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is the world council of churches the image of the beast?

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90 Another one was Greece, Alexander the Great; next come in Rome. And there wasn't nothing said about a communism. Rome conquered the world. Jesus Christ was borned in the Roman kingdom and persecuted, His first time come here by the Roman kingdom. And on His second advent coming now, His message is persecuted by the Roman denominations, which is the mother of all of them. And when He returns, He will come back to wipe out that Roman kingdom, that the Jews has always looked for Him to come and wipe out the Roman kingdom. The Catholic hierarchy with all the denominations in the world, right now coming together as an organization, the confederation of churches organizing themselves together. It isn't Russia, it's Rome. THUS SAITH THE LORD. Show me a Scripture where communism or anything else besides Rome will rule. Did the Medes O Persians succeed Nebuchadnezzar? Sure. Did Greece succeed them? Yeah. Did Rome take them over from there? Did it break up into ten Ottoman powers just like we got now? Did "Eisenhower," which means "iron," "Khrushchev" means "clay," did they have their meeting right here and Khrushchev took off his shoe to make it a plain, open thing; he beat it on the desk like that to show the people? Well, what's the matter with the people today?
55 Now, did you notice? Did you know what the name Khrushchev means in Russia? Dirt or clay. He was a heading up of them kingdoms. You know what Eisenhower means, the head of this? Iron. Iron and clay and they couldn't mix together. He took his shoe and beat it on the... There's no mixing together. They can't mix. They won't cleave one to the other. Do you see friends? The next thing left is the stone to be cut out, the coming of the Lord, to roll into this image and mash it into pieces, and all these kingdoms will be ground and blowed away like the chaff on a summer's thrashing floor. We're at the end time, brother, sister. Can't you see where we are? Listen THUS SAITH THE LORD. Repent. I predict three curtains. In the Name of the Lord, there's one called the Iron Curtain, which will be Russia. Watch Red China. That'll be the Bamboo Curtain. They're horrible, but watch that Purple Curtain that's rising in the United States and over the world, the Roman Empire, the cruelest of all of them.
11 And that night when God pulled the check reins on him and he wouldn't listen, goes on down, and brings out the vessels of the Lord, begin to drink wine in a toast to their god, then there came a hand down out of the heaven and wrote on the wall, "MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN." Means "Thou art weighed in the balance and found wanting." No one could interpret it; it was unknown tongues. And there was a man there had the gift of interpretation: Daniel. So he comes down and interprets and tells the king what would happen. And there God destroyed that nation Babylon. While Daniel being there he saw great visions and wrote concerning them for this great consolation that we have today, knowing and setting in order the end of the Gentile kingdom. Notice how perfect, just get it close now. He seen first the image standing in the field when he interpret the dream of the king. He was a spiritual man. He dreamed dreams, saw visions, interpret dreams. God was with him and everyone knew that too. And when he saw the vision, the head of gold, and the breast here of silver, and the thighs of brass, and the feet of iron... Notice, each kingdom got a little harder.
12 King Nebuchadnezzar's kingdom was the head of gold. He interpreted it, told him just exactly how those kingdoms would succeed each other unto the end. Then notice, from gold is the softest; silver is next; then brass is next; then iron is next: harder, harder, colder, farther away. Notice. Then in the midst of all that, Daniel beheld the image until the Stone was hewed out of the mountain, that was cut out without hands, that rolled into the image and broke it and made it like wheat on the summer flash--thrashing floor, and the winds drive away, and the Stone grew into a great mountain that covered all the earth and the sea. That was the coming of the Lord Jesus, which is now at hand. He goes on. When he was down by the river one day, he fell into a trance and saw a vision. Many of those was with him, they didn't see the vision, for it was given only to Daniel. Do you see it? Someone can stand right next to you and see things that you can't see to save your life. That's right. Someone said, "I don't believe that; I never seen nothing." Because it wasn't for you to see it.
a post from bro. william branham's sermon

24 Russia wants to unite all of the world in one, 'cause they've got a oneness desire in their heart. But they want to unite them all under communism. That's their idea. See, that's man's made. Well, the U.N. wants to unite them too, all under the U.N. To what? Unite them together in a military power. Man is not surviving by military power. Man survives by the power of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, not by military power, by sputniks and so forth. We survive and live by the power of Jesus Christ. But see how they... Notice, how they do it? Look here at Nimrod. He wanted to unite the people under one and build a tower. What was it type of? Jacob's ladder from earth to glory. What about the Catholic? They want to unite the whole world under one: Catholicism. What about the Protestant? He wants to unite them all under one, under the federation of churches, just as wrong and black as the Catholics are. It's the same old lying Devil. It's true. That's a fatal mistake. What do they want? They want them all to be a--a federation of churches, "We're all under one head, as long as I can be ruler." Catholics want them all under one head, pope to be the ruler. Russia wants them all under one head so communism can be the ruler. U.N. wants them all under one head, so we the United States can kind of be the boss because we're the biggest nation. It's all the same Devil, and every nation in the world is controlled by the Devil; so the Bible says.
a post from bro. william branham's sermon

