Well we know that Jesus pre-dates His becoming a baby.
Because We know that Jesus pre-dates Abraham :
Jhn 8:58
Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.
We know that Jesus predates Satan & the Angels :
Luk 10:18
And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.
We know that Jesus predates the creation:
Jhn 17:5
O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.
Therefore we know that if God created Jesus ,
Jesus was the first thing God ever created .
And if you believe that then you have no choice but assert that the most spectacular , magnificent creation that God could ever create , His creation & only begotten & much beloved Son , was done without the mention of one word being spoken from God.
No creation of God's could ever be able to hold a candle to the creation of His beloved Son.
And yet where is the proud Father's words of delight in His beloved Son's creation ?
Not one syllable ever mentioned from God about His very first and most magnificent creation, His dearly Beloved Son.
The creation of Christ, God's only begotten & beloved Son, was done by His Father in absolute secrecy and in complete silence by God.
Comparable to the way a child born out of wedlock was once birthed in secrecy out of shame and embarrassment .
Without a word mentioned to anyone.
This spirit of hidden shame and embarrassment and secret silence is the spirit you have to claim that Jesus was created in if you believe He was indeed "created".
You have no other choice .
How inspiring .
Such meaninglessness is not the way of the God I know .
For me Jesus clearly transcends the humanely circumscribed concept of time, and the human bewilderment at attempting to make application of what they already have a limited understanding of to the Mystery of the Almighty .
That being said that Leaves only one possibility of who Jesus is .