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- #41
Solo said:Georges said:Solo said:Georges scholarship is lacking due to a belief system biased on private interpretation of the person of Jesus Christ, as opposed to the interpretation of the Holy Spirit.
Uh....private interpretation....I thought I made my points overtly....it's free for all men....nothing I keep to myself....Solo...it ain't easy bringing difficult, unorthodox points into the lions den (or should I say snake pit)....I better know what I'm writing about. Ever consider the Holy Spirit may have led me to the conclusions I've reached? or, do you hold the exclusive rights to Jehovah's Holy Spirit.
You have exposed your doctrines of devils with your private interpretation to all, unfortunately. You have also proved that you listen to the spirit of antichrist, not the Holy Spirit.
Solo said:Georges said:Solo said:Hopefully one day he will be born of God so that the Holy Spirit can put salve on his eyes to see the truth of the gospel of the LORD Jesus Christ.
Solo said:Georges said:It's already happened....care for some salve...I've got extra...I just don't subscribe to the Gospel of Solo.
It is too bad that you don't subscribe to the Gospel of Jesus Christ of which I subscribe. Your salve binds, Jesus' salve looses.
Solo said:Georges said:Solo said:False Teachers are rampant today, and those that adhere to the doctrine that Jesus is not God fail to accept that God came in the flesh as Jesus Christ. Those that do not accept this truth are led by the spirit of antichrist, according to the Word of God.
I accept Jesus as God as Thomas declared....it is the interpretation of God (Elohim) that is the question.
Thomas declared Jesus truthfully as "my Lord, and my God". You and Thomas differ on your understanding of Jesus Christ. You should really do a study on Elohim; as I have shown, Jehovah and Elohim are the same according to the Hebrew scripture. Thomas understood this so much more than you, as you have shown.
Solo said:Georges said:Solo said:A disagreement with the truth that Jesus is God goes directly against the statement of faith of this forum.
I never said Jesus wasn't God....just your interpretation of God (Elohim) is what I disagree with...
Your twisting of words and syntax of same does not free you from the false teachings that prevail in your posts. Jesus is almighty God, the First and the Last, Everlasting Father. You fail to subject yourself to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, as he is not God almighty come in the flesh. I have shown you numerous times that Jesus is Jehovah, and Jesus is Elohim, and Jesus is Adonai, and Jesus is Immanuel, and Jesus is Alpha and Omega, and Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and Jesus created all things and without him was not anything created, and Jesus is not just a portion of God but is wholly God. You my friend have been deceived by the spirit of antichrist, and your words manifest your lost state.
Solo said:Georges said:Solo said:Georges can continue to believe the false doctrines of devils if he chooses, but he will not be permitted to teach false doctrines on this forum.
I choose not to believe the false doctrines of devils....what in the world do you think I've been doing for the past month...preaching against the false doctrines...
You have been spreading the doctrines of devils, and you have been manifested to be a false teacher led by the spirit of antichrist.
Solo said:No fellowship from me, and don't expect a Godspeed. You wouldn't know substance if it hit you between the eyes for you have been blinded by the father of lies and deceptions and you prefer his fellowship.Georges said:Solo.....Can I take it I'm not getting a Christmas card from you this year?
I still luv ya anyway....PS...are you ever going to post anything of substance, or are you going to continue to be the forum hit man....You know "historically" Paul was a hitman for the High Priest....Yep, he persecuted the Nazarene believers.....I see a pattern.... :-D