- Nov 5, 2006
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Mohrb said:What makes you so sure that it's the JWs with a bias against "any verse that alludes to the trinity" as opposed to trinitarian denominations that have a bias against any verse that could possibly be construed as trinitarian (and any verse directly opposing the trinity)?
I don't read Greek or Hebrew, so I believe the scholars who do. I can check out the credentials of the people who translate the NIV, RSV, KJV, etc. and find out where they went to school, the extent of their education, their experience, who they have worked with in the past, etc. NONE of the scholars WHO'S NAMES ARE PRINTED ON THE FRONT FLAP OF THE BIBLES THEY TRANSLATE agree with the (last I heard) ANONYMOUS "translators" of the NWT. Do you know their names? If not, why do you trust ONLY them and not others who are willing to put their reputation on the line?
Catholics, Orthodox, Baptist, Calvinist, etc ALL disagree on points of doctrine taken from Scripture, yet EVERY ONE of their Scripture scholars knows the NWT is a convoluted translation.
For example, Jesus telling the Jews "Amen amen, lego humin prin Abraam genesthai ego eimi" ... the simple, contextually sound translation is a statement that Jesus pre-existed Abraham. Yet trinitarians see Jesus use "Ego Eimi" and say "that can be translated 'I am... therefore let's put it in all caps to insinuate that Jesus is using the same phrase his Father used when speaking through the burning bush (Ehyeh asher ehyeh)... and since Jesus is saying something (many other people have said) that can be translated to the same english phrase as the completely different phrase God said, we can use it to support the trinity!
"...prin Abraam genesthai ego eimi" is translated EXACTLY "...before Abraham was, I am." I don't understand why you ignore the plain words of scripture.
... yet, trinitarians can "conveniently overlook" simple verses such as John 17:3, where Jesus prays to God "This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ." (notice Jesus calling the Father alone the "only true God" and specifying himself as the one God sent forth, not God)
You need to study the Christian doctrine of the Trinity and Jesus' two natures. We are not "overlooking" this verse, simply explaining it in light of the rest of Scripture.
The DEFINITION of "overlooking Scripture" is when JWs don't even ATTEMPT an explanation of John 20:28 "...mou kyrios kai mou theos". Only one way to translate that, " lord and my GOD." Would you like to give it a try? Maybe you could twist "mou" to mean "a". Your "translators" did something similar in John 1.
... I agree, -someone's- doing some "creative interpretation."
There are many instances of "creative interpretation" within Christianity, but not too many of creative translation, which is what we are discussing, and is the hallmark of the "translators" of the NWT.