Jesus Has Ascended Into Heaven

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As such it is not applicable to us, as we (Christians) are not in that covenant.
Do you not believe that Christians are grafted into branch of Israel? See Romans 11.

Do you not believe that all Christians are adopted by God? See Galatians 4 and John 1 and Romans 9.

Do you not believe that all Christians joint heirs with Christ? See Romans 8 and Galatians 3 and Ephesians 2.
Do you not believe that Christians are grafted into branch of Israel? See Romans 11.

Do you not believe that all Christians are adopted by God? See Galatians 4 and John 1 and Romans 9.

Do you not believe that all Christians joint heirs with Christ? See Romans 8 and Galatians 3 and Ephesians 2.

You give no references. I'm not ploughing through all those chapters trying to work out what you mean.

Scripture is very clear that the old (Sinai) covenant and it's Law has been abolished.
On the one hand, a former commandment is annulled because of its weakness and uselessness, for the law brought nothing to perfection; on the other hand, a better hope is introduced, through which we draw near to God. (Heb 7:18-19)

When there is a change of priesthood, there is necessarily a change of law as well. (Heb 7:12)

For if that first covenant had been faultless, no place would have been sought for a second one. But he finds fault with them and says: “Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will conclude a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah.
(Heb 8:7-8)

When he speaks of a “new” covenant, he declares the first one obsolete. And what has become obsolete and has grown old is close to disappearing
(Heb 8:13)

He takes away the first to establish the second (Heb 10:9)

We are now living under the New Law of the New Covenant. This New Law is written on our hearts. Hebrews 8:8-10 quotes Jeremiah 31:31-33:

Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will conclude a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah. It will not be like the covenant I made with their fathers the day I took them by the hand to lead them forth from the land of Egypt; for they did not stand by my covenant and I ignored them, says the Lord.

But this is the covenant I will establish with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will put my laws in their minds and I will write them upon their hearts. I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
(Taken from Heb)

Paul describes the Jews and Gentiles as separated but then he says:
But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near in the blood of Christ. For he is our peace, who has made us both one, and has broken down the dividing wall of hostility, by abolishing in his flesh the law of commandments and ordinances, that he might create in himself one new man in place of the two, (Eph 2:13-15)
The Law has been abolished.

Col 2 says much the same:
And you, who were dead in trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses, having cancelled the bond which stood against us with its legal demands; this he set aside, nailing it to the cross. (Col 2:14)

The Old Testament written law has been replaced by the New Testament law written not in ink but by the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets that are hearts of flesh. (2 Cor 3:3).

So what is this New Law? It is the Commandments of Jesus:
If you love me, you will keep my commandments. (Jn 14:15)
If you keep my commandments, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and remain in his love. (Jn 15:10)
You give no references. I'm not ploughing through all those chapters trying to work out what you mean.

Scripture is very clear that the old (Sinai) covenant and it's Law has been abolished.
On the one hand, a former commandment is annulled because of its weakness and uselessness, for the law brought nothing to perfection; on the other hand, a better hope is introduced, through which we draw near to God. (Heb 7:18-19)

When there is a change of priesthood, there is necessarily a change of law as well. (Heb 7:12)

For if that first covenant had been faultless, no place would have been sought for a second one. But he finds fault with them and says: “Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will conclude a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah. (Heb 8:7-8)

When he speaks of a “new” covenant, he declares the first one obsolete. And what has become obsolete and has grown old is close to disappearing (Heb 8:13)

He takes away the first to establish the second (Heb 10:9)

We are now living under the New Law of the New Covenant. This New Law is written on our hearts. Hebrews 8:8-10 quotes Jeremiah 31:31-33:

Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will conclude a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah. It will not be like the covenant I made with their fathers the day I took them by the hand to lead them forth from the land of Egypt; for they did not stand by my covenant and I ignored them, says the Lord.

But this is the covenant I will establish with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will put my laws in their minds and I will write them upon their hearts. I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
(Taken from Heb)

Paul describes the Jews and Gentiles as separated but then he says:
But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near in the blood of Christ. For he is our peace, who has made us both one, and has broken down the dividing wall of hostility, by abolishing in his flesh the law of commandments and ordinances, that he might create in himself one new man in place of the two, (Eph 2:13-15)
The Law has been abolished.

