so you think that a chirch ought to force or teach the widow on ssdi to tithe and that the same widow is in,sin if she must depend on the state for her health ,her sustainace .
my wife is disabled .the more I look,to God ,given two years ago I declared bankruptcy ,my wife didn't die of ovArian cancer as her ovaries were removed months before covid.doctors said if she waited much longer she would have died it was close to spreading ,then one shoulder replacement ,one shoulder repair .
I learned how sinful I am in how we got here ,perfect no? but I see things where I need to repent and have to remind myself I may not like my job ,but it is a blessing to work .
Look Jason, every Sunday morning Joel asks for tithes, offerings, and donations.
He simply says that God will bless you for whatever you give.
He shows what ministries use the money for and it's a tremendous testimony that the money is use for the good of people in need.
I don't put Joel Osteen in the same category as Benny Hinn or Kenneth Hagen or Kenneth Copeland.
He does not preach what they preach.
Right now I'm re-reading Mere Christianity by C.S.Lewis and I don't see any difference in what Lewis writes and what Osteen preaches.
They use different words and expressed in a different way but it's all the same.
What you say you believe is a hard'line belief and I wonder what you do personally that helps others.
I help others without judgment.
When Osteen was young, he made mistakes and since he was in the limelight, it was enlarged across the media.
He has settled down now and is an excellent pastor and preacher, his church service is the best I've ever been part of, the media doesn't have much to say about him anymore.
But some people hold on to another's mistakes and hold it against them forever.
Where is that in the Bible.
Joel encourages you to always stay close to Jesus and you will have favor with God.
That's better teaching than someone telling you your going to hell if you don't obey everything.