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- #21
Shilohsfoal said:I'll go with the rocket theory.
"The fact is, this cloud is not a vapor cloud at all. It is a cloud of smoke and the remains of rocket fuel from a Thor rocket that had been launched the afternood of 2/28/1963 at 1:52PST at Vandenburg, California. The rocket was blown up at 147,000 feet because of a malfunction. At this height there was a west to east wind blowing around 130mph. The smoke from the explosion formed the circle shaped cloud. The jet stream winds carried the cloud due east from Vandenburg toward Flagstaff, Arizona. Because of some lower clouds this one was not observed in Arizona until around sunset. The cloud remained sunlit for 28 minutes after official sundown in Flagstall. Giving account for the curvature of the earth and it being seen as far away as Elpasso, Texas it was estimated to be 140,000-147,000 feet high exactly on the same level as the smoke and vaporized rocket fuel of the destroyed Thor rocket."
this cloud was observed over flagstaff all day and did not move and no other clouds were present.
you say your cloud was moving with winds of 130 mph in the jet stream and then mysteriously just decided to stop and hover over flagstaff? that would make that an even greater miracle then. that is hogwash. plus, it stated in the article that the rocket was on march 28. the cloud in life magazine was captured on feb 28th and published in Life magazine may 17th.
as i stated earlier, the scientist mr. mcdonald researching this photograph found no evidence of rockets or bombs being tested. the space shuttle exploded at a similar altitude and you didn't see a cloud lingering all day long from the burning of fuel or that did not show evidence of burning fuel. much less carry a cloud hundreds of miles without dissipating or diminishing.