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Is the Bible infallable.?


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can you tell me why there are footnotes in the bible like ' verse # does not appear in other Gospels'

Chris, I'm trying to understand where you are coming from here. Maybe if you would answer my question I would know where to begin with you.

I will tell you this, I think that those footnotes are put there because they are informative.
I think its written many books were written, why were some Gospels left out, it was said in other Gospels , that mary understood the teachings of Jesus better than any of them, went with Jesus were ever he went, the the disciples complained Jesus loved her more than them,
Gospel of Mary not included like wise

the Gospel of Peter, did mark mathew luke and john write mathew mark luke and john, how can two accounts by two writters be the same word for word?

there are rrors though the heart of the bible remains the same.

some people believe, The Catholic church is the one true church, the pope is Gods represenative on earth, its not wrong to question, ? God is not affraid of questions. if you are seeking the truth. johnny
Chris, I'm trying to understand where you are coming from here. Maybe if you would answer my question I would know where to begin with you.

I will tell you this, I think that those footnotes are put there because they are informative.
Ronni you should try to know why those footnotes are there.

They do not discredit the bible but point out irregularities and possibly unreliable info. In our modern translations of the new testament some of the verses theologians have surmised may be footnotes in a margin by a scribe. created during translation and continued to be included.

I believe God can preserve his word in the bible. the thing about the Bible. Gods laws, redemption, salvation, sacrifice for sin are reoccurring themes and do not require the bible to be flawless in translation to us. i believe the bible to be the inspired word of god but there is a couple of things that theologians still have questions on. they are minor and dont matter much to the central themes.

What I am - I see it for what it is not what I want it to be. Just being a christian realist.

  1. Luke 22:20 Some manuscripts do not have given for you … poured out for you.
  2. Luke 22:37 Isaiah 53:12
  3. Luke 22:44 Many early manuscripts do not have verses 43 and 44.
you got to be a realist.
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Ronni you should try to know why those footnotes are there.

They do not discredit the bible but point out irregularities and possibly unreliable info. In our modern translations of the new testament some of the verses theologians have surmised may be footnotes in a margin by a scribe.

I beleve God can preserve his word in the bible. the thing about the Bible. Gods laws, redemption, salvation, sacrifice for sin are reoccurring themes and do not require the bible to be flawless in translation to us. i belive the bible to be the inspired word of god but there is a couple of things that theologians still have questions on. they are minor and dont matter much to the central themes.

What i am - I see it for what it is not what I want it to be.

So,,,you don't believe that purity was important to God when He delivered His message. In your opinion, some compromise and division was expected by God, and, He has no problem with the small amount of confusion that's been created.

That's interesting to me because I've always believed that God united His people together rather than bringing confusion and division amongst them.

If I am wrong please feel free to correct me, I'm only trying to understand.
Did you sin in any form recently? Could yuo write a holy book that is error free and 100% accurate and only conveyed Gods message.

If I were being led by the Holy Spirit, Given the Words to write, I believe I could write a perfect book that had no errors. Though it would be my hand, I would not be the author. They would not be my words.

I'm afraid if we start getting into specific "discrepancies", we could spin our wheels in debates about each individual example, rather than discuss the possibility that the Word is Inspired and Breathed by God.
If I were being led by the Holy Spirit, Given the Words to write, I believe I could write a perfect book that had no errors. Though it would be my hand, I would not be the author. They would not be my words.

I'm afraid if we start getting into specific "discrepancies", we could spin our wheels in debates about each individual example, rather than discuss the possibility that the Word is Inspired and Breathed by God.
I hope you guys didn't misunderstand me. The bible is an amazing book inspired by God. No question about its existence is by divine intervention. all i was saying is in our modern bibles there is one or 2 little things... Not bad for a collection of books written by over 50 aouthors over thousands of years where Jesus fulfils over 40 foretold prophecies. The bible is amazing and i am proud to be associated with it.
I hope you guys didn't misunderstand me. The bible is an amazing book inspired by God. No question about its existence is by divine intervention. all i was saying is in our modern bibles there is one or 2 little things... Not bad for a collection of books written by over 50 aouthors over thousands of years where Jesus fulfils over 40 foretold prophecies. The bible is amazing and i am proud to be associated with it.

So,,,you don't believe that purity was important to God when He delivered His message. In your opinion, some compromise and division was expected by God, and, He has no problem with the small amount of confusion that's been created.