Col 2 says much the same:
And you, who were dead in trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses, having cancelled the bond which stood against us with its legal demands; this he set aside, nailing it to the cross. (Col 2:14)

The Old Testament written law has been replaced by the New Testament law written not in ink but by the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets that are hearts of flesh. (2 Cor 3:3).

So what is this New Law? It is the Commandments of Jesus:
If you love me, you will keep my commandments. (Jn 14:15)
If you keep my commandments, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and remain in his love. (Jn 15:10)
I gave you the references for consideration. If you are not interested, well, that's on you.
I gave you the references for consideration. If you are not interested, well, that's on you.

A whole chapter (or rather 7 chapters) is not a reference.
I not only gave you references but printed them out for you.

Do you not agree that the old (Sinai) covenant has been abolished?
Do you not agree that we are part of the New Covenant?
One thing we have to be careful of is placing God into our little boxes. Who are we to decide what is and what is not right? In Exodus 20 God says....

3 “You shall have no other gods before Me.
4 You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth;" (NKJV)

God instructs us what WE shall not do for OURSELVES.

God also instructed the Israelites to destroy the inhabitants of Canaan. Does that justify us killing others of our choosing? God's thoughts are not our thoughts and God's ways are not our ways. He is the potter and we are merely the clay. He is sovereign, we are not.

You don't even believe Exodus 20 is applicable. If you did, you would not have chosen an avatar of a lake, trees and a shoreline above your name. For these represent a "likeness of anything that is In heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth."

If you truly believed Exodus 20, you would remove that avatar immediately, as well as remove all pictures / paintings from your home, including wiping all the photos off your phone.

Once again, God Himself is the first and ultimate iconographer by virtue of the Incarnation...

"[Christ]Who is the image of the invisible God..." (Col 1:15)

Thus, in light of the Incarnation, paradoxically, it is now the iconoclast who is guilty of idolatry. By becoming man, God has now taken on flesh and His creation is now the theater of His grace. God is no longer hidden. He is now material, physical and visible. God can now be portrayed because He is fully God and fully man. He has been seen; He has taken on our nature. Thus, any rejection of icons / images is a rejection of the Incarnation, and therefore represents a false representation of who God is. Rejecting icons / images is rejecting that God has in fact come in the flesh. It says God has no physical body and did not enter into His creation, but instead still remains hidden. It says God is not Immanuel, but rather is Hester Panim.

Since the Incarnation, this belief (iconoclasm) is now idolatry, for it is worshipping a misrepresentation of God.
"He was speaking to the people of Israel."

Exactly. He was giving them the covenant law for the covenant they were entering into.
It was not given to gentiles, or even to the Israelites before this time.
"Not with our fathers did the Lord make this covenant, but with us, who are all of us here alive this day." (Dt 5:3)

As Paul wrote:
Therefore remember that at one time you Gentiles in the flesh, called the uncircumcision by what is called the circumcision, which is made in the flesh by hands-- remember that you were at that time separated from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. (Eph 2:12)
Gentiles were strangers to the covenant.

As such it is not applicable to us, as we (Christians) are not in that covenant.

Paul declared himself not under the Law (referring to the Jewish law)
To the Jews I became as a Jew, in order to win Jews; to those under the law I became as one under the law--though not being myself under the law--that I might win those under the law. To those outside the law [Gentiles] I became as one outside the law--not being without law toward God but under the law of Christ--that I might win those outside the law. (1Cor 9:20-21)
He also makes here a clear distinction between those under the Law (the Jews) and those not under the Law (the Gentiles)

So you are going to eliminate the majority of the Bible because you don't think it applies to you? Really?
Why do we have crosses, in the church, in the Temple, on our necklaces, everywhere? Is Jesus on the cross now? No, so then we have the cross to remind us what He did for us.
Why do we have crosses with Jesus on it, in the church, in the Temple, on our necklaces, everywhere? Is Jesus on the cross now? No, so then we have the cross with Jesus on it, to remind us what He did for us.

if then a person condemns a cross with Jesus on it, they also should likewise condemn all crosses too. Because Both represent something that Jesus did in the Past, and is NOT doing today?

