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I'm surprised so many people Put God in a box.


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Im really surprised how many people in this world put God In a box and just drag Him out on Sunday. Have you notied that? It doesn't seem to matter what church you attend there are some people just filling the pews. You can't help but notice they don't want to be there. Do you agree? If so why? If not why not?
I would be careful about how to "judge" people sitting in the pews.

I used to be at church every time the doors were open: Sunday School, Sunday Worship am, Sunday Worship pm, Tuesday morning Bible Study, Wednesday evening prayer service....

Now, I'm just there on Sunday mornings...I catch Sunday School when I can...and am not even there every Sunday. And, as soon as the worship service is over...I'm outta there...really, I tend to leave just as soon as I shake the Pastor's hand...often even leaving my husband and kids there.

I don't have very many close friends at the church. Most of the folks I only see at church and sometimes I run into someone at the grocery store.

It's very possible that some in the congregation might think, "Well, she is just a Sunday morning Christian someone who goes to church on Sunday morning and then forgets about God the rest of the week.

They would be wrong. ;)
I agree with Handy on this. Putting God in a box is best described when we expect others to get into the same box we've put God in. ;)
You misunderstood me. I'm refering to people who go to church but don't get anything out of it. Don't you know people who a dress up and play religious. I wasn't being judgemental. What about the people who go just to see what everyone is wearing.I'm trying to join in here and be one of the group. While on that subject I was very disapointed that only one person on here posted on the thread about my healing.I'm not a Holier than thou and I don't feel like I'm better than anyone.:sad Don't you know people who claim to be Christians but don't let him operate in their lives?
I'm sorry that I've upset you with my response to your thread. I actually think that this is a great topic for discussion. You did ask, "Do you agree? If so why? If not why not?" So, I'm disagreeing and saying why not. :yes

I'm sure that there are some, many, so-called "Christians" who are in church just going through the motions. Jesus referred to them as tares among the wheat that will be sifted out. My point was that we cannot really tell who is a tare and who is wheat by outward observation.

I would submit that the tares aren't really putting God in a box...but rather that they really don't believe in God, period.

As for actual born-again Christians, I don't know of any that really have "God in a box"...I truly don't know that. And, I've been a Christian for over 35 years now.

Everyone has different scopes of ministry and what's important. My mom would be one that one could easily think has put "God in a box"...she would have absolutely NO desire to attend what many would describe a "Spirit filled worship" service (ie...loud rock music). To her, church is this: Call to worship, sing a hymn, have a prayer, sing another hymn, read a passage from Scripture, sing a hymn while the collection plate is passed, Pastor (always male, NEVER female) sermon, prayer, sing hymn, benediction and dismissal, home for roast beef supper. This is the Orthodox Presbyterian order of happens in every OPC pretty much every Sunday and has for years.

But, if you have a prayer need, she'll be the one praying for you...and believe me, when my mom prays...things happen! Also, she loves to read God's word. She's not really open to the whole "new and improved" forms of worship...but her faith in God and strength in the word and in prayer is amazing.

I also know a woman who is a member of a church and never goes to worship on Sunday at all. Never. However, whenever there is a Vacation Bible School, she always helps out. She'll also bring a casserole if there is a funeral. One might think she has "God in a box"...but the thing is, her husband is a non-believer and works very long hours during the week and doesn't want to cut into family time by going to they stay home. She prays for her husband daily and chooses to honor his wish for her to stay with him on Sunday morning. I support her in her decision. Her testimony is really an interesting one, and she fully clings to the promise that the unbelieving husband will be sanctified through the believing wife. She truly does trust in God...but isn't there Sunday mornings.

There are lots of folks whose testimonies can be similar to this. The thing about tares and wheat is that they look almost identical from the outside. Which was why in the parable, Jesus' point was to not try to separate them...but allow Him to winnow the tares out on judgment day.

(PS, I also went back and saw your testimony of healing. Great testimony! :thumbsup )
Im really surprised how many people in this world put God In a box and just drag Him out on Sunday. Have you notied that? It doesn't seem to matter what church you attend there are some people just filling the pews. You can't help but notice they don't want to be there. Do you agree? If so why? If not why not?

On the other hand I know many christians who prays a lot, do a lot of bible study etc etc. Not only taking God out on sunday. We should not judge others, but instead we should look at our doings....

3 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4 How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye. Matthew 7:3-5
Some people might only go on Sunday morning, some might go everytime there is a service and some might not go to church at all for various reasons, but that does not mean they put God in a box. I do not go to church at all anymore for my own reasons, but God is with me everyday of my life as I study His word and share with others I meet physically or on forums like this one. God is with me when I pray and when I play. Church is not four walls and fancy decorations. Gods true church is the body of Christ gathered together with Gods Spirit in the midst of the gathering no matter where they are gathered together. We are having church right now when we come into forums like this as we learn from one another by allowing the Holy Spirit teach us or use us to teach others.

Yes, many people do put God in a box, but that is not for us to judge as we can only judge the fruits they display to us when we speak to them. We need not worry about the status of others, but we need to be concerned that we are doing everything we are called to do to bring glory and honor to the name of Christ as we spread His word to others.

