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Bible Study It's That Time of Year Beware

" TRICK or Treat " is at the very least a light form of blackmail . Done in secret , behind a mask . Occult = Hidden .
What does the bible say .

Did Jesus not hide the mystery of redemption in himself from the Pharisees and the Jewish people, speaking in parables and oblique OT reference? Yes, he did. Was he, then, being occult? He was hiding the truth, right? Was he in contravention of Paul's commands to the Ephesians? I'm sure you'd say not. Merely hiding something does not constitute occultism.

No Christian child, then, in a frog costume, collecting free candy from neighbors, is guilty of blackmail or occultism. This is patently obvious.
Did Jesus not hide the mystery of redemption in himself from the Pharisees and the Jewish people, speaking in parables and oblique OT reference? Yes, he did. Was he, then, being occult? He was hiding the truth, right? Was he in contravention of Paul's commands to the Ephesians? I'm sure you'd say not. Merely hiding something does not constitute occultism.

No Christian child, then, in a frog costume, collecting free candy from neighbors, is guilty of blackmail or occultism. This is patently obvious.
In need to post the actual sam hain feast .

It's nothing like Halloween .
Hey All,
"In today's world, fortune-telling, Ouija boards, ESP, telepathy, horoscopes, voodoo, clairvoyance, yoga, hypnosis, magic, transcendental meditation, Eastern religions, reincarnation, metaphysics and many other practices are expressly forbidden in Scripture" Quote from for_his_glory

Do you really believe a little kid dressed up like Captain America, or Daffy Duck is thinking about any of what you listed? He/She just wants candy. Other than hypnosis, and maybe yoga, which I may have seen in cartoons, as a kid I didn't know any of that other stuff. Oh yeah, maybe Samantha on Bewitched.

"TRICK or Treat " is at the very least a light form of blackmail . Done in secret , behind a mask . Occult = Hidden .
What does the bible say ." Quote from Hawkman

Again, a kid in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles costume is doing it to blackmail you out of your candy? (Cowabunga dude) Kids are not doing Halloween for the reasons you list. Dressing up as their favorite superhero or cartoon character is just fun. Let kids have fun.

"I could argue that and more with beer drinking .because drunks go to the local bar and gastro pub .no Christian should .yet where is that In the bible when the Bible says only being drunk is a sin ?" Quote from Jasonc

Actually, being drunk is in Scripture as a sin.

Galatians 5:19-21 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,
Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,
Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

So drink if you are of age. But don't be drunk.

But as far as Halloween goes, a kid playing dress-up and asking for candy is cute not occultic.
Keep walking everybody.
May God bless,
Hey All,
"In today's world, fortune-telling, Ouija boards, ESP, telepathy, horoscopes, voodoo, clairvoyance, yoga, hypnosis, magic, transcendental meditation, Eastern religions, reincarnation, metaphysics and many other practices are expressly forbidden in Scripture" Quote from for_his_glory

Do you really believe a little kid dressed up like Captain America, or Daffy Duck is thinking about any of what you listed? He/She just wants candy. Other than hypnosis, and maybe yoga, which I may have seen in cartoons, as a kid I didn't know any of that other stuff. Oh yeah, maybe Samantha on Bewitched.

"TRICK or Treat " is at the very least a light form of blackmail . Done in secret , behind a mask . Occult = Hidden .
What does the bible say ." Quote from Hawkman

Again, a kid in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles costume is doing it to blackmail you out of your candy? (Cowabunga dude) Kids are not doing Halloween for the reasons you list. Dressing up as their favorite superhero or cartoon character is just fun. Let kids have fun.

"I could argue that and more with beer drinking .because drunks go to the local bar and gastro pub .no Christian should .yet where is that In the bible when the Bible says only being drunk is a sin ?" Quote from Jasonc

Actually, being drunk is in Scripture as a sin.

Galatians 5:19-21 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,
Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,
Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

So drink if you are of age. But don't be drunk.

But as far as Halloween goes, a kid playing dress-up and asking for candy is cute not occultic.
Keep walking everybody.
May God bless,
Im not a drinker,never have been drunk .my point was I have yet to see railing against that and alot of things I mentioned .
??? This is a silly and obvious Strawman of my view. Where in anything that I wrote do I say anything like what you've written here? Nowhere! Goodness. Please don't use this ugly and false way of arguing. It's not in keeping with people who, as children of God, are supposed to be truthful and rational.

I've noticed that none of those contending for the reject-Hallowe'en-now perspective in this thread have offered anything in rebuttal of my points concerning both the Genetic Fallacy and the fallacy of Guilt by Association. Red herrings and off-point remarks have been made, but no actual dealing with these fallacies that are in glaring evidence in the no-Halloween-for-Christians crowd.