As to images. We are not permitted to make any image to worship, or bow down to, or to reverence higher than God Himself. If i choose to make a wooden image of a bird, that is not sinful or wrong. But if i make a wooden image of a bird and worship it, pray to it, Hold it in some regard higher then a piece of carved wood, then it is sinful and wrong.

Want to have a cross that is empty, fine have it unto the Lord Our God.
Want to have a cross that has Jesus on it, fine have it unto the Lord Our God.
If you don't want to have a cross at all, fine don't have it unto the Lord Our God.
Do all things, or don't do things, unto the Lord Our God. Whether you do, or don't do, let it be unto the Lord Our God.
Why do we have crosses, in the church, in the Temple, on our necklaces, everywhere? Is Jesus on the cross now? No, so then we have the cross to remind us what He did for us.
Why do we have crosses with Jesus on it, in the church, in the Temple, on our necklaces, everywhere? Is Jesus on the cross now? No, so then we have the cross with Jesus on it, to remind us what He did for us.

if then a person condemns a cross with Jesus on it, they also should likewise condemn all crosses too. Because Both represent something that Jesus did in the Past, and is NOT doing today?

As to images. We are not permitted to make any image to worship, or bow down to, or to reverence higher than God Himself. If i choose to make a wooden image of a bird, that is not sinful or wrong. But if i make a wooden image of a bird and worship it, pray to it, Hold it in some regard higher then a piece of carved wood, then it is sinful and wrong.

Want to have a cross that is empty, fine have it unto the Lord Our God.
Want to have a cross that has Jesus on it, fine have it unto the Lord Our God.
If you don't want to have a cross at all, fine don't have it unto the Lord Our God.
Do all things, or don't do things, unto the Lord Our God. Whether you do, or don't do, let it be unto the Lord Our God.
Jesus is no longer on the cross. He has ascended to heaven to be at the right hand of God, His Father. Depicting him as a dead man, still hanging on the cross, is both wrong and repulsive.
Jesus is no longer on the cross.

This is Truth.

He has ascended to heaven to be at the right hand of God, His Father.

This is Truth

Depicting him as a dead man, still hanging on the cross, is both wrong and repulsive.

For YOU, this is Truth.

Know you not that it is the Holy Ghost that convicts of what is wrong or right, especially those things that are NOT written in the Word of God.

If then the Holy Ghost convicts you that eating pizza is wrong and repulsive, then for that person to eat pizza they commit sin, because they are doing that which is contrary to the convictions of the Holy Spirit that is within them.
Does that mean it is wrong and repulsive for everyone to eat pizza? No.

So then if the Holy Spirit convicts you that it is wrong and repulsive for you to have a cross with Jesus still on it, then for YOU it is most certainly a sin if you do so.
But if the Holy Spirit of Truth does not convict another that having a cross with Jesus still on it, is NOT wrong or repulsive, then it is NOT wrong or sinful for that person to have a cross with Jesus still on it.

i, a prophet of God, will however tell you what is most wrong and sinful to God, is when a person tries to tell others what is sinful or not sinful based on what the Holy Ghost is convicting that person of.

Know you not, nor understand these verses?

Rom 14:5 One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.
Rom 14:6 He that regardeth the day, regardeth it unto the Lord; and he that regardeth not the day, to the Lord he doth not regard it. He that eateth, eateth to the Lord, for he giveth God thanks; and he that eateth not, to the Lord he eateth not, and giveth God thanks.
Rom 14:7 For none of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself.
Rom 14:8 For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord: whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord's.

Whether we have a cross without Jesus or with Jesus, we have it to the remembrance of the Lord Jesus. Let every man judge within their own selves which one is wrong or which one is right, or if it is irrelevant. But let us do all things to please Him.

