Hello Joe, I'm not disputing anyone's theological reasons, for or against, infant baptism. I have no desire for such a debate. My point was that A-Christian stated as fact that the early church practiced infant baptism and I believe this statement to be a half-truth. I believe adherants to believers baptism can quote ECF's also. That was my sole point.
In regard to my references,
Justin Martyr--First Apology "As many as are persuaded and believe that what we teach is true, and undertake to confirm their lives to our doctrine, are instructed to fast and pray, and entreat from God the remission of their past sins, we fasting and praying with them. They are then conducted by us to a place where there is water..." Chapter LXI-Christian Baptism
Tertullian "On Baptism"
Chapter 18--Of the persons to whom, and the time when, Baptism is to be administered
As I said, I have no desire to debate infant baptism. I believe both these early writings teach believers baptism.
Edited to add: PM me if you disagree and I'll stay out of this thread. I'd like to hear your thoughts.
God bless, Ray