We KNOW that men have existed on this continent for THOUSANDS of years, (the estimate is between 12 and 20,000 years). We KNOW that there were once Wooley Mamouths on this continent coexisting with men. For men made TOOLS of their bones and such.
Actually the current estimate of man's existence is between 6,000 and 10,000 years according to scripture. Which, consequently, also corresponds to things like "written history", archeology and current world population studies when you figure in the flood of around 4,000 BC.
We have evidence that the Mamouth became extinct about 16,000 years ago.
How do we know this? Is this something you have observed first hand? Is it something that you have personally researched through your own field studies and excavations? Or, is this piece of information just something that some author or scientist said at some point in time that seemed to sound reasonable and so someone wrote it down? Why 16,000 years ago? Why not 15,000 or 20,000 or even 4,453 years ago? Do all scientists agree with this number? Who does and who doesn't. Are you absolutely certain that this info is truth?
Do you honestly think that ALL this that science has offered is simply 'imagination'? And for WHAT purpose?
Yes, at least most of it is. Satan loves to deceive the world. It's just that simple. Man is living in a fallen world where satan is a liar and the father of all lies. Satan will do anything he can in attempt to drag us away from the truth. We tend to believe much of it because we are sinners and tend to not want to believe God's Word. But, for some, God has brought us out of that darkness and into light. He has given us a new heart with new desires. He as given us His Truth and the desire to understand it as Truth. Praise Him!
This type evidence does NOT alter MY FAITH. It actually strengthens it. For, the more that we are able to understand, the CLOSER to that image in which we were created we BECOME.
Sir, what is it exactly that you have put your faith in?
IF, as has been stated, the continents 'drifted' AFTER man was created, how would we have possibly survived such catastrophic events? For we can PLAINLY witness the massive events that take place with the ocean floor simply moves a matter of feet. For the continents to have drifted THOUSANDS of MILES would mean that they were moving at MASIVE distances a year. What kind of global distruction would this have entailed.
Well, maybe a massive flood? Maybe one that covered the whole earth. There must have been a fairly serious change of catastrophic events that took place to cause the whole earth to flood. And, maybe man survived because he was safe in...... the Ark?? Just guessing.
No, there is NO reason to believe that the separation of land masses DIDN'T take millions of billions of years. The ONLY reason that many Christians refuse to accept it is that the churches are STILL teaching that the Earth is ONLY a few thousand years old. And this due to an inacurate veiw of a 'literal' six day creation.
Yes, we have plenty of reason to believe in a young earth, be sure of that. The church (that is the body of believers in Jesus Christ) still teach a young earth because the Bible teaches a young earth. Who are we to change the word of God? Besides, if you trust true science (and of course you would need to do some work to know what is true science and what is not) then you would understand that true science always corresponds to reality and to scripture. The only one's who have an inaccurate view of the six literal days of Creation are the ones who continue to ignore the proper hermeneutical and exegetical interpretation of scripture. The ones who believe in the lies of satan.
Since we have the words offered that a 'day to God is as a thousand years and a thousand years a day', we can clearly see that the PURPOSE of the 'day' being used is to SHOW a distinction in TIME PERIODS. Men, at the time this information was offered, understood a day to be, ' a beginning of a time period and an END to that time period'. Simple enough for even a child to understand. But when we start speaking of MILLIONS of years, this is simply inconcievable to children, or even men with a limited understanding of eternity.
Again, you have continued to ignore most, if not all, of what we have attempted to show you in regards to scripture that explains that a Genesis "day" means a literal 24 hour period. You are trying to use human reason to make this all work. You have not made any real effort to address the questions that your claims have stirred up. You are really wanting Genesis to say something that it does not. In so doing, you may just be shipwrecking the faith of some. If you happen to be teaching this rhetoric to others then be sure that you will be held more accountable as one who teaches.
James 3:1 - Not many of you should presume to be teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.