No one knows what this mark of the beast will be until it presents itself to the public,
I don't think there is any part of your post I could disagree with, except maybe this part and even then I think the difference is only that I'm suggesting we be more specific about what this time of testing will look like in practical terms.
We may not have 100% certainty at this moment what physical form the Mark will take, but we do know that it will be found on the right hand/forehead, that it will be worldwide, and that it will be used to control buying and selling.
Those criteria are pretty specific so we can use them to narrow down the potential prospects quickly. Based on world banking trends it is almost certain that the Mark will eventually end up taking the form of some kind of implant in the right hand (or forehead for amputees, or possibly as some kind of fashion statement).
However, that is beside the main point. Whatever form the Mark may eventually take, the bottom line is our willingness to reject our only means to pay the bills.
You mention God's warning to flee and hints that we'll be provided for in the wilderness; I believe this is something that will happen, but even then this protection will not necessarily be absolute. God will allow us to die, mostly because our willingness to die will be a powerful testimony to the world that we have something
worth dying for.
Those deaths could be through starvation or exposure, particularly for Christians who reject the Mark but have never prepared for a life outside of dependence on money for their daily bread.
But even those of us who are preparing for that time of testing by letting go of dependence on various forms of digital banking (like cards with smart chips, passports with smartchips, or any kind of payment requiring a smartchip)
will almost certainly end up dying anyway because our lack of participation in the system will become obvious, which will make us prime targets for persecution.
This will be particularly true of those who have families who disagree with rejecting the Mark. They will probably see our refusal as some kind of betrayal of the relationship because obviously one person who takes the Mark will not get along well with one who rejects the Mark.
What I'm suggesting is that we all take a long, hard look at the practicalities of rejecting our only means of financial stability. What will that look in real terms?
Are you prepared to have your travel restricted? Are you prepared to become homeless? Are you prepared to have your family think you're crazy? To lose your spouse and probably your children as well?
How much pressure will it take to make you think, "this microchip probably isn't the real Mark of the Beast. After all, the Mark is all about worship. And besides, God gave me my family for a reason; he wouldn't want me to make choices that would put them in danger. Even Jesus said we should give to Caesar what belongs to him. How can we do that if we're not working to pay our taxes? And, Paul was a tentmaker. He even said that I'd be worse than an infidel if I don't take care of my family. I'm supposed to obey the laws of the land and respect those who rule over me and the rules say I have to take this implant if I want to pay the bills".
It is one thing to talk about resistance in theory. It is very different to talk about resistance which could end up costing us everything. When the pressure is on, most professing Christians will crack.