I do not know anything about your healing as I do not come in here all the time, but God bless you and praise the Lord for your healing, amen.
Im really surprised how many people in this world put God In a box and just drag Him out on Sunday. Have you notied that? It doesn't seem to matter what church you attend there are some people just filling the pews. You can't help but notice they don't want to be there. Do you agree? If so why? If not why not?
I agree with Handy on this. Spending every available moment in church could just be an attempt at presenting an image too.

I believe God is placed in a box when we presume to think we know what He is thinking and particularly when we remake Him to fulfill our image of Him.
I agree with Handy on this. Spending every available moment in church could just be an attempt at presenting an image too.

I believe God is placed in a box when we presume to think we know what He is thinking and particularly when we remake Him to fulfill our image of Him.

I think we're saying it backwards, how can God be put in a box? It seems our ideas and knowledge of Him are what is in the box. We're the ones who need to expand our knowledge of who God is, what He can do and who He says we are in Him, we're the ones needing out of the box.
I'm refering to people who go to church but don't get anything out of it.
I’m not quite understanding where you are going with this. Sometimes when I attend a church service I feel very close and in tune with God. Sometimes when I attend church services I feel a sense of peace, relaxation, and tranquility. Sometimes when I attend a church service I feel guilty and convicted. Sometimes when I attend a church service I feel pretty much nothing.

The Holy Spirit moves in each of us according to His plan and not ours. Maybe sometimes God wants to speak to my heart and make himself known to me so I feel close and in tune. Maybe sometimes I need reassurance and so He gives this to me and I feel peaceful. Maybe sometimes I need to be reminded about how much I need my Lord, Jesus, and He gives this to me and I feel convicted. Maybe sometimes I just need to be there and clear my mind and so He leaves me alone with myself and I feel very little.<O:tongue</O:tongue
Church service is less about what you get out of it and more about what you put into it. We don’t know the relationship others have with God. We must be careful to first remove the plank from our own eyes before trying to remove the speck from another’s. <O:tongue</O:tongue
What a great post, WIP! :thumbsup What we bring to our services can be directly related to what we can get out of it. Give nothing and expect the same.

Actually, I'll take it one step further; we should all be able to say we give what we can and serve to the best of our abilities and are not disappointed if we get nothing out of it on any particular Sunday.

We create the boxes and then attempt to drag the Lord into it with us. :shame
I think we're saying it backwards, how can God be put in a box? It seems our ideas and knowledge of Him are what is in the box. We're the ones who need to expand our knowledge of who God is, what He can do and who He says we are in Him, we're the ones needing out of the box.
Yes, we are the ones that need to think outside the box. We too easily forget that we are but a speck on a small ball in a vast universe. Everything doesn't revolve around us. There is so much more to life than what we see, hear, smell, taste, and touch. We can't even begin to imagine what we will learn in the end.
You misunderstood me. I'm refering to people who go to church but don't get anything out of it. Don't you know people who a dress up and play religious. I wasn't being judgemental. What about the people who go just to see what everyone is wearing.I'm trying to join in here and be one of the group. While on that subject I was very disapointed that only one person on here posted on the thread about my healing.I'm not a Holier than thou and I don't feel like I'm better than anyone.:sad Don't you know people who claim to be Christians but don't let him operate in their lives?

Maybe. Maybe I'm that person sometimes.

I have this friend who often ask me questions about God and scripture and how it all might relate to whatever he's going through, and after our discussions at times I invite him to church or suggest a church; I try to encourage him to dig deeper and it just seems he doesn't. However, I've realized that he doesn't to my satisfaction, but he'll often tell me thank you for some sort in insight he may have gained from me, or he'll tell me about a great Christian book he's read, or even some scripture that helped him. Who I'm I to say what he and God are doing in his life? He's not a willful sinner that has tuned from God, just a guy seeking God the best way he can.

Then there times when i'm around my supper-duper church friends who are always part of everything and leading classes and groups....and some of who will tend to make observations about others. I often wonder what they think of me at times. We need to be careful in this's not easy.

Are we trying to live up to the standards of the church or others we feel may have more of a relationship with God? :chin....sometimes, if we are honest I think we are. I'm guilty of both trying to live up to some sort of christian image and not letting God do his work in my own life sometimes. Sometimes I do these two things simultaneously :). We are all guilty of it as sure as we are guilty of any sin at all.

Everyone is on their own path and I'm just glad when I see people at church, or when I have the opportunity to share my faith with a willing, seeking ear. I try to accept that. Again, it's not easy to let loose of what we think is best for someone else. ;)

How about you INHISHANDS55;559245 (That's a long handle) ....How are you doing in your walk?
Interesting, not one of you understood me. Maybe it was the phrase put God in a box. I'm refering to people who have the outward trappings of Christianity and yet Mon through Sat, live lives where they, lie, cheat and Back stab people. By the way I only attend church once a month.
I think I touched upon it...with the example of the tares and wheat.

