that is the point. three as one.
No! The point is One as three!
Godhead is the Greek word meaning "Deity" and actually has nothing to do with the plurality of personae...He is the fulness of the deity dwelling bodily...also see John 1 "and He dwelt among us" (Dwelt is skeenoo...tabernacled)...the glory of the Father...
Now the word elohim is also used with plural personal pronouns when referring to angels or humans (it is written you are gods)...but refers to YHVH when it is written with singular personal pronouns.
“So Elohim (a plural), created man (mankind, a plural) in His (singular) own image, in the image (singular) of Elohim (plural) created He (singular) him, (singular generic), male and female (plural) created He (singular) them (plural).“ (parenthesis mine)
This is not confusing if the nature of the one and only God is also a unity of personae but if not then it is...
Rabbi Simeon commenting on Deuteronomy 6:4 asks, “Why is there a need of mentioning the Name of God three times in this verse?” Then he answers his own query for us when he says, “The first Lord is the Father above. The second is the stem of Jesse, the Messiah Who is to come from the family of Jesse through David. And the third is the Way below (meaning the Holy Spirit Who comes and shows us the way on earth) and these three are one.” (parenthesis mine)
Rabbi Nassi, much later though considered a sage by most Rabbinical Scholars, writing on Rosh HaShannah says, “…the three-fold sound of the ram’s horn which is sounded on Rosh HaShannah is an emblem of the three-fold nature of God.”
Though the word “trinity” never literally appears in scripture, the scripture makes it clear from the beginning, that the one (yachid) God is the Father, the Word, and the Spirit they are all the one God (echad), who’s Holy Name is constructed of three Hebrew characters, one being doubled, representing the dual nature of the Son, who tells Moses, His servant, whose name is also composed of three letters, that His name is Ehyeh-Asher-Ehyeh, a threefold name, and refers to Himself as a plural again in both Genesis 3:22 and 11:7.
In Genesis 19:24 we see YHVH, (the Targumim call this person of YHVH “the Word“ or the Memra in the Hebrew/Aramaic), here on earth in the form of a man, and He is sitting in the tent of Abraham breaking bread, and this YHVH sends forth the two angels that are with Him (who also came in the forms of men), to rain fire and brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah, from YHVH who is in heaven! What? Are there two YHVH’s? God forbid! Yet YHVH manifest on earth sends the angels while YHVH rains down the fire and brimstone. All throughout the Torah we see this truth of this Unity of the Godhead revealed.
In Exodus 3, as pointed out earlier, the Angel of the Lord, calls Himself “the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob”, from amidst the burning bush, thus He is also YHVH Himself manifest (the Word), and then Moses goes forth filled with the Spirit of God! If He were not the "I Am that I Am" then the Angel of the LORD is a blasphemous liar...but He is not...He is YHVH. Do you agree?