Yep, still confused. It's probably just a matter of the slight difference in the meanings of the two words or that the words can have a few meanings...I guess.
You've heard the term...."Bride of Christ"?, or "Body of Christ"?
Have you ever been deeply in love,...... body, soul, mind,?
Have you ever been betrayed by the object of your love?
God has.., and so has Jesus.
God, "so loved the world, that he gave"... one Son to create others.
God is all about family, and he is all about relationship, and he is all about faithfulness and fidelity.
God has feelings, and it hurts when the love he gives is rejected.
This is especially painful if you created the love, you created the feelings, you created the "image" of yourself and named it Adam, and you watched it all turn away.
The wonder of God's love, is that he still keeps on loving, forgiving, accepting.