Well at least you admit your fallible and limited to opinion from your own understanding. Very good.
Of course I can. But can you?
Well then we can assume your interpretation of the Scripture is no better than anyone elses. I must also assume you include self in the "imperfection of men".
I include everyone - that's why we need a saviour ;)
However Mary Poppins was "practically perfect in every way" so I bet her interpretation would be close to truth. What do you think as an imperfect interpreter? Maybe this is why Peter said no scripture is up for personal interpretation.
Mary poppins is a fictional character. Unless you know something that I don't know? Are you Mary Poppins?
I am not sure why you keep bring up a "catholic friend". Is that an attempt to goad me?
I'm trying to show you that even a catholic can believe in something that other catholics do not. He's entitled to his opinion, even if it differs from yours. He may be right - he may be wrong! That's why I don't put my faith in MEN ;)
Again everyone has an opinion. Why are you special? because your is unsubstanciated?
Did I say I was special? I cannot substanciate my claims because I don't know enough about it...doesn't mean it can't be substanciated - just that I CAN'T!!.
I like to debate facts not peoples pridefilled opinions. Can we please debates facts and not nebulas opines? If not the conversation will end abruptly.
Then end it! Do it! I you dont' feel like debated anything other than fact then have a good time debating with yourself - since you seem to think you're the only one with facts.
Are you impling I lost my salvation when I said "yes" to Jesus Christ in the Holy Orthodox Church? Why is my desire to raise my children in a Godly community such a threat to your providing my salvation? Who are you to judge my salvation, lady?
Actually I was merely asking you a question. Again, you've read into it more than I put there. Is that how you read your bible? I hope not. The question still stands...where you saved when you were an evangelical Christian? The answer is a simple yes or no Orthodoxy.
Ahh so do you get it? You are insisting the Holy Spirit cannot keep and perserve the faith delievered by the saints and recorded in the bible it would appear to me. Are you?
I'm coming in that direction perhaps...but only because I can't have it both ways Orthodoxy...and neither can you. I can't say that the Holy Spirit of God can preserve my salvation and keep me as His Child until the last day in one breath...then in the next breath say...Oh but the Holy Spirit can't keep scripture! I don't like hypocracy...and if I see myself doing it, I check myself. Do you?
Interesting how an infallible bible can have errors at all. umm Makes me wonder if words mean anything these days.
Would one be able to read the bible and understand it without the Holy Spirit? What about when people look up concordances and history etc to get a deeper understanding? Why do they do that? Isn't the bible good enough?
Then I am saved in the Holy Orthodox Church regardless of your condemnations and insinuations to the contrary. Very Good.
So you agree with me on that point then? One cannot lose their salvation because that means that the Holy Spirit failed?
Sounds good to me Merry. If this is true then God will keep and save me regardless of my ignorance in being Orthodox Christian. Does this invalidate your low opinion of me?
I did not have a low opinion of your status in regards to salvation Orthodoxy. You see, I don't judge you like you judge me. I've always maintained that I don't judge people as to whether they are going to heaven or hell. I give people the benefit of the doubt, most times. But the point here is that God is able to preserve his children to salvation...and it seems you are agreeing with me. I hope I'm seeing what I'm seeing and not what you want me to see.
Yes, I am a man. I understand your implication. Us lower than whale poo men just dont get it. Is it possible your "man" is in the way? Why is my man in the way and yours is not? Maybe if your man got out of the way we could agree, is that possible?
All men! What's with the paranoia? If I wanted to accuse you of something then I'll out and out do it...I'm not into pussy footing around and sugar coating. The fact is - MAN IN GENERAL gets in the way. It's mine and it's yours - but so what? Do you believe in Jesus? Great!!! So do I!!!! Yay for us! *jumps up and down* We are fellow believers then. The finer points of doctrine don't really matter if we have the fundementals of belief in tact! Yay for us...we can unite and fellowship together in Jesus name!
So lets talk about Jesus. What has he done in your life? He's wonderful isn't he? And God is so awesome! I can't get enough of him right now.....
Apparently your man doesnt get in the way and everyone elses does so you must be right and everyone else should believe what you believe. OK.
Doesn't he? Since when? Who told you that rubbish? Has my mother been talking to you? ;) Just kidding. Seriously, you really need to quit with the assumptions.
No question that is why I obey and submit to those that rule over me in the Church as commanded by scripture. I do not like leaning on my own understanding. I did that for 33 years as a protestant. It doesnt work.
What? No comment on how I just admitted that I stuff up and need kicking up the butt by God? Ooookay!
