He was crucified on the Friday the day before the Sabbath.
He rose on the First day of the week Sunday. The Lords Day.
Now after the Sabbath, as the first day of the week began to dawn, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to see the tomb.
Matthew 28:1
Forgetting the Old Testament typology of the first Passover in Egypt, ....if I remember correctly, Jesus said, when asked for a sign, the sign was to be the sign of Jonah, three days and three nights in the tomb.
So lets count the nights,
Friday night, .........that's
one night.
Saturday night, .........that's
two nights.
And like you said He
rose on Sunday.
Where I live 1 + 1 = 2, .....not 3!
So you must be implying Jesus was either unsure Himself or He was lying?
No......, let's look at the Old Testament typology of the first passover in Egypt.
You said the first day of the week is Sunday, God told Moses to choose a Passover Lamb on the 14th of Nisan and to kill it four days later, if Jesus presented Himself as the Jewish Messiah on the
first day of the week, which you say is
Let's count four days,
Sunday, .....
first day,
Monday, .......
second day,
third day,
fourth day,
and a Jewish day starts at sunset and ends at sunset 24 hours later,
if I can count correctly that means the Last Supper and Arrest of Jesus was Wednesday night, after 6:00 PM, His trail, scourging and crucifixion was (what we call) Thursday morning, at 3:00 Pm Thursday afternoon he gave up His spirit and died..............,
let's do the math,
Thursday night, .........night
Friday night, ..........night
Saturday night, ..........night
Thursday, .....day
Friday, ........day
Saturday, ......day
Me thinks Jesus knew what He was talking about, ...three days and three nights.