Right. And if you just keep repeating "2 plus 2 is 5", one day it will "get through."
I've never repeated such nonsense. I've repeated what Scripture says.
Repeating your error over and over does not cause your error to become truth.
Your claim; not so much.
You consistently say that verses which clearly refute your error do not say what they actually do say. What am I supposed to do with that?
Because they DON'T say what is being claimed that they mean, take it for what it is; good advice.
No one from your side has been able to provide ANY verses that out and out plainly say that salvation can be lost. That is a fact.
Agree with you that 2+2=5????
No, of course not. That would be the height of stupidity.
Here's what should be agreed with:
1. Eternal life is a gift of God - Rom 6:23
2. Eternal life is received on the basis of believing in Jesus Christ - John 5:24, 6:40
3. God's gifts are irrevocable - Rom 11:29
4. Jesus said that those He gives eternal life WILL NEVER PERISH - John 10:28
These are Scriptural facts. They should be agreed with. Otherwise, one will be in disagreement with Scripture. That's as clear as this:
1 + 1 = 2.
Sadly, those who disagree with me will very likely NOT even address these Scriptural facts.
And I do not judge you at all. I assume that you are a brother in Christ on your way to eternal life in the age to come. You have, unfortunately, bought that part of Calvin's heresy.
iakov the fool
I disagree as much with parts of Calvinism as I do with parts of Arminianism.
Can you address these 4 FACTS of Scripture that I've just listed and prove how they are NOT facts of Scripture, or that these FACTS don't teach eternal life?
That would be most helpful, because I don't want to be in error any more than you do.
Those who have the truth of God's Word in their hearts should be able to refute heresy and rather easily. So, please do refute whatever in this list of 4 FACTS are heresy. I would actually appreciate it.
But what usually happens is that my FACTS and points are ignored and more so-called proof texts are given, or the same ones repeated over and over. With not so much as any exegesis at all. Which helps nothing at all.