I can tell you I'm not at all persuaded by verses flung at me blindly, as though they obviously deny, or overcome, the things I've pointed out about the poor thinking of some people about this issue. They don't.
I have read your views and they are just that being your views. I have never once been ugly to you in any false way of arguing, because I never argue with others, but would rather discuss. No verse was flung at you personally as the things we do not know can be harmful to us. There is no Genetic Fallacy or any Guilt by Association within my OP or anything that I have said. Just showing the evil paganism behind something that others might not have realized before. If you enjoy Halloween then by all means do so. I will not take that choice away from anyone.

I really have nothing more to say to you so going to move on.
Pro 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
1Th 5:21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
1Th 5:22 Abstain from all appearance of evil.

As a Christian if we do not teach our children about the evil worldly things of occultic paganism we could possibly find them falling into occults. Many Christians only see this night as harmless and nothing more than the cuteness of these children, in which many dress up as witches, elves, Goblins, ghost and even the devil as being nothing more than children having fun.

Scoffers will scoff, Go buy your kid a pillowcase full of candy as that is all they want anyway.
In need to post the actual sam hain feast .

It's nothing like Halloween .
Halloween came out of Samhain , from your link . Costumes , door to door for food , TRICKS , pranks .

Hutton writes: "When imitating malignant spirits it was a very short step from guising to playing pranks". Playing pranks at Samhain is recorded in the Scottish Highlands as far back as 1736 and was also common in Ireland, which led to Samhain being nicknamed "Mischief Night" in some parts.[86] Wearing costumes at Halloween spread to England in the 20th century, as did the custom of playing pranks, though there had been mumming at other festivals.[86] At the time of mass transatlantic Irish and Scottish immigration, which popularised Halloween in North America, Halloween in Ireland and Scotland had a strong tradition of guising and pranks.[95] Trick-or-treating may have come from the custom of going door-to-door collecting food for Samhain feasts, fuel for Samhain bonfires and/or offerings for the aos sí. Alternatively, it may have come from the Allhallowtide custom of collecting soul cakes.[citation needed]
Did Jesus not hide the mystery of redemption in himself from the Pharisees and the Jewish people, speaking in parables and oblique OT reference? Yes, he did. Was he, then, being occult? He was hiding the truth, right? Was he in contravention of Paul's commands to the Ephesians? I'm sure you'd say not. Merely hiding something does not constitute occultism.

No Christian child, then, in a frog costume, collecting free candy from neighbors, is guilty of blackmail or occultism. This is patently obvious.
Jesus did not have a mask or costume on . His identity was not all hidden .
In need to post the actual sam hain feast .

It's nothing like Halloween .
One doesn't think that during Halloween kids gather at a bonfire and offer
Halloween came out of Samhain , from your link . Costumes , door to door for food , TRICKS , pranks .

Hutton writes: "When imitating malignant spirits it was a very short step from guising to playing pranks". Playing pranks at Samhain is recorded in the Scottish Highlands as far back as 1736 and was also common in Ireland, which led to Samhain being nicknamed "Mischief Night" in some parts.[86] Wearing costumes at Halloween spread to England in the 20th century, as did the custom of playing pranks, though there had been mumming at other festivals.[86] At the time of mass transatlantic Irish and Scottish immigration, which popularised Halloween in North America, Halloween in Ireland and Scotland had a strong tradition of guising and pranks.[95] Trick-or-treating may have come from the custom of going door-to-door collecting food for Samhain feasts, fuel for Samhain bonfires and/or offerings for the aos sí. Alternatively, it may have come from the Allhallowtide custom of collecting soul cakes.[citation needed]
Modern ones ,it's done .I served with a wiccan
Halloween came out of Samhain , from your link . Costumes , door to door for food , TRICKS , pranks .

Hutton writes: "When imitating malignant spirits it was a very short step from guising to playing pranks". Playing pranks at Samhain is recorded in the Scottish Highlands as far back as 1736 and was also common in Ireland, which led to Samhain being nicknamed "Mischief Night" in some parts.[86] Wearing costumes at Halloween spread to England in the 20th century, as did the custom of playing pranks, though there had been mumming at other festivals.[86] At the time of mass transatlantic Irish and Scottish immigration, which popularised Halloween in North America, Halloween in Ireland and Scotland had a strong tradition of guising and pranks.[95] Trick-or-treating may have come from the custom of going door-to-door collecting food for Samhain feasts, fuel for Samhain bonfires and/or offerings for the aos sí. Alternatively, it may have come from the Allhallowtide custom of collecting soul cakes.[citation needed]
So In your view .it's a sin for a kid to splay with you guns and use a cammo gauge uniform .