Anyway, friend, I try not to lean on my own understanding either. I also don't lean on ANY MAN'S understanding. Even those who have rule over me. The Lord is my shepherd and he's the one who will guide and teach me. I'm through with being taught by man and his understanding.
Well at least your honest in saying you dont know and your putting your head in the sand on this one but I still maintain the question is valid because God is One not many.
Yeh I put my head in the sand but I can assure you, Christ, who is abiding in me...his ears are pricked up. I've learned a long time ago to take my hands off of things I don't understand and give it over to Christ. When I did that - I was freed from bondage...LITERALLY!!!
hahaha well dirt is brown so I guess I am a brown piece of dirt. Maybe a what is floating in the waters of New Orleans will help you get a visual.
eeeeew no thanks. I much prefer visualising you as 'pink' lint - I like pink. Do you like pink? Or is pink a bit girlie for you? Ok blue then ;)
Your opinion of this "christian" brother is reaching new heights.
Is it? Or maybe it's the same as it's always been...and you just didn't see it because you were too busy doing other things.
You did say God is able to keep this poor past saved man saved in the Orthodox Church, correct? It would appear you just dont like the Orthodox way of worshipping God even though I am saved, is this the real reason you dont like me?
When did I say I didn't like you? I don't like the Orthodox way..no..but that doesn't mean I don't like you. It is possible to separate the person from their beliefs you know.
Then you agree something is amiss if your Holy Spirit is saying things contrary to what the Holy Spirit is saying in the Holy Orthodox Church. It is good we agree something is terrible wrong if the Holy Spirit in you disagrees with the Holy Spirit in the eternal Church of Jesus Christ.
But we can both agree on one thing! God is the almighty...the trinity. Christ is our saviour and we love God right? We can agree on this...there is nothing terribly wrong when we can agree and see God as the wonderful, couscellor, the might God, the prince of peace...etc etc. Right?
God's testimony is to preach the gospel world wide. It seems to me if you only care about you then that is violating the great commission.
Am I? Or am I preaching the gospel...then leaving their salvation for God to take care of and not trying to save them myself? What do you think? Do you think we should be poking our nose into God's business? Or only do what we are commisioned to do and allow God to do the rest?
But as long as you make it to your seat in the Kingdom that is all that matters to me. If I get there before you I will save you a seat, no on second thought, you take mine.
Friend, we are already seated in heavenly places - God has saved our seats and we are already there. The Kindom of God is within me.
Do you think that your puppy dog face will work at the great judgement seat in the sky?
No it won't - that's why I'm relying on Christ beautiful face
Well that did not answer my question but I understand your position of wanting God in your image and likeness.
Making assumptions again dear Orthodoxy? Shame on you! ;)
Really? Even if I didn't actually say yes? Is that how you approach God? "I'll take that as a yes...God...ok?" I hope not!
An interesting gnostic view of God and His Kingdom you holdfast to in your Christian faith. Of course He must have had evil ol' flesh because He came forth from that evil woman Mary. That only plays to common sense huh?
dum de dum de dum de dum! *Looks at orthodoxy sideways and asks* Are you a mind reader? 'Tis amazing how much information you get from nothing LOL
Inquiring minds what to know.
Do they? Ok then - whatever you reckon!
I suppose if a donkey can talk, idiots can be saved. Lucky me, eh?
Are you a donkey? Good grief!! I've been speaking to a donkey all this time - well who would have thunk it eh? ;)
Just believe baby! Maybe God is an Oakland Raiders fan?
What's 'oakland raiders'?
I agree even an unlearn idiot like myself who converted to the Orthodox faith can be saved. Whew.
Well good...cos' we're both in the same boat then - gee Orthodoxy we agree with more than we thought ;)
I have no clue but if you are like my wife then you are practically perfect in every way. Surely you are heads over this idiot man.
No I'm not like your wife then - I'm not perfect.
That darn leaning on ones own understanding can lead to that getting stuff wrong thing.
Yeh annoying isn't it?
Your special because you over came some malidy or addiction. I am happy for you.
No, I'm an overcomer in Jesus. And it's only through Jesus was I able to overcome anything in my life.
Well enough for now this idiot needs to get ready to enter the Church and pray God will reveal things to me as He has to you. Ever wonder why Jesus plays favorites and doesnt reveal the same thing to all people so they can agree on something concerning the Christian faith?
Not favourites but he does recognise the differences in people and from whence he came. He knows how to handle certain people and he knows how to love them all...in his way. And for that I'm grateful to him because if he didn't - then I'd be dead!