Right now it is 106 and it is expected to spike to 108. Although it is cooler than the 3 days we had this week of 118. If we go out, we need to bring at least 1 gallon that we can fill up. You need to make sure to eat, too. Food isn't enough.
Our little car does not cool down well even though we have had the AC checked multiple times and they say there is nothing wrong. If it is 96 degrees out, it works fine and gets bone chilling cold. In 105 degree weather or more, forget it.
It isn't safe in my opinion to take the kids out as hot as it gets especially since they have padded car seats that don't make anything better. We have tried bags of ice and ice packs in their seats...it doesn't work long.
People sometimes say, "Oh, but it is cooler at night!"
A few nights this week it never got below 99 degrees. The other day it was 106 at 11 am. The sun rays are usually very high or extreme so it feels like you are getting cooked. It burns on skin that is not covered.