I was building forts and doing all that .

Wearing a custome and pretending is the same thing.

Modern versions in that don't involve custoumes at all.i serve with a wiccan and he said he doesn't .


In Irish mythology
Historic customs
Celtic Revival
Related festivals
Modern paganism
See also: Wheel of the Year

Neopagans celebrating Samhain around a bonfire
Samhain and Samhain-based festivals are held by some Neopagans. As there are many kinds of Neopaganism, their Samhain celebrations can be very different despite the shared name. Some try to emulate the historic festival as much as possible. Other Neopagans base their celebrations on sundry unrelated sources, Gaelic culture being only one of the sources.[8][114][115] Folklorist Jenny Butler[116] describes how Irish pagans pick some elements of historic Samhain celebrations and meld them with references to the Celtic past, making a new festival of Samhain that is inimitably part of neo-pagan culture.

Neopagans usually celebrate Samhain on 31 October–1 November in the Northern Hemisphere and 30 April–1 May in the Southern Hemisphere, beginning and ending at sundown.[117][118][119][120] Some Neopagans celebrate it at the astronomical midpoint between the autumnal equinox and winter solstice (or the full moon nearest this point), which is usually around 6 or 7 November in the Northern hemisphere.[121]

Celtic Reconstructionism
Like other Reconstructionist traditions, Celtic Reconstructionist Pagans (CRs) emphasize historical accuracy. They base their celebrations and rituals on traditional lore as well as research into the beliefs of the polytheistic Celts.[115][122] They celebrate Samhain around 1 November, but may adjust the date to suit their regional climate, such as when the first winter frost arrives.[123] Their traditions include saining the home and lighting bonfires.[123] Some follow the old tradition of building two bonfires, which celebrants and animals then pass between as a ritual of purification.[3][57] For CRs, it is a time when the dead are especially honoured. Though CRs make offerings at all times of year, Samhain is a time when more elaborate offerings are made to specific ancestors.[123] This may involve making a small altar or shrine. They often have a meal, where a place for the dead is set at the table and they are invited to join. An untouched portion of food and drink is then left outside as an offering. Traditional tales may be told and traditional songs, poems, and dances performed. A western-facing door or window may be opened and a candle left burning on the windowsill to guide the dead home. Divination for the coming year is often done, whether in all solemnity or as games. The more mystically inclined may also see this as a time for deeply communing with their deities, especially those seen as being particularly linked with this festival.[3][57][115][122][123]

Wiccans celebrate a variation of Samhain as one of their yearly Sabbats of the Wheel of the Year. It is deemed by most Wiccans to be the most important of the four "greater Sabbats". Samhain is seen by some Wiccans as a time to celebrate the lives of those who have died, and it often involves paying respect to ancestors, family members, elders of the faith, friends, pets, and other loved ones who have died. In some rituals the spirits of the dead are invited to attend the festivities. It is seen as a festival of darkness, which is balanced at the opposite point of the wheel by the spring festival of Beltane, which Wiccans celebrate as a festival of light and fertility.[124] Wiccans believe that at Samhain the veil between this world and the afterlife is at its thinnest point of the whole year, making it easier to communicate with those who have left this world.[125]

See also
Secondary sources
Further reading
Last edited 9 days ago by
Gaelic May Day festival

Annual celebration held on 31 October

Gaelic festival marking the start of spring

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Note no,not at all involving customes
Kids dressing up arent doing that .

Look no one here in this thread has to my knowledge lived as a jw .no birthdays ,easy ,Not even thanksgiving,no Christmas,no new years or birthdays .no music from sinful stations and at times no cartoons with violence ,not even warner brothers !

So please .I know where this leads and the line becomes arbitrary.

I can play football.right dig into that and it's can be sinful too .I remember how the argument was as long as it's not competition .
My county ...we have nordist types .

Wiccan I haven't met yet .

The celt's of which I'm half Irish .few Irish can speak Celtic or gaelic as it's dying .

Thus the neo paginism and so forth .
So In your view .it's a sin for a kid to splay with you guns and use a cammo gauge uniform .

I was building forts and doing all that .

Wearing a custome and pretending is the same thing.
My main issue is the "Trick or Treat " part , you do understand what the Trick part means ?

No problem with a costume party for the kids with all the candy .

But why would a Christian celebrate Halloween .
My main issue is the "Trick or Treat " part , you do understand what the Trick part means ?

No problem with a costume party for the kids with all the candy .

