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Is Discussion on Theology helping anyone?


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Ed the Ned

The question seems stupid. Off course we need to discuss Gods Word and how we can become closer to Christ through a better understanding of His Word. I have spent some time looking at the discussion and I am not seeing anyone change their point of view over a point someone has raised. We all seem content with the theological pathway we chose when becoming followers of Christ.
The question seems stupid. Off course we need to discuss Gods Word and how we can become closer to Christ through a better understanding of His Word. I have spent some time looking at the discussion and I am not seeing anyone change their point of view over a point someone has raised. We all seem content with the theological pathway we chose when becoming followers of Christ.
I went from a pre tribber to a partial preterist
I have spent some time looking at the discussion and I am not seeing anyone change their point of view over a point someone has raised. We all seem content with the theological pathway we chose when becoming followers of Christ.
We grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord. 2 Pet 3:18, and according to Isa 28:10, I do believe it comes precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little, and it is God's work in us to will, and to do of His good pleasure. Php 2:13.

I came out of Catholicism, 1st Baptist, and fought against receiving the Holy Spirit evidenced by speaking in tongues until it occurred in me. What you say here or wherever you testify may be one of testimonies God uses for someone to have a new understanding of His word.
I have tried not to be critical on many theological debates and often had to take the plank out of my own eye, (try and figure out what bothered me about a particular way of thinking) before i could discuss certain points. I have found it a difficult road to travel in the last few years and have found little benefit in debating points when very few people, including myself, change from the doctrine or theology taught by their local minister at their local church. I find myself often questioning what I am taught in my local church. I am still unsure on pretrib and preterist, I can say for sure I am not a full preterist.
"What you say here or wherever you testify may be one of testimonies God uses for someone to have a new understanding of His word."
I appreciate that Eugene.
I have found it a difficult road to travel in the last few years and have found little benefit in debating points when very few people, including myself, change from the doctrine or theology taught by their local minister at their local church.
There is an old axiom that says "A person convinced against their will is of the same opinion still." :)
This Apologetic and Theological discussion/debate section and some of what goes on here has helped me to understand the Theological positions/views that other people who participate hold and why they hold them (that is if they actually will participate). If they hold views that differ from mine, I look into why they hold them (that is if they are prepared and willing to defend their differing positions) and whether their views are Scripturally and logically justified (or not). Namely are their differing Theo-logical views both godly and logical to a larger degree than mine, anyway. And I've found many that are just that. So, yes it's been helpful for that reason. More so in years past, though I have to admit.

Additionally, it's been helpful in testing whether my Theological views/positions are Theo-logical (Based on God's Word and yes logical). I might 'throw something out there', so-to-speak, just to see what others have to say about it. So yes, it's been helpful from that respect as well.

Frankly though, the participation in actual Theo-logical study/discussion/debate forum (the study of God through His Word, the discussion, and yes the logical debate [which is something done throughout the Bible by prophets, Jesus and His apostles] has not been that great lately and on decline over the last several months (if not years). When/if people get personal and will not answer relevant and logical questions with Scriptural justification, I don't really get much out of it. For me, participation here, has about run it's course.
The question seems stupid. Off course we need to discuss Gods Word and how we can become closer to Christ through a better understanding of His Word. I have spent some time looking at the discussion and I am not seeing anyone change their point of view over a point someone has raised. We all seem content with the theological pathway we chose when becoming followers of Christ.

I changed my view on a couple things. I was a hard core pre-tribber...but the mid and post tribbers made a very good case for it...and caused me to self examine and pray. I did not change my mind because of what they said. (for I think I am smart! Lol) What it did do is cause me to seek God on it for any type of confirmation...Well, I got it.

There will be no pre trib rapture. It was a revelation from God so is totally unacceptable here.

The other thing is...I was a bible answer man. If it isn't in scripture, then it's bunk.

Now I know better, and the scriptures themselves tell us this! (those are explained away too by other obstinate bible answer folks!)

The Word IS important, make no mistake about that. It is the primary way that the Lord speaks to us. It is the primary way that we rightly divide the new truths that God is revealing to His people in these end times. (does that sound like something that Jesus would say?)

But it shows us the path to God. At a certain point, one comes to realize, hey, there's got to be more to it. And there is. It is by the Holy Spirit and revelation. Only if we be still and know that He is God, will He pour out His Spirit upon us and teach us to walk in Him. Not in the word, in HIM.

