Slevin said:
I had to take a hiatus from this discussion because I couldn't stop laughing.
Dad, even if the bible is a spiritual book does not mean that you have support from this spiritual book to back up your contentions.
Of course I do.
They are not observing the present when they look far away. No assumption, as it isn't evident there were any separate states.[/quote]
Millions of people believe that they are not separate. Angels not marrying women doesn't mean that the world is separate.
The angels and spirits still can visit here, so that may be what you mean. Obviously, I do not expect to sell airline tickets to angels, or rebt them a suite. They are not of this world. Jesus went to heaven, which was not here. If it was not seperate, He would not need to go anywhere. Think about it.
And guess what, hypotheses ARE a part of science! Wow!!
Not ones that can't be tested, observed, or evidenced! Not observations of ghosts! Not how things work in the far future! There are real and present limits to science, this is simple fact.
Hmmm, from those sites:
"We now believe..."
"The Sun will last about 5 billion years as it is now..."
"Yup. About 5 billions years from now, according to our best theories of the way stars get older"
Hmm...sounds more like hypotheses and theorizing, rather than FACT.
They are claims. They are in schools, and documentaries, and millions of books, and sites. Almost always presented as statements of fact. That is the con.
Nope, it's pretty evident that the past was the same.
That is why this thread exists, for people like you to prove and evidence, and support their claims. Not just talk the talk, but walk the walk. Prove the past was the same state with science, or be exposed as having made a false claim. It is, literally, actually, and only, an assumption! Nothing more.
No, you don't have spiritual evidences.
The fact we know of a spiritual is spiritual evidence. Most men believe in some form of spiritual. It is a known factor. Well known. Then, in the sub set of bible believers, over the ages, we have our own proofs, miracles, and other reasons to know that the spiritual is real. Then, we have the Great Spirit, that wrote the biggest seller in history, the bible. A spiritual book, only understood by men with spiritual minds. And, I have a great bible case. For staryers it clearly states several times that this is a universe that will pass away. Temporary. It also tells of a different past, and future.
False, I don't ignore the spiritual, you just assume I do. There is not different state of the universe in the past or the future or you'd be able to show evidence of it.
In english, then, do you believe in a real spiritual world?? Like heaven?
False. Look into it. Science deals with anything empirical.
"A central concept in science and the scientific method is that all evidence must be empirical, or empirically based, that is, dependent on evidence or consequences that are
observable by the senses. That is, empirical data is data that is produced by
experiment or observation."
That rules out the spiritual.
"Fields of science are commonly classified along two major lines:
Natural sciences, which study
natural phenomena, including biological life;
Social sciences, which study
human behavior and societies
These fields are empirical sciences, which means the knowledge must be based on observable phenomena and capable of being tested for its validity by other researchers working under the same conditions."
cannot approach the supernatural; see scientific method...."
They are not observing the present when they look far away. No assumption, as it isn't evident there were any separate states.
Not the present, but not the distant past. What is evident to the temporary state observer is only the present state! That is what he observes. The rest, about the deep past, or future is unknown, only assumed. We can see far away, but it is all in the present universe, we can't tell if there was or was not a universe state change. We can tell that the far light did originate at the source, and that it is obly so fast in this state, yes. But we only assume that it was always the same, and will be. Nothing at all more.