If YOU having a cross with Jesus on it, offends you in some way, then if you do so, YOU COMMIT SIN, YOU do that which is wrong.
HOWEVER, just because the Holy Spirit of Truth has convicted YOU that it is wrong, does not mean you can go and try to convict OTHERS that they are wrong to have a cross with Jesus on it. Who maketh thyself? Are you trying to take the place of the Holy Spirit of God, who will most certainly convict them of it, if it is wrong for that person to do so?

You do well Brother by not having any crosses with Jesus still on it, because you are convicted that it is wrong and repulsive to do so. And if the Holy Spirit of God convicts me of that same thing, i will obey the Holy Spirit within me, because i do all things to please Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior, and for over 50 years now, the Holy Spirit has not even once convicted me it wrong or repulsive to have a cross with Jesus on it. And no human being is going to convict me that it is wrong. Only the Holy Ghost within me can do that.

Nobody should be arguing with you that it is wrong or repulsive, because that is how you feel. But teaching others that it is wrong and repulsive is not of God, but comes from you.
This is Truth.

This is Truth

For YOU, this is Truth.

Know you not that it is the Holy Ghost that convicts of what is wrong or right, especially those things that are NOT written in the Word of God.

If then the Holy Ghost convicts you that eating pizza is wrong and repulsive, then for that person to eat pizza they commit sin, because they are doing that which is contrary to the convictions of the Holy Spirit that is within them.
Does that mean it is wrong and repulsive for everyone to eat pizza? No.

So then if the Holy Spirit convicts you that it is wrong and repulsive for you to have a cross with Jesus still on it, then for YOU it is most certainly a sin if you do so.
But if the Holy Spirit of Truth does not convict another that having a cross with Jesus still on it, is NOT wrong or repulsive, then it is NOT wrong or sinful for that person to have a cross with Jesus still on it.

i, a prophet of God, will however tell you what is most wrong and sinful to God, is when a person tries to tell others what is sinful or not sinful based on what the Holy Ghost is convicting that person of.

Know you not, nor understand these verses?

Rom 14:5 One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.
Rom 14:6 He that regardeth the day, regardeth it unto the Lord; and he that regardeth not the day, to the Lord he doth not regard it. He that eateth, eateth to the Lord, for he giveth God thanks; and he that eateth not, to the Lord he eateth not, and giveth God thanks.
Rom 14:7 For none of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself.
Rom 14:8 For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord: whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord's.

Whether we have a cross without Jesus or with Jesus, we have it to the remembrance of the Lord Jesus. Let every man judge within their own selves which one is wrong or which one is right, or if it is irrelevant. But let us do all things to please Him.

If YOU having a cross with Jesus on it, offends you in some way, then if you do so, YOU COMMIT SIN, YOU do that which is wrong.
HOWEVER, just because the Holy Spirit of Truth has convicted YOU that it is wrong, does not mean you can go and try to convict OTHERS that they are wrong to have a cross with Jesus on it. Who maketh thyself? Are you trying to take the place of the Holy Spirit of God, who will most certainly convict them of it, if it is wrong for that person to do so?

You do well Brother by not having any crosses with Jesus still on it, because you are convicted that it is wrong and repulsive to do so. And if the Holy Spirit of God convicts me of that same thing, i will obey the Holy Spirit within me, because i do all things to please Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior, and for over 50 years now, the Holy Spirit has not even once convicted me it wrong or repulsive to have a cross with Jesus on it. And no human being is going to convict me that it is wrong. Only the Holy Ghost within me can do that.

Nobody should be arguing with you that it is wrong or repulsive, because that is how you feel. But teaching others that it is wrong and repulsive is not of God, but comes from you.
Thanks for your opinion. Is Jesus dead and hanging on the cross or is He alive in heaven at the right hand of God? If He is portrayed as dead on the cross, that is a visual statement that He is still there. If I portray any living being as dead when s/he is alive, that is a false representation. People who portray the living Christ as dead are blaspheming.

Teaching others that it is right and not repulsive is not of God, but comes from you.
Thanks for your opinion.

Please don't give me credit for something that is not mine to take. What i teach are the Truths of God.

Is Jesus dead and hanging on the cross or is He alive in heaven at the right hand of God? If He is portrayed as dead on the cross, that is a visual statement that He is still there. If I portray any living being as dead when s/he is alive, that is a false representation.

