Of course I know that. Peter started to sink which tells us the water did not change.
Your premise ignores the fact that for a while Peter stood on the water and that Christ did not sink ... that the deciding factor was FAITH and apparently not the properties of gravity and relative density of Pete and the water.
Aside: I was at the dead sea once ... add a little more water and I bet I could walk on it ....j/k
Yeah, for the sake of argument .. I concede that the property of things rarely changes. So, rather than continue down this tangent let's stipulate that the properties of things do not change (aside: as I recall the properties of matter change as they approach the speed of light as do their experience of time relative to things that stay relatively still.... but, as I said, for a practical matter the property of things rarely changes)
Now the water does not change if God parts it.
Well, for sake of argument and because to the rarity... I have always conceded the properties of things rarely change so I won't continue down that track as it was always a tangential issue.
God does not say he did such. He actually says we can and ought to seek Him.
Agreed.... but the statement do not answer the crux of the matter. Why can we seek Him.
You say FREE WILL, I say God changed our desires causing us to seek Him.
Well, properties were "assigned" at creation, that is in genesis. Not conception.
Fine... all properties were assigned at creation .... A leads to B leads to C ...... to Z to a person being born. It's complex but God starts the ball rolling and all things occur as dependent on preset properties (also know as deism IMO per aside below) ... that's your stance IMO. I don't agree, but I won't belabor the point further.
Aside: What is deism and what to deists believe ...
Aside 2: I have to put in IMO a lot in case the staff wishes to ostracize me for not being 100% accurate in my understanding of your stances. I fully admit I am not god-like, that I do make mistakes or the person communication could be the issue or whatever (there... giggle ... I hopefully protected my legal butt ... I know you wouldn't accuse me of this ... just a safety aside and hopefully added levity)
His will is not done on the earth and he was not manipulate the variables
Premise 1: Matthew 6:10 Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
Premise 2: All of Christ's requests to God are granted because He is God (He's basically asking Himself)
Conclusion: God's sovereign will is done on earth
Please provide scripture showing God's will is not followed. I grant His moral will like we should not sin is not done, but His sovereign will overrides his moral instructions and thus sin, for instance, is allowed.
Psalm 115:3 "Our God is in the heavens: he has done whatsoever he has pleased,". ...not he has done whatsoever he has pleased [as determined by the properties of things He created in the beginning (deism)]
What? You freely make choices every day of you life and you do not see that free will is real?
Agreed, we make choices everyday. Our bone of contention is WHAT CAUSES US TO MAKE CHOICES. You said (correct me if I am wrong) ... you said external stimulus (I agree) and self-determination. Where in scripture does it say we can choose based of self-determination? Your mind, your being was created by God (you seem to say that your self-determination was created by properties that do not change as initially set by God in Adam and creation and then pass through the generations to you (deism) so you are not FREE; rather, your will has been determined by previous events and unchangeable properties that determine the future, your will. Assuming I understand you, it seems your will is not self-determined ... but determined by properties working through out time.
No, properties are used in the scientific sense. We are not talking about losing weight which is changing your "properties" as you use it above or coloring your hair or cutting it all off. That is changing your "properties" if you will and yes we can. He does sometimes oppose people and in the Bible he tells which ones. It is best to find this out and determine not to be one who he opposes such that their plans are of no effect.
Hmmm ... not sure I understand .... so immutable properties pertain to matter only. Is that what you mean? Like, 99.9999% of the time I agree to that.
Our will is not a property, our will can change? (which I agree to by the way. The crux of the matter IMO is what is the cause of it change.
giggles ... I am getting lost in the minutia
No, science endeavors to find truth. It is not = truth.
Agreed ...
anecdote: and yet the most important truth of all .... that there is a God, this cannot be proven by science. Science has a lot to learn.
Aside: I misread something you said and mistakenly thought you said "science is truth". Phew, possible accidental ToS violation. My bad
Aside: Gee, you are as long-winded as I am. It would help me greatly if you weren't so smart (satire).