- Oct 11, 2012
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I like Chuck Missler myself. I've been listening to him for years, even before he began teaching on this subject. He is well educated, well spoken, and makes sense to me. He backs everything he says with scripture and sure does have the ring of truth in his words, to me at least. I don't believe any old thing that anyone says, but I find myself agreeing with him.
You're darn right this is some far reaching interpretation and makes one sit back and question very much so everything they have ever learned. We do know that we have been lied to our whole lives, and we do know that Scripture says that knowledge will be increased in the last days. Knowing that, we need to approach new conjectures with open mind and open heart, while praying for illumination, wisdom & understanding from Gods Holy Spirit. I am certainly not saying that anyone should believe me or Chuck Missler. Do your own homework and prayer and decide for yourself what you will believe. The man does back his conjectures up with scripture so there is very much to consider here.
In the whats the point of the Flood thread, no one could hardly agree or give interpretation of the Genesis 6 chapter which much of this is based on. That the blood lines of man were being attacked in this manner to corrupt the blood lines and foil Jesus's coming is a feasible conjecture, and if true, could explain very much about the why. It certainly deserves a closer look and study, being no less absurd than other conjectures in that thread, such as the flood was purely a fictional story. I didn't subscribe to it overnight. I gave it very much consideration with open mind and open heart. Others should do the same.
Would you mind if I asked if your rejection of this conjecture is based on a previous dislike of Chuck Missler, or is it that its just too farout of a notion to even consider? I only ask because you seem very adamant and reading a quick summary of Wiki is hardly even anything approaching consideration or research. No offense.
and I must say, you sound exactly like Chuck Missler here. You referenced the exact scriptures that he did. He went on further to add (Luke 20:36) and to say that, taken in context, that Nephilim are obviously the offspring of these unions between the Sons of God and earthly women.
Every time the term Sons of God is used, is is talking about a direct creation of God. Angels and so forth. Adam was even a direct creation of God. We are descendants of Adam, and not a direct creation of God. Job 1:6, 2:1, 38:7, Luke 20:36.
This is important enough of an issue to have been referenced in 3 of the 4 Gospels. So it seems to be clear that something a little deeper than man's wickedness, and being caught off guard of what is coming is at issue here. (Matthew 24&25, Mark 13, Luke 21&22).
It is a farout conjecture, I admit. But before you reject it out of hand, consider these two things. Proverbs 18:13
(There is a principle which is a bar against all information which is proof against all argument, and which cannot fail to keep man in everlasting ignorance. That principle is condemnation before investigation (Edmund Spencer))
That's idolatry Edward. You should encourage others to be diligent in learning what God says about Himself, not conjectures. At least, don't quote irrelevant scriptures against people who don't want to. I am not going to watch Missler's video. Please respect my decision and move on.