Answer me. Do you then believe it is OK to have a Cross without Jesus on it, Yes or No? Doubt you will answer this question, because i can prove your logic is flawed if you do so.

People who portray the living Christ as dead are blaspheming.

And where is Scriptures does it say that? Verse please. Or is that merely your opinion and what YOU believe? Where in Scriptures does it teach having a cross is OK, but NOT a cross with Jesus on it? Your logic is flawed.

Teaching others that it is right and not repulsive is not of God, but comes from you.

Teaching others that they should or should not, is NOT of God, even as i have said in prior comments.
What i said is the Truth of God, if then you don't agree with it, then by all mean quote what i said and the verse it contradicts. If you can't do that, then what is it to me, if you think i am wrong based on your own opinions?
Show me something i said, and the verse which it contradicts. Else it is indeed your opinion that disagrees with me, and not the Word of God.

Love you Brother.
Please don't give me credit for something that is not mine to take. What i teach are the Truths of God.

Answer me. Do you then believe it is OK to have a Cross without Jesus on it, Yes or No? Doubt you will answer this question, because i can prove your logic is flawed if you do so.

And where is Scriptures does it say that? Verse please. Or is that merely your opinion and what YOU believe? Where in Scriptures does it teach having a cross is OK, but NOT a cross with Jesus on it? Your logic is flawed.

Teaching others that they should or should not, is NOT of God, even as i have said in prior comments.
What i said is the Truth of God, if then you don't agree with it, then by all mean quote what i said and the verse it contradicts. If you can't do that, then what is it to me, if you think i am wrong based on your own opinions?
Show me something i said, and the verse which it contradicts. Else it is indeed your opinion that disagrees with me, and not the Word of God.

Love you Brother.
How modest! You teach what you think are the truths of God. Others have different opinions.. I hate to break this to you, but you lack perfect understanding (and self-awareness).

I do not believe it is okay to have a Cross without Jesus on it, and I am not interested in your "proof" of what you think. Again, you teach what you think are the truths of God. Others have different opinions.

Where in Scriptures does it teach having a cross with Jesus on it is OK? Where in Scripture does it say anything about wearing a cross? Nowhere! The closest instruction is in 1 Timothy 2:9, "I also want the women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, adorning themselves, not with elaborate hairstyles or gold or pearls or expensive clothes" which implies that women shouldn't wear gold crosses at all.

Your claim that what you have said is the truth of God is beyond absurd. I hate to break this to you, as it might burst your bubble of self-delusion: You are not infallible. If you want to discuss matters then consider what you write is simply your opinion. If you consider yourself to be the embodiment of truth then clearly you can't be reasoned with, so there is no point in further discussion.
I do not believe it is okay to have a Cross without Jesus on it, and I am not interested in your "proof" of what you think. Again, you teach what you think are the truths of God. Others have different opinions.

Where in Scriptures does it teach having a cross with Jesus on it is OK?
Why, on the one hand, do you believe a cross must have Jesus on it, but then imply that it is not okay because Scripture doesn't teach that?
Why, on the one hand, do you believe a cross must have Jesus on it, but then imply that it is not okay because Scripture doesn't teach that?
I never said that I believe a cross must have Jesus on it. Quite the contrary. This is what I wrote: I do not believe it is okay to have a Cross without Jesus on it.

Jesus is resurrected and is at the right hand of God. He is most definitely not dead, hanging on the cross.

You either misunderstood or are deliberately twisting what I wrote.
I never said that I believe a cross must have Jesus on it. Quite the contrary. This is what I wrote: I do not believe it is okay to have a Cross without Jesus on it.
You are using a double negative. To say "I do not believe it is okay," is the same as "I believe it's not okay." You are saying that you believe it's not okay to have a cross without Jesus on it, which is to say you believe that a Cross must have Jesus on it.

Jesus is resurrected and is at the right hand of God. He is most definitely not dead, hanging on the cross.
Of course he is, no one is denying that. But then why are you arguing that it is not okay to have a Cross without Jesus on it? If you think crosses should not have Jesus on it, then the correct argument would be: "I do not believe it is okay to have a Cross with Jesus on it."

