Catholic Crusader said:
Mec, do you always have to talk in riddles? A little plain talk, please, for this old Mary-worshipping Catholic
I didn't realize that it was a 'riddle'. But I will clarify my offering;
I admit, we are able to understand FEW things COMPLETELY, whether of a 'religious nature or simply that which pertains to this world. But God, our Father, HAS revealed Himself TO US. And in this respect we ARE able to KNOW Him. He has revealed Himself to us through His Son, Jesus Christ. while NO MAN has EVER 'seen' God, His Son has DECLARED Him TO US. He has come in the IMAGE of His Father and has OFFERED us a REAL example of WHO and WHAT God IS; for the Son was FULL of the Spirit OF The Father.
I DO NOT worship some 'mystery god'. I KNOW and worship a LOVING and LIVING God that HAS offered understanding of Himself through His Son and the apostles. For 'mystery gods' abound, and HAVE since the dawn of mankind. These, WITHOUT any power of their OWN and dependant upon that offered them through their creation by, and worship of men.
Our God is LIKE us. He CREATED us in HIS IMAGE. No, not bodily, for that is a mere vessel in which is contained our TRUE selves. But in spirit were we created in HIS image. And that spirit IS the Spirit of LOVE which God IS. WE TOO are able to share in this IMAGE; the LOVE that we were created THROUGH. For it WAS love that inspired OUR creation. A DESIRE to 'share it' that inspired God to CREATE man.
While MANY would wish to believe that there is some 'Benevolent' BEING that sits on high DEMANDING that we offer up SACRIFICE FOR HIM, those that KNOW God, know that this is NOT the God that IS Creator. Our TRUE God IS our Creator. Complete in the fulness of His ESSENCE which IS LOVE. A love which HAS been offered usward. For WE TOO are able to BECOME the sons of God. To BE the sons of God. For that IS the PURPOSE of our creation.
While He DOES desire our LOVE, (worship), He is NOT some ALL commanding and demanding DICTATOR as some would portray Him to BE. The laws that He has offered were offered out of LOVE NOT 'selfishness'. Designed to TEACH us HOW to 'become' the sons of God. Offered in an attempt to TEACH us WHAT He IS and what WE can Become.
While perfectly able to destroy as well as create, His DESIRE is to have us LOVE Him as HE loves US. And IF one is able to come to an understanding of TRUE love, then it is clear that WHEN God has destroyed, it was FOR Love. For what loving and caring parent would allow His children to suffer? Those that He has destroyed He did so out of Love. Anyone that would deny this must DO SO out of a lack of understanding of WHO and WHAT God IS.
While there has been much misunderstanding created and perpetuated by the churches, the TRUTH is that God IS Love. God LOVES His children. ALL mankind ARE His children or He could NOT BE the Creator. Some CHOOSE to be separate from God. And for this REASON, one day, this earth and MOST of it's inhabitants WILL be destroyed. Not out of HATE, for God IS Love. But out of His love for mankind will He ONE DAY end the suffering of those that DO NOT KNOW HIM.
Now come those that HATE God. For these, He has created a PLACE OF suffering. For there are those that do not KNOW God and there are those that HATE God. Satan and his followers, (those that CHOOSE to HATE God), WILL be punished. For their TREATMENT of God and their neighbors, they will suffer. The EXACT nature of this suffering has NOT been revealed through scripture. But THAT it EXISTS is without doubt offered in Word.
Everything that exists was CREATED BY God. That it was done THROUGH Christ offers that WE were created in order to SHARE the relationship that Christ has with His Father. For, as Christ IS 'one' with His Father, so TOO are WE able to become ONE with Christ. The relationship that has been offered has been offered THROUGH Christ.
Does the Son KNOW the Father? Of course. And WHEN we 'become ONE with Christ', WE TOO are able to KNOW the Father. For WHEN we become ONE with Christ, the Father SEES His Son in our hearts when He looks usward.
We were NOT 'created' to simply worship an IDEA. We were created to SHARE our existence WITH the Father. To KNOW Him as He KNOWS us. But this cannot be DONE without KNOWING that the relationship EXISTS. Christ CAME to REVEAL this relationship. To SHOW us 'the way'. Previous God had limited His RELATIOINSHIP to CERTAIN individuals. Revealed Himself to FEW. But Christ BROUGHT God, (the KNOWLEDGE of), to ALL who are willing to come to an understanding of and a sharing with Him and HIs neighbors of; LOVE.
I know, more riddles? Hardly. Only to those that DO NOT KNOW what I speak is this revelation hidden. Paul TAUGHT no 'mystery God'. He taught us that God IS Love. That WE are the 'children of God'. We are NOT expected to BLINDLY worship some 'UNKNOWN god'. We are to have FAITH in a LOVING and LIVING God. Our Father who art in heaven.