The trouble is, that most people can't think for themselves. They automatically look to people who have done what their teachers wanted and completed coursework to receive letters after their names. Then once a person receives his diploma he is considered an instant expert in the field in which he majored, even if the teachers gave him false information. Then people say; "yeah, yeah, this guy knows what his talking about", instead of seeing that the person has only taken the first stept toward getting a decent-paying job!
So people who don't believe in God are up the creek without a paddle because they don't know who to believe; today's sciencists or tomorrow's sciencists who correct today's sciencists. And since scientists all disagree with each other even in the same generation, then people are really in the dark!
But concerning evolution, all it takes is basic logic and observation of reality to see what apes and humans breed. And that's why Jesus said to come to him as little children who instincitively understand the reality around them. They do not analyze, twist and distort reality. They simply observe it.
So people who don't believe in God are up the creek without a paddle because they don't know who to believe; today's sciencists or tomorrow's sciencists who correct today's sciencists. And since scientists all disagree with each other even in the same generation, then people are really in the dark!
But concerning evolution, all it takes is basic logic and observation of reality to see what apes and humans breed. And that's why Jesus said to come to him as little children who instincitively understand the reality around them. They do not analyze, twist and distort reality. They simply observe it.