Now that type of thinking is immediately rejected here. It's occultish, it is wacko, it is new-age. Unbelief can only be comfortable in unbelief if it first gets the truth out of the room.
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When we come to discuss amongst the brethren (includes us sisters also) we need to be opened minded to what one is presenting and why they believe the way they do. Some are diggers in the word of God and others just allow their Pastors teach them taking everything they teach to be Gospel truths. Our relationship with Christ is a personal one and so should be our studying His word if we are truly hearing the Holy Spirit teach us all things God wants us to learn, John 14:26. It should never be of our own logical understanding, but knowing when we are gathered together we need to take the scriptures given and read them for ourselves asking the Holy Spirit to confirm that of what we hear is truth or error, 1 John 4:1-6.

Others can bring light to the word where we might have missed it and many times after studying the supporting scriptures of what one believes and presents to us has helped me change my position of what I believed at one time. The important thing is that we walk in love and display that love in all areas of the forums even though we might not always agree with each other. Discussions are good until they turn into heated arguments which brings no glory to God and bears no fruit.
I don't believe anyone can claim to know it all. I look at myself as a babe in Christ and these discussions, when opponents treat each other with respect, help me grow in my own understanding and faith. It's only when those involved begin to take personal potshots at each other that I begin to lose interest and the threads lose the ability to edify. By learning from these discussions I have gained confidence enough to question even sometimes things that our pastor has said. In fact, this past Sunday I shared a different viewpoint to something our pastor said during his sermon message. We discussed it for a while and he admitted that he could have phrased what he said a little differently. Knowing him, it will not surprise me if he makes the correction next week.

We are to take care not to be tossed to and fro on the winds of doctrine and so it is logical that change will come only with time. Time to think about what has been shared, meditating on it with respect to the Scriptures, and with prayer for guidance.
The question seems stupid. Off course we need to discuss Gods Word and how we can become closer to Christ through a better understanding of His Word. I have spent some time looking at the discussion and I am not seeing anyone change their point of view over a point someone has raised. We all seem content with the theological pathway we chose when becoming followers of Christ.
You could expand that question to, "Does any participation on any Christian forum (not just this site) help anyone?" I have distinctly mixed feelings about that. I have yet to see any Christian forum, or even any forum that was devoted to spirituality in general, that could reasonably be described as a place of "fellowship." Mostly they tend to be very poor advertisements for Christianity and the fruits of the Holy Spirit.

In an unsuccessful attempt to keep supposed Christians from viciously attacking each other, one large site has fragmented itself into so many sub-forums that you can find a sub-forum to hang out with your fellow "Former Baptists who don't believe in the Virgin Birth, do believe in the Rapture, and aren't sure about the Trinity" - but you'll still find your little safe haven regularly infiltrated by those who do believe in the Virgin Birth and attack you. Here, the same attempt takes the form of aggressive moderation - but still, how many threads turn into embarrassments for Christian fellowship and end up being deleted, closed or riddled with red-letter warnings (while some of the moderators themselves regularly commit the same sins)?

A big part of the problem is that every forum such as this is such a mishmash of intelligence levels, educational levels, years as a Christian, depths of faith, levels of understanding and whatnot that it's essentially like throwing a cockroach, a rabbit, a rattlesnake, an elephant and an orangutan into a room and hoping it somehow all works out. Just as at a cocktail party, the discussions are often dominated by those who are simply the loudest and most aggressive but who are pretty clearly lacking in maturity and depth of understanding and have the least to say. Yet everyone is entitled to his or her say, everyone's opinion looks the same on the screen. (One excellent idea on another site at which I used to participate was to limit each poster to no more than three posts per day.)

These problems are exacerbated by the fact that everyone here, including Runner, is to some degree an Internet persona, not a real person. You don't really know anyone here, even if you exchange 400 private messages. The anonymity is counterproductive in two ways - it encourages posters to say things they would never say face-to-face, and it encourages responses that fail to consider that behind that Internet persona is a real person with real feelings and problems. Nevertheless, cliques inevitably form and tend to dominate, just as they do in groups of real people.

If a Christian is sincerely interested in examining his views or understanding a particular doctrine, an Internet forum is not the place to do it. There are Christian scholars who actually know what they are talking about. There are Christian resources that are actually authoritative. If someone were seriously interested in substance, an Internet forum is just about the least-efficient, least-effective way to get it.

No, a forum such as this, even with a weighty title like "Theology," is basically just entertainment, a social outlet. This is why longer posts, such as Runner tends to write, are not too popular - people want the forum equivalent of Tweets or Facebook "friends."

Are views changed? There have been a few occasions where one of the more thoughtful posters - mostly people who no longer seem to be here - has actually made me think and sharpened my own perspective, but those have been few and far between.