13 Did you think that in this Russia, they have got a false Pentecost? They are. That's the work of the Devil. They're trying to force all men into communism, where every man has everything commonly. Do you know that was the condition of the Church under the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, that the people sold their possessions and laid them at the feet of the disciples, and they distributed them to every man as they had need? And now the Devil's come around, and got into the world and made a political power to force man to that. God does not force man to do anything. You do it on your own free will. He can warn you, throw a barricade across your path, but you walk your own self with your own decision in His Presence to make Him your Saviour. But Satan has perverted God's plan to his own plan. Did you ever think of Catholicism and the Catholic church is trying to make every person Catholic? It won't work. It's under a manmade program. Did you ever think of the Protestant church under the federation of churches is trying to force all these little churches out? And it will happen, that you'll not be able to go to church unless you belong to the union of churches, then little places like this will certainly pay for it. But we got a Scripture that says, "Fear not, little flock, it's your Father's good will to give you the Kingdom." That's what we look forward to.
a post from one of bro branham's sermons

45 Through Holy Ghost baptism we are sealed in the body of Christ. How long? Until the day of your redemption. Ephesians 4:30, "Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God whereby you are sealed until the day of your redemption": sealed away until the day of your redemption. Now. Certainly, certainly, that's the Holy Spirit. And now, that church was taken up, and the remnant of the woman's seed who keep the commandments of God and have faith in Jesus Christ (See?), not the bride, the remnant of the woman's seed... Then the dragon spurted water out of his mouth to make war with the remnant of the seed. That's when the Protestant church under the Federation of Churches, which is the image to the beast, which is now being formed... And there'll be a boycott upon all churches like this. Like we're in a great tax gathering right here now, a dispute, trying to say that we're not a church, and we got Constitutional rights to say that we are a church. As long as the Constitution stands there, no amendment to that, then we absolutely have the rights, just as much right as anybody. Our forefathers stood for that.
a post from bro branham's sermons

34 Less than fifteen years ago a family here in Port Fulton (I think some of the family's setting here tonight.)--here in Port Fulton, they sent a little girl home from school for wearing shorts to school. And to--this week they're trying to sue and put out of the school (and they did it), a little girl that refused to wear shorts in school. What's the matter with our nation? I thought this was a land of free; I thought we had a right--religious freedom. This father stood up and said, "It's against our religious belief for our children to wear shorts, our little girl of sixteen, seventeen years old, to wear shorts; it's against our religious belief." And they dismissed and expelled the child from the school. I understand that everybody that won't agree and come into the--to the--the international agreement of this fellowship that they're trying to form to put--and unite all churches together, the federation of churches, that all that won't come in and unite with it, they're making them a little province; they're going to send them to Alaska. You might as well get ready for cold weather, 'cause it looks like it's coming. So what a disgrace.
a post from one of bro. branham's sermons

104 Now, you see today where we're going. Even when the ending of the Laodicean church age has got so formal, till it and Catholicism (which broke it up right in here) is coming together and uniting as one great church. With a federation of churches it's the same as Catholicism. There's only one difference, if they can just get over that--that's taking the communion. That's the only thing in the diocese that--that--that stops the--the Catholicism and Protestantism from uniting is the order of communion. The Catholic church says, "It is the body," and the Protestant church says, "It represents the body." The Catholic makes a mass out of it. A mass is that they take the communion, hoping they are forgiven; the Protestant takes it by faith, thanking God in communion that they are forgiven. The Protestant says, "We are forgiven." The Catholic says, "We're hoping we're forgiven." Mass and communion... They call it a mass; we call it a communion. A mass is hoping it's so. A communion is knowing it's so and thank Him for it. See? And there's the only thing that they cannot get together on. They'll do it. Oh, it looks very pretty. They'll unite to run. It'll--it'll run all the...
a post from one of bro branham's sermons

105 Why, the Bible says, "And these beasts gave their power unto the whore," (See?), united themselves together. See? Just exactly what the Bible said they would do, they're doing it now; it's right in procession this very week. That's right. It's not that I have anything against Catholic people, no more than Protestant people. You Methodist and Baptist and a lot of you Pentecostals, when your churches has gone right into this federation of churches, when they got the big morgue built there in New York of that federation of churches; it's the same as the United Nations and things; they're trying to unite all Protestantism together. Now, the Catholics are wise to that, and going to bring... This Pope John the 23rd, or 22nd (whatever it is), he's trying in a little humble way to bring all Protestant faith and Catholic faith to one faith: exactly what the Bible said they would do. There you are. And the Protestants falling for it hook, line, and sinker. Why? Why? Because they don't possess these things. Knowledge, the Word's right; patience, "They that wait upon the Lord." See what I mean?
a post from one of bro. branham's sermons

97 They was trying one of his children out not long ago in a television cast to see if he wasn't smarter than the next man to run for presidency; but however, he's got a lot of wisdom; so has Satan. He tries to sell it. He sold it to Eve; he sold it to us. We've been wanting a superman; we got it. All right. The whole world's wanting a superman; they're going to get it. Just wait till the Church goes up, and Satan's cast out. He'll incarnate. That's right. They want somebody who can really do the job; he'll do it. Educated... This is the Satan's superman with education, with wisdom, with church theology of his own word, of his own making, and he rides his white denominational horse to deceive the people. And he will conquer every religion of the world, 'cause they've all going into the confederation of--of the--of churches and the world confederation of churches. And they already got their buildings built and everything setting right in line. There ain't one thing left. Every denomination's stuck right into it, the federation of churches. And what's backing it? Rome. And the pope's now crying, "We're all one. Let's come together and walk together." And these people, even some of you Full Gospel people, deny--have to deny your evangelical teaching to take such a step as that. What have you done? So blind to that denominational thing you've rejected Truth.