That's interesting to me because I've always believed that God united His people together rather than bringing confusion and division amongst them.

Why do you believe that God thought it would okay to create confusion and division among those who call out the name of Jesus?
are we straining a gnats? the pharisees were well versed in all thing pertaining to the law yet Jesus called them on missing whats truly important, Is this what we are doing here?
The thing about the bible ome people have spent a great deal of time trying to prove it flawed. They fail and usually become believers. You won't prove the bie wrong.
are we straining a gnats? the pharisees were well versed in all thing pertaining to the law yet Jesus called them on missing whats truly important, Is this what we are doing here?

I like your analogy. We are indeed straining gnats, albeit and hopefully not swallowing camels. The Christ himself is the revelation of Truth. The scriptures describe the things he said and did so we may see the invisible God and how He would live in the flesh. To know Christ is to know the Father. This is what matters.
are we straining a gnats? the pharisees were well versed in all thing pertaining to the law yet Jesus called them on missing whats truly important, Is this what we are doing here?

No, I am not straining at gnats, I'm simply trusting in God.

Personally, I think what's truly important is faith in God, that He is an able and trust worthy God who cannot tell a lie. Faith, that's how your healing begins, and you can't even get that unless it's given to you by God.
There never was any need for a revision of the Bible in the first place. There was no need to critique the Bible either, but men feel as if they must have the final authority, and so here we are to day. On the one side you have those people who believe that God has kept His Words pure, and was able to deliver His Word to us without err, and on the other side you have those people who don't believe that and cannot accept that this is even a possibility.

Personally I don't believe that there are any errors in the King James Bible, and I don't believe that there was really any reason for folks to start looking for them in the first place. I could only see someone doing that if they didn't believe the truth.
There never was any need for a revision of the Bible in the first place. There was no need to critique the Bible either, but men feel as if they must have the final authority, and so here we are to day. On the one side you have those people who believe that God has kept His Words pure, and was able to deliver His Word to us without err, and on the other side you have those people who don't believe that and cannot accept that this is even a possibility.

Personally I don't believe that there are any errors in the King James Bible, and I don't believe that there was really any reason for folks to start looking for them in the first place. I could only see someone doing that if they didn't believe the truth.
As I have been one to point out what appear to be some discrepencies at the request of someone else I would just like to say. I came across them quite innocently not looking for them.
As I have been one to point out what appear to be some discrepencies at the request of someone else I would just like to say. I came across them quite innocently not looking for them.

If you believe that you have found errors in th Bible then i suggest that you pray about it.
If you believe that you have found errors in th Bible then i suggest that you pray about it.

As I do not worship scripture, but only Him to Whom it is pertaining I am not concerned. The Christ is the True Image of God and Jesus and the Gospel of the Kingdom are not called into question by any discrepencies.
As I do not worship scripture, but only Him to Whom it is pertaining I am not concerned. The Christ is the True Image of God and Jesus and the Gospel of the Kingdom are not called into question by any discrepencies.

Yeah,,,,haha! Worship scripture,,,that one never gets old.

I don't worship the scriptures either, I just have faith in God, I guess that you are having a hard time understanding that.
Yeah,,,,haha! Worship scripture,,,that one never gets old.
Sometimes on forums but not so much in normal life it appears scripture is put up on a pedestal by some.

There are some verses in the bible that appear to contradict each other. If Christianity or scripture was not understood prior to reading these verses it would appear to the reader that the verses contradict each other.

45. Every kind of animal allowed for food [Gen 9:3 / 1 Cor 10:25 / Rom 14:14]
Certain kinds of animals prohibited for food Deut 14:7,8

something that disturbs me a bit is the tendancy towards believing having your head in the bible all day is worshiping god in some way.

The bible belongs on the floor and god goes up on the pedestal.

God wants our time and prayers. he wants to indwell us and enjoy our company.
the bible is just a handy tool for arriving at that place. Father Jesus & holy spirit is the SOLE focus for us. I am not downplaying the bible here just its over emphasis and placing it in the perfect area where god only belongs.
Cool picture Chris. Yes God is Love and I know what Love tells me to do, and I know what the enemy of Love tells me to do. I don't have to read about it, I live it. But still I like reading about it, even because I know I am not alone. Christ I can relate to.


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