You either misunderstood or are deliberately twisting what I wrote.
Maybe I misunderstood, but I'm pretty sure I didn't. You are talking about depicting a cross with Jesus on it (a crucifix) versus a cross without Jesus, are you not? I'm quite certain you misspoke.
You are using a double negative. To say "I do not believe it is okay," is the same as "I believe it's not okay." You are saying that you believe it's not okay to have a cross without Jesus on it, which is to say you believe that a Cross must have Jesus on it.

Of course he is, no one is denying that. But then why are you arguing that it is not okay to have a Cross without Jesus on it? If you think crosses should not have Jesus on it, then the correct argument would be: "I do not believe it is okay to have a Cross with Jesus on it."

Maybe I misunderstood, but I'm pretty sure I didn't. You are talking about depicting a cross with Jesus on it (a crucifix) versus a cross without Jesus, are you not? I'm quite certain you misspoke.

I meant to say that it's not okay to have a cross with Jesus on it. I preceded the erroneous sentence with "I never said that I believe a cross must have Jesus on it. Quite the contrary", but of course you seize on the other sentence.
You teach what you think are the truths of God. Others have different opinions.. I hate to break this to you, but you lack perfect understanding (and self-awareness).

i teach the Truths of God, if i lie then let me burn in Hell fire for all eternity. Rev 21:8 is CLEAR, that ALL LIARS will burn in the lake of fire. Therefore if i am lying and i am teaching Truths that come from my own understanding and not from God, then let Rev 21:8 be True and i burn in the lake for all eternity.
What is it to me, if YOU THINK that what i teach comes from my own opinions.

Again, you teach what you think are the truths of God. Others have different opinions.

And you can keep telling yourself that, so you can justify your not hearing me or believing me, all you want. But it does not change the Truth, that i teach Truths of God.

Your claim that what you have said is the truth of God is beyond absurd.

And you thinking that concerns me how?

I hate to break this to you, as it might burst your bubble of self-delusion: You are not infallible.

If you want to discuss matters then consider what you write is simply your opinion.

If it is my opinion, i am very clear to say "This is my opinion and not from the Lord" Know you not that if someone says something is from the Lord and it is NOT from the Lord, they are asking for DEATH, and not only of their own selves but their families as well. Woe to the people in this last days generation who say something is from God and it is not from God, these will not escape His Wrath.
False prophets to True prophets is like 200,000 to 1.
What i teach is from God.

If you consider yourself to be the embodiment of truth then clearly you can't be reasoned with, so there is no point in further discussion.

In one of my conversations with God, He plainly told me, this generation would not believe the things He was telling me. He also told me, that it is not my place to convince anyone of the Truth, but to merely reveal it. What is it then to me, if YOU choose to NOT believe what God told me, is that not between you and God.

And as to your comment "If you consider yourself to be the embodiment of truth" Who is whispering to you that is what i consider myself? And why are you listening to those whispers?

Just because i claim to teach the Truths of God, that does not mean i know ALL TRUTHS OF GOD. i don't. i only know those things that God has told me, and those things are Truths of God. And if i ONLY teach those things He has told me, then i can accurately say that i teach Truths of God.
i never said i teach ALL TRUTHS of God, nor have i even implied that i considered to be the embodiment of Truth. Would it not have been a more Godly thing to do, to merely ask me if i thought that, then to assume that i did? Stop listening to the voices in your heard that is making you think things that are false.

Have you proven me to be False? Or do you think i am false, because that is YOUR OPINION? Does not Scriptures plainly and clearly teach how to tell is one is false or not? If then i have said something should come to pass and it did not come to pass, then i am false. If i have said anything that is contrary to a verse in all of Scriptures, then that too proves that i am false.

Let me make it even easier for you, if i am indeed false, then it should be pretty easy to prove that i am, correct? i have made over a hundred videos on YouTube, if you can find one thing that i said in any of them, that contradicts a verse in Scriptures, then and only then will you have proven me to be False:
my YouTube Videos

Just because you THINK i am false, does not make what you THINK the Truth. Scriptures proves who is false NOT YOUR OPINION.

