- Apr 22, 2011
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It may just be your wording but this sounds like modalism, not trinitarianism.
The Holy Spirit is simply the Spirit of God and is referred to being part of the trinity that is Father, Son (Jesus), and the Holy Ghost. God is a Spirit and wants us to worship or another word for worship is to humble ourselves before him in spirit and truth. God is not flesh and blood that we can see and touch with our physical senses for he has no form but the Spirit that is God can take on many forms for us to hear him speak to us. Gods’ spirit spoke to many prophets throughout the Bible through pillars of clouds a burning bush, a donkey or spoke with visions through dreams to reveal his will for encouragement and instruction. Gods' spirit was and still is alive and moves through the hearts of his who are called by his name and have answered his call to salvation through Jesus.
The Spirit of God was made flesh (Jesus) to walk among us teaching us and showing signs and wonders for the people to repent of their evil ways and come back to God. Many came back to God and were made servants worthy to praise him and continue in his works but there were many (Pharisees and Priest) that despised what they were hearing for it came against their laws and traditions and they felt they needed to silence this man, not knowing that it was actually the Spirit of God they were trying to silence.
The Pharisees and Scribes thought they did away with this man named Jesus, but did not realize that one of the promises God made with Abraham was that he would never leave or forsake his own. Jesus also told his disciples about how he had to go and be with the Father and if they would keep his commandments the Father would give them another comforter that would be with them forever and teach them all things and bring those things back to their remembrance.
If you go to my website listed at the bottom of this post you can read the whole class I wrote on the Holy Spirit including scripture.