My purposes in participating on a forum such as this are twofold: One, to hone my own views. I am writing mostly to and for Runner. If someone else gains something from my posts, which I hope they do but can't control, so much the better. Two, I regard the Runner persona as my "ministry" to the Christian community and a form of entertainment for me. Runner is sincere, but in a gadfly sort of way ("A gadfly is a person who interferes with the status quo of a society or community by posing novel, potently upsetting questions, usually directed at authorities. The term is originally associated with the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates, in his defense when on trial for his life."). When someone sternly informs me that I am "not even a Christian" and have been relegated to Ignore status, as someone did last week, I know my "ministry" has been effective.

Those two things are the "help" I get from participating on a forum. If I actually learn something, that's a bonus.

The best piece of forum-participation advice I ever heard - and I wish I could remember to abide by it - was from Christian author Elyse Fitzpatrick, She said she had learned to post precisely once on a thread and move on - never go back to see what others had said about what she had said, never engage in discussion or debate. If posters followed this rule, and were limited to no more than three posts per day, I think you would have a much better chance at a forum that was a better advertisement for Christianity and actually had some meat to it. This will never happen because, for most participants, Internet forums are primarily a social outlet and the mix of personalities is unlike anything you'd ever assemble in the real world.
The question seems stupid. Off course we need to discuss Gods Word and how we can become closer to Christ through a better understanding of His Word. I have spent some time looking at the discussion and I am not seeing anyone change their point of view over a point someone has raised. We all seem content with the theological pathway we chose when becoming followers of Christ.
It's always a help to me to hear POV of others, examine my own, and learn of things I either didn't know before or simply hadn't considered. Usually a theology topic send me running to the Word and doing a lot of thinking. Over the years my views have changed. Not on CF but who know? Someday?
I get almost nothing from the rubbish that is often shoveled back and forth. But, I HAVE found sites and authors (or specific books.) mentioned here that have proven to be real gems.
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Those who read and reply, might already have their mind made up. And reply to agree or to disagree. Those who don't reply aren't recoginized (how could they be it's unknown if anyone reads it in less they reply) but they might be considering the words they read.
I get almost nothing from the rubbish that is often shoveled back and forth. But, I HAVE found sites and authors (or specific books.) mentioned here that have proved to be real gems.
Yeah, most of it is discouraging. Depends on who is posting. Some here provide gems.
dirtfarmer here

I quess that my knoggin is a little thick. There are those that post here that I may read a few lines and then go on to some other post and then there are those that I respond to and discuss with the poster to try to understand scripture more clearly.

The thing that we must understand is that if we base what we believe on what others teach and don't study them for ourselves, then our beliefs are base on doctrine of man and not on scripture. Even though their teaching may be correct, we need to base our beliefs on Spirit knowledge not on man's knowledge.

One though that came to my mind as I read this post is: When a believer dies does he walk on the street of gold or does he rest in Jesus until the resurrection and then ascend to the golden street of heaven and meet the others that have died in Jesus?
The question seems stupid. Off course we need to discuss Gods Word and how we can become closer to Christ through a better understanding of His Word. I have spent some time looking at the discussion and I am not seeing anyone change their point of view over a point someone has raised. We all seem content with the theological pathway we chose when becoming followers of Christ.
Maybe consider John 5:39
I believe sites like CFnet are a logical landing place for these types of people:
  • Intense about their faith, more so than your average believer
  • Strong in their convictions
  • Often having fringe beliefs that are more easily stated on this platform
  • Ready for debate
  • Filled with keyboard courage
Not everyone who joins CFnet has these characteristics, but a higher percentage than you find in all of the Church. Babes and seekers come, but they rarely get involved in forums like the Theology Forum.

I believe there is also pride at work in most members who post. We don't like to admit we might have had it wrong in front of an audience. The human condition on display.
I believe sites like CFnet are a logical landing place for these types of people:
  • Intense about their faith, more so than your average believer
  • Strong in their convictions
  • Often having fringe beliefs that are more easily stated on this platform
  • Ready for debate
  • Filled with keyboard courage
Not everyone who joins CFnet has these characteristics, but a higher percentage than you find in all of the Church. Babes and seekers come, but they rarely get involved in forums like the Theology Forum.

I believe there is also pride at work in most members who post. We don't like to admit we might have had it wrong in front of an audience. The human condition on display.
Very good observation Mike.
I guess I have all except the third.
Joined for fellowship...guess the rest is normal.
Boy oh boy.
Knowledge of God.
How does it come?:
By the Word written in stone alone?
By the Word becoming creation?
By the Word becoming Jesus?
By Jesus becoming a quickening spirit?
By the law placed in hearts and minds?
By the words that flow out of our belly?

Is it New every morning?
Do we wait for his faithfulness?
Do we see the results of the Spirit?

Mississippi rednecks just try and leave no stone unturned. Knowing God. Where do we look for knowledge?


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