- Jun 21, 2009
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- 414
What is most commonly seen in churches is a pastoral position that is something ENTIRELY different from the elders and the leadership position of pastoring the church the appointed elders were commissioned to have.
First off, let me state that I believe in pastoral authority as described in the Bible. Pastors are given to the church, those who have been called out and it is my belief that this gift is both Godly and Scriptural. On the other hand, the Bible is also clear about the type of leadership style a Pastor is to take. It is to be Christlike. Period. In contrast, church leadership is to be fashioned according to the way that the unsaved order themselves where those on 'top' are given greater esteem than the ones that are being lead. This much is clear: we are to follow after God and not our selfish desires.
Now, having said that I am in support of the Scriptural 'hierarchy' of church leadership, and after acknowledging that there are many Scriptures given that teach more specifically what is meant, I would also like to state that I have read nothing in the Bible about Corporations and that part of me challenges the path that many Pastors have taken while creating their 'business plan' and seeking 501(c)(3) status with their respective governments. Jesus states that we are to look at the money and to determine whose face appears on our coins. Ceasar? Then render to Ceasar what belongs to Ceasar. My thought is that it is not too much of a leap for a Christian, who wants to follow Jesus to look at his money too. If in the United States the picture may not be Ceasar, but instead it could be George Washington. The principle still applies.
Many churches have accepted bribes in the form of tax exemptions in exchange for their agreement that sermons do not endorse or speak against those running for public office. These bribes are not the issue, but I'm just saying that this is the initial thought that goes along at the 'birth' of corporate churchdom. What authority forms a corporation? Is this not the 'state'? So then, can those pastors who have formed their organizations through the auspices of the various governments correctly state that their church is formed by God? Perhaps they can. It does seem to be an issue though. We are to avoid even the appearance of evil, are we not?
But then after the forming of the corporate church are there other "offices" that are also formed? In the business charters that are created are there lists of men who have been designated as "CEO" and/or "President"? Is this practice Biblical? I can not find anything in Scripture that justifies taking bribes or forming churches according to business models and suspect that this is behavior is behind what the thread tries to address, at least in the formation, and at worst at the heart of the ongoing 'ministry'. I know of one case where a pastor (who is also a lawyer) has formed his corporation and bylaws that prohibits expression of any opinion by his staff that is contrary to "church by-laws". These "church by-laws" were formed by him, the CEO of the church. It is a multi-million dollar enterprise.
To this, one may rightly say, "It shall not be so among you," as a criticism.