Or do you think i am false, because i don't agree with your truth?

Love you jaybo.
i teach the Truths of God, if i lie then let me burn in Hell fire for all eternity. Rev 21:8 is CLEAR, that ALL LIARS will burn in the lake of fire. Therefore if i am lying and i am teaching Truths that come from my own understanding and not from God, then let Rev 21:8 be True and i burn in the lake for all eternity.
What is it to me, if YOU THINK that what i teach comes from my own opinions.

And you can keep telling yourself that, so you can justify your not hearing me or believing me, all you want. But it does not change the Truth, that i teach Truths of God.

And you thinking that concerns me how?

I hate to break this to you, as it might burst your bubble of self-delusion: You are not infallible.

If it is my opinion, i am very clear to say "This is my opinion and not from the Lord" Know you not that if someone says something is from the Lord and it is NOT from the Lord, they are asking for DEATH, and not only of their own selves but their families as well. Woe to the people in this last days generation who say something is from God and it is not from God, these will not escape His Wrath.
False prophets to True prophets is like 200,000 to 1.
What i teach is from God.

In one of my conversations with God, He plainly told me, this generation would not believe the things He was telling me. He also told me, that it is not my place to convince anyone of the Truth, but to merely reveal it. What is it then to me, if YOU choose to NOT believe what God told me, is that not between you and God.

And as to your comment "If you consider yourself to be the embodiment of truth" Who is whispering to you that is what i consider myself? And why are you listening to those whispers?

Just because i claim to teach the Truths of God, that does not mean i know ALL TRUTHS OF GOD. i don't. i only know those things that God has told me, and those things are Truths of God. And if i ONLY teach those things He has told me, then i can accurately say that i teach Truths of God.
i never said i teach ALL TRUTHS of God, nor have i even implied that i considered to be the embodiment of Truth. Would it not have been a more Godly thing to do, to merely ask me if i thought that, then to assume that i did? Stop listening to the voices in your heard that is making you think things that are false.

Have you proven me to be False? Or do you think i am false, because that is YOUR OPINION? Does not Scriptures plainly and clearly teach how to tell is one is false or not? If then i have said something should come to pass and it did not come to pass, then i am false. If i have said anything that is contrary to a verse in all of Scriptures, then that too proves that i am false.

Let me make it even easier for you, if i am indeed false, then it should be pretty easy to prove that i am, correct? i have made over a hundred videos on YouTube, if you can find one thing that i said in any of them, that contradicts a verse in Scriptures, then and only then will you have proven me to be False:
my YouTube Videos

Just because you THINK i am false, does not make what you THINK the Truth. Scriptures proves who is false NOT YOUR OPINION.

Or do you think i am false, because i don't agree with your truth?

Love you jaybo.
a) I hate to break this to you, as it might burst your bubble of self-delusion: You are not infallible.
b) You do not love me, as your attitude clearly shows.
a) I hate to break this to you, as it might burst your bubble of self-delusion: You are not infallible.

i hate to break this to you, i never said i was. or even implied that i was, nor have i ever even taken the thought i was. Stop listening to those whispers that tell you things that are NOT TRUE, and then worse yet, typing them out for all to see your error.

b) You do not love me, as your attitude clearly shows.

Tell me, if a child just got spanked by a parent, would that child think the attitude of that parent is of LOVE?

Wisdom is justified of her own children. Just because YOU THINK my attitude doesn't show love, doesn't make it Truth.
i hate to break this to you, i never said i was. or even implied that i was, nor have i ever even taken the thought i was. Stop listening to those whispers that tell you things that are NOT TRUE, and then worse yet, typing them out for all to see your error.

Tell me, if a child just got spanked by a parent, would that child think the attitude of that parent is of LOVE?

Wisdom is justified of her own children. Just because YOU THINK my attitude doesn't show love, doesn't make it Truth.
You wrote "i teach the Truths of God". I'm reading what you wrote; I'm not listening to any "whispers". The error, or more properly the delusion, is yours. Another delusion: you wrote "Just because YOU THINK my attitude doesn't show love, doesn't make it Truth" (preceded by the description of a spanking).
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