? He said he had forgot they were there & forgot about the recently deleted folder . That basically means he was talking to other girls &a saving their pictures while he was with me . He said nothing came from it & that he realized he didn't want that . However , why should I believe that ? He also said it was a "white lie" & it's not like he murdered anyone . Last week I took him out for his birthday &I Ended up seeing his Facebook . He told me before that he wasn't the type of person to talk to girls on Facebook . I saw that, that wasn't true either . He said to one girl " hey pretty one" & I asked who these people were & he said he didn't know , which clearly isn't true bcuz he was talking to them . I feel like that was a breaking point for me . He told me before that he considered cheating " giving anyone else your attention " , so by his definition , he cheated . Most of the guys in my past cheated & this guy understood how important it was to me . He also knew how important honesty was to me . So this was kind of my breaking point . However , I'm confused . I love him , he's my best friend . He's a great guy . Treats other great , never jealous or mean , trusting . People always say that you love sticks together through anything . I can't help but feel I'm being selfish by not working on things . However , I've been working on things since the first lie was told years ago . He also had told me about a year ago about his porn struggle & how he masturbated to girls he went to school with on Instagam while he was with me . I didn't like it , but most people told me it was normal , so I stayed & tried working on things with him . But it doesn't seem that things got better ? I feel like I've tried sticking through for love , but I feel like you should draw the line at some point ? Or is that wrong . He doesn't believe that we are done & still makes an effort to talk. It seems we always run into eachother &I I wonder if God is trying to tell me something . I just feel I shouldn't lower my standards . There's this piece of me that says " I understand why he did it " bcuz we did go through a few rough patches .. But I want loyalty . It's like I'm making excuses . I dunno . I'm not trying to bad talk him .. He's a great guy .