Well that is really cool but now everybody around here knows your last name. I don't think that is a very smart idea.

Just imho. Anyways, welcome to another edition of tonight's news everybody. I'm sorry that this is really late but I had a really busy day today cleaning up the house and getting ready for company. Anyways, thankfully it's a really rather short news report tonight.
First of all in tonight's news, the state of New Jersey has (thankfully) banned the use of wild animals from being used in circuses. Here's more of the information.
And police officers in Brunswick Ohio helped rescue a deer that was stuck in a soccer net. Here's more of the details.
And also a retired canine officer who previously had been dumped at a shelter has recently gotten a second chance. Here's more on the story.
Also, the largest diamond in North America was recently located in Canada. Here's more on the story.

And a trucker saved some dogs that were thrown from a vehicle on a New York highway. (Man I just can't stand animal abuse! :mad) Here's more.
And also a man from Shaker Heights Ohio was caught on camera throwing a rock into a window and stealing the register of a restaurant. Here's more of the information.
Finally in tonight's news, be sure to check the skies this weekend for an amazing and beautiful sight.
That's all for tonight's news ladies and gentlemen! Bedtime for me.