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Is the Bible infallable.?


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It should be every persons right to validate,research, what they are going to base their faith and belief on, in. to have the freedom to be able to discuss question, aspects of a belief,and what is regarded as the truth,

though some would view you a heritic, even to question, and state you must accept it 100 percent , any thing less is hearesy.

for some the bible is infallable for others this is not the case, we have the freedom to choose, and come to which ever conclusion, about what is presented as the truth, for myself its better to have real faith, than blind faith, to know what you really believe to be true, rather than be tolled you must except this to be true.
when it may not be the case.

for myself this applys right across the board, Jesus died to set us free, there is a lot of spiritual bondage in christian circles, the church. fear of man being just one of them,the wrong kind of control being another.
I am encouraged that within this thread people have been honest, truthfull,and have spoken freely, this takes courage. johnny
All these things have been written so you may know that Jesus is the one God sent,
so we can believe and put our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

The truth sets us free, it could be true to say, alot of what is presented as christian, to the world, is not a true representation, some would even say, is false, a lie, and the world see,s right through it.

Things at one time i would have just accepted, i now have come to see, that not every thing is as it appears to be.

and im not afraid to challenage, question, validate, research. test the spirit.

i stand before God not before men,be true to your self and to God, dont settle for any thing less , this can be us, dare to be different ,

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Scripture says all that God requires of man is honesty and humility. By that I take it that His Truth will do the rest whether it comes through reading scripture or some other means. For I find the Truth is found in many places, even that same Truth testified to in scripture.
Having looked into this further it would appear

we only have thousands of copies of manuscripts, many manuscripts differ in their content, there are things added in later manuscripts, that were not in earlier manuscripts.

some things added as said much later, it is stated to the scribes would also add their own interpretation, even add verses
as they did at the end of Marks Gospel, Jereimaih also mentions the lying pen of the scribes.

where the Gospels of Mark , Mathew, Luke and John actualy written, by them,? we see in the Gospels some chapters, copied from the same manuscripts, and appear the same word for word.

verses added later, by who and for what reason,? there are mistakes to, that are clear to see, also mistakes in translation.

any true bible scholer, worth his or her salt, will confirm this.

are the bibles that we have today infallable ? i would say no.

for myself unlike other faiths, we have the freedom to question,validate, research, ect the written word, as the written word can be manipulated, if i had been born in an islamic country, even to question the written word, could mean death,

so there is a real danger when people are forced to accept what they must believe, to be the truth. which maynot be the truth.

so the written word can also hold alot of people in spiritual bondage, the world over.

like wise with cults and sects

often we can ask what is the truth, ? Jesus answered I AM the truth, and i believe him. johnny.
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johnny you are right the danger is blatantly believing hwat you would like to be true without questioning it.

Its a bit like believing someone Easter is solely a christian festival when its not, its origins are pagan. accepting the realities of life only makes our lives stronger.

the bible has a few places that we might consider added by scribes. it is true! what do you expect, humans over thousands of years with limited education did there best and did a mighty fine job. but.. scholars saw a couple of places that we should consider when reading the bible..

just like those eggs and rabbits its better to know! Though its not as extreme as that the discrepanciesin the bible. They are minor. What i was pointing out is lots of people never bother taking the time to read or understand things more than what someone tells them at church. try it! Aska fellow christian at church if easter is a fully christian originated thing. see what i mean. n lots never look stuff up.

you get what i mean you might as well research stuff and be educated than tell people things that are not true because you would like to believe it. reading stuff without freedom of questioning is cult behavior.
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Nobody has posted this. This verse should answer your question, tc.

2 Timothy 3:16 :All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness


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