But why would a Christian celebrate Halloween .

Why how jw..

Notice I said that for a good reason .you better believe the jw would celebrate Thanksgiving on a off day .

Eat it all . So take away trick and it's ok .? They don't have to say it? Just dress up on that day and it's ok ?

See ? We are so far removed that most kids unless you tell them don't know.

Like I said neopagans don't do this at all in their samhain

Set a meal to remember the dead and pets and offer them a plate . Bonfires etc with that and gathering . Sure it's sin ful .but it's not at all with truck or treat and hiding .
I have read your views and they are just that being your views.

I'm not sure what your point is here. Every person posting to this thread is merely offering their views. Even you. But not every person's view is reasonable or rational. I've shown that the all-Christians should-be-against-Hallowe'en view is not a reasonable one. This isn't just my view but the clear conclusion of basic logic.

I have never once been ugly to you in any false way of arguing,

Yes, you have been. As I said in my last post to you, your characterization of my perspective was a purposeful distortion of what I've laid out in this thread, having no basis at all in the things I've written in my posts. You wrote:

"If you want to blow off the evil paganism behind Halloween, human and animal sacrifices made on that day and enjoy kids being dressed up in evil costumes, especially Satan costumes, then by all means enjoy this evil pagan holiday."

Where in anything that I wrote did I ever suggest that anyone should "blow off the evil paganism behind Halloween, human and animal sacrifices made on that day and enjoy kids being dressed up in evil costumes, especially Satan costumes"? Nowhere. But you clearly imply in your remark to me here that I did. Why else would you write this to me?

I've not ever urged anyone to "enjoy the evil holiday" but to recognize that when many Christians these days enjoy Hallowe'en, they do so without any participation whatever in anything even remotely pagan or evil. For these believers, Hallowe'en is an entirely religiously-neutral event involving innocent costumes and candy. That's it. How others might celebrate Hallowe'en has nothing to do with these Christian and how they enjoy Hallowe'en. Why is this so hard to acknowledge? If it bothers you to celebrate Hallowe'en, don't. But you shouldn't be pressing others to do as you are from the fallacious rationale you're using.

There is no Genetic Fallacy or any Guilt by Association within my OP or anything that I have said.

Simply declaring you haven't employed these fallacies doesn't do anything to actually show that you haven't. I say you have and have explained how. Just flatly denying your errors in reasoning in your response doesn't clear you in the least of the errors. You are obliged, I think, to show how you haven't been guilty of the fallacies I see in your views, if you want to actually stand clear of them. Or, you can just dismiss them, as you have done. This just makes you look more guilty of the fallacies, though; like a boy caught with his hand in the cookie jar who can't think of anything else to say when accused of thieving cookies but "No I'm not." His flat denial isn't very convincing.

Just showing the evil paganism behind something that others might not have realized before.

But there is nothing evil behind the way most Christians celebrate Hallowe'en. It's just candy and costumes. Nothing more. And for the reasons I've already laid out in this thread, they're perfectly reasonable in taking this view - more reasonable than those who want to use fallacious thinking to make a connection to evil that isn't necessarily there.

I will not take that choice away from anyone.

What are you doing in this thread but attempting to make folks think the choice to enjoy Hallowe'en is an evil one? How is this not an effort to take away their choice to enjoy Hallowe'en? If other believers take your view of Hallowe'en, they can't participate in it, right? Seems so to me.

I really have nothing more to say to you so going to move on.

All right. 'Nuff said, then.
Jesus did not have a mask or costume on . His identity was not all hidden .

Come now, this is pretty facile (and disingenuous). You said occult meant "hidden" and insinuated that costume-wearing at Hallowe'en was therefore occultic in an evil way. Jesus hid his true identity and purpose from all but his Twelve disciples, though he didn't have to wear a mask or costume to do so. Was he being "occultic," or hidden, in some bad way, too? No more than little kids hidden in costumes of princesses, or superheroes, at Hallowe'en.
It would be better to just buy your kids a bag of candy instead of them dying over malicious tainted candy.
It would be better to just buy your kids a bag of candy instead of them dying over malicious tainted candy.
Who says that caution shouldn't be taken ? I took jaci to a route I read because I saw all the decorations. Waterford lakes .believe me if they were gonna do that .they would all see me that month and know it was my kid .a few parents recognized me from that job .
I suggest we read 1 Corinthians chapter 8.
The whole chapter.
Then go a bit slower in the discussion.

There are "weaker brothers" and then there are legalists who are trying to bring others under the "yoke of bondage" (See Galatians). It's important to make a distinction between these two types, accommodating the former but strongly resisting the latter, as Paul did.