Frankly, can we call anyone who, irregardless of what they do on Sunday, lie, cheat and back-stab people Mon. through Sat. "Christian"?

Probably not.

I don't say that Christians don't lie, cheat or back-stab...just that if their everyday life is characterized by such's time to examine their profession of faith.

We all stumble at times...yes. And some of us stumble more than others in certain areas...for instance, I'd never knowingly cheat someone...but I confess that I often try to justify those "little white lies"....someone who wouldn't dream of being untruthful might struggle with on-line porn...the list goes on.

But, one would surmise that a truly born-again person would openly confess these sins and seek to not have their Mon-Sat life characterized by it.

I just can't see the Spirit leaving one of His born again, renewed creations alone if they are doing this. Boy, He sure didn't me. When I first became born again I was constantly assaulted with guilt until I (with His help) became a more self-controlled person. Not that I never sin now...but I do exercise more self-control (through His gift) and do try my best to repent and ask forgiveness when I blow it.

Why some who truly don't believe want to come to church and put on a show...I don't know? Probably because being a "good Christian" still garners some folks some perks in our society. Maybe I'm not all that familiar with the breed because I've always attended very small churches where such hypocrisy gets outed fairly quickly.

INHISHANDS55, have you recently encountered someone who is living this "good Christian" lie? Any ideas as to why that person might be doing that?

I do know that there was a guy who came around a campus ministry I was involved in way back in the troglodyte era that tried to act like a Christian, but was mainly there to put the move on us girls. He didn't really last all that long.
Wow! Some great responses here. How awesome!

I'm going to contradict myself a few times, because I can fall in the trap of looking around at church. Usually, I'm convicted at some point that if I'm looking at what anyone else is doing or not getting out of it, my heart is not in the right place. We gather in worship to adore our God and to be strengthened to live the life. If we're getting side-tracked by what others are doing, I think the focus has somehow been placed upon ourselves.

InHisHands, I think I get what you're saying. Sometimes, I get frustrated because I desperately want people to feel the zeal for the Lord that I have come to feel, and it just seems like they're checking the box or going through the motions. But really... that this point, it's all about me; not the Lord. Ultimately, our focus should be Vertical, not horizontal. Yes, we're gathered for the purpose of communing with each other, but that means we draw upon the support of our brothers and sisters; not fix ourselves on what we think they are doing there.

I would say if you're finding yourself looking at what anyone else is doing there, actively try to focus your heart on the Lord so that you don't even see what's happening around you. Just you and the Lord. That's a great place to be!
Interesting, not one of you understood me. Maybe it was the phrase put God in a box. I'm refering to people who have the outward trappings of Christianity and yet Mon through Sat, live lives where they, lie, cheat and Back stab people. By the way I only attend church once a month.

I know what you mean, I'm just not sure it's a safe way to think. That's all.
Heck I know plenty folks that don't live up to "the standard", but we have to look in the mirror too. When pastors bring this same topic up in sermons sometimes, they are challenging us to look at ourselves, not our brothers.

There is nothing inherently wrong with what your thinking or saying. We've all thought it, said it and been there, but in the end what do you do? You reconcile it the only way you can and realize that we are all that way to one degree or another.

Off topic a bit, but what is a good Christian friend to you? Someone who just agrees with what you think and say, or someone who is willing to hold you accountable in a biblical way to your thoughts and expressions, risking even your feelings or relationship for something bigger than both? I'd say the latter, because If I can think better about something, I want to know, and I count on my better friends to hold me accountable. With that, I come here for that sometimes. This forum is about that I think. We are all brothers and sisters in Christ. We are of the same family
Good replies everyone. i'm glad you all care about my well being as a Christian. Yes I do soul search often. A friend of ours was a pastor in a different church. His wife took up with the assistant pastor and divorced him. He lost his job because he was divorced. It was in his contract. The assistant pastor that took his wife got the job. The church leaders don't seem to have a problem with him breaking up a marriage. Jim has walked away from Christianity .Now you can see where Im coming from.
Good replies everyone. i'm glad you all care about my well being as a Christian. Yes I do soul search often. A friend of ours was a pastor in a different church. His wife took up with the assistant pastor and divorced him. He lost his job because he was divorced. It was in his contract. The assistant pastor that took his wife got the job. The church leaders don't seem to have a problem with him breaking up a marriage. Jim has walked away from Christianity .Now you can see where Im coming from.

I guess so. I'm surprised though that a man of God "So to speak" (I mean anyone who has a relationship with God), would walk away from a faith when he needs it the most.

In my last church I was involved in a lot of volunteer work. It was a "mega-church" and I knew all the pastors pretty well and what sort of went on behind the scenes.

We had this one associate pastor who left his wife and hooked up with a woman (a member) involved in the singles group which he lead! If that where not a scandal the way he left his wife was even worse.

They where going to sell their home and many possessions and be missionaries in Kosovo. She went first and then he called her from the US with his news, and that included that he was not coming. I'm not sure what he's doing today but his ministry days ended after that phone call.

His wife/ex-wife. Stayed in Kosovo for four years serving God and working as she planed.


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