Okay, let me tell a parable and pray listen. It is offered by way of conciliation.
There was a man, a father who read that he should train his children in the Lord. Now, having a good heart and wanting to do as he was commanded he called his children (his sons) to him and told them they were going to play a game.
It was called, "The Game of Obedience"
The man would tell his kids - "Just do what I command - nothing more". Of course the older son heard better than the younger - the weaker heard the first part, but not the latter.
The man said, "Stand". It was a command given in a firm tone (but not angry).
The second (younger) so looked to his older brother for the example and copied him.
Both children stood.
The man said, "Sit". Same tone and both chidren obeyed. Their father reinforced the instructions by repetition, "Just do what I command - nothing more."
As they continued to play -- the game of standing and sitting for no other reason than to simply obey became a contest. Each child started standing as fast as they could and sitting as fast as they could. This wasn't what the father intended, he merely wanted the joy of seeing his children in obedience.
Eventually the jostling and tosseling became a little more as the father spoke the commands.
Stand, sit, stand." Now the commands were not being given faster and faster like we may assume when we read it. In point of fact the father was slowing his commands in an effort to refocus his children to the original intent. A lesson of obedience.
When the younger purposefully sat onto the older one (and all could see the gleam in the red-heads eye) the older objected (as well he might). "YOU CAN"T DO THAT" he said.
Question: Did the older disobey his father's instruction? He knew the "law" - "Just do what I command - nothing more". What did the father do?
Moral - we do not know the whole mind of God. Can we say his laws of clean and unclean meats are healthy? In retrospect, perhaps. Could He have been training His hard-hearted children about obedience
[*EDIT and holiness - being separate, or being what we call the Ekklesia? ] there are any number of "spiritual" lessons here and could the Holy Spirit have written the law itself into our hearts? Is it possible that God had no great objection to eating pork? Maybe the law given was more about obedience than anything else? I can not know the whole mind of God. No man can. But can we not HEAR HIM even now?
May I commend you both on your polite demeanour.
FoC - I hand the floor over to you to continue to defend the "Torah is abolished" position.
I have always known and have always hoped for this. Answered prayer - not that you leave - but that you listen to your heart. Here then, and example. The Torah (or whatever technocratish term we call it) is written into your heart. The "torah isn't abolished" ---- it isn't being substantially misinterpreted by you!
I'm a "jot and tittle" kind - it takes an effort to not go back and edit my typo's. Pray pardon me as I don't want my heart to be misunderstood (or abolished) either.