Jesus Has Ascended Into Heaven

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There is a real need for Catholics to revere/worship the "perpetual virgin" Mary. It is a false idolization of her and thus all women, as being "pure", i.e., dehumanizing them into a mythical status that no woman can live up to. In Latinx culture, which is strong where I live, it's referred to as Marianismo. It is subjugation of women because no matter how loving, wonderful, kind, giving, forgiving, etc. a woman may be, she can never meet the ideal. It is a way of making even the best of women feel like worthless failures.

And of course, there is the unscriptural myth that Mary is in heaven behind Jesus, interceding for Catholics and telling her Son what he should and should not be doing. I mean, really!
More opinions Jaybo
This thread is entitled - "Jesus Has Ascended Into Heaven".

It has descended into crude Catholic bashing.

Keep to the topic or I close it.
You say If someone is worshipping Almighty God... then I agree with you.

Now, I have a Catholic friend, who tells me straight out, that he worships the Virgin Mary. He gave me a rosary and showed me how to say Hail Mary and something else, I forget what, but I wasn't happy, so I asked him who he prayed to, and he said the Virgin Mary. So then, I asked him who forgives his sins, and he said the priest. Then I said what about Jesus, and he replied that she could whisper in his ear. I listened and did not argue. All this was over a nice cup of tea. Then he told me over several visits about old women who have seen visions of the Virgin Mary, and I said I was only interested in what the Bible said and nothing else. He hasn't been since, and I quite miss his visits.

He is a lovely old man, caring for his wife with dementia.
I was thinking it was an older person as I was reading your post.
Many times I've stated that Catholics do not really know their religion/faith. This is unfortunate.
There was a time, that I remember well, when the church told its parishioners that they had to go to church and confess their sins and heaven would be waiting for them.

Odd thing is - heaven probably was waiting for them because this was all the light they had and we will be judged by the light we received and also by our deeds, as Jesus stated in John 5:28

I'm happy you didn't try to dissuade your friend. Too late for that. But I'm pretty sure God appreciated that they probably tried to live a holy life and prayed to our Lord's mother. That can't be too bad !

The church did not teach the way it does today.
Mary is not to be worshipped. However, you can't go into everyone's home and make sure they don't.

I do think today's Catholics are more knowledgeable, but I do think there's still a way to go.
In the meantime christianity seems to be in trouble - I wish we were more united, at least in spirit.
Some come on to this forum and want to do nothing but argue...this is a bad sign.
I was thinking it was an older person as I was reading your post.
Many times I've stated that Catholics do not really know their religion/faith. This is unfortunate.
There was a time, that I remember well, when the church told its parishioners that they had to go to church and confess their sins and heaven would be waiting for them.

Odd thing is - heaven probably was waiting for them because this was all the light they had and we will be judged by the light we received and also by our deeds, as Jesus stated in John 5:28

I'm happy you didn't try to dissuade your friend. Too late for that. But I'm pretty sure God appreciated that they probably tried to live a holy life and prayed to our Lord's mother. That can't be too bad !

The church did not teach the way it does today.
Mary is not to be worshipped. However, you can't go into everyone's home and make sure they don't.

I do think today's Catholics are more knowledgeable, but I do think there's still a way to go.
In the meantime christianity seems to be in trouble - I wish we were more united, at least in spirit.
Some come on to this forum and want to do nothing but argue...this is a bad sign.
We all believe in God and that is a good start. :)
So you base your opinions about Catjholics on one elderly Catholic out of 1.2 billion!
Are you serious or just trolling?
I used to be on the official Catholic forum in England, now closed, and another Catholic forum in Ireland. After 23 years on the internet, I have learnt a lot, plus I am extremely interested in medieval history, England was Catholic then, and goodness gracious me, you would not want to know what the monks, friars, and Bishops got up to, including their obsession with money.
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I used to be on the official Catholic forum in England, now closed, and another Catholic forum in Ireland. After 23 years on the internet, I have learnt a lot, plus I am extremely interested in medieval history, England was Catholic then, and goodness gracious me, you would not want to know what the monks, friars, and Bishops got up to.
I'll say this for the last time before I act.
Keep on the topic.
I was thinking it was an older person as I was reading your post.
Many times I've stated that Catholics do not really know their religion/faith. This is unfortunate.
There was a time, that I remember well, when the church told its parishioners that they had to go to church and confess their sins and heaven would be waiting for them.

Odd thing is - heaven probably was waiting for them because this was all the light they had and we will be judged by the light we received and also by our deeds, as Jesus stated in John 5:28

I'm happy you didn't try to dissuade your friend. Too late for that. But I'm pretty sure God appreciated that they probably tried to live a holy life and prayed to our Lord's mother. That can't be too bad !

The church did not teach the way it does today.
Mary is not to be worshipped. However, you can't go into everyone's home and make sure they don't.

I do think today's Catholics are more knowledgeable, but I do think there's still a way to go.
In the meantime christianity seems to be in trouble - I wish we were more united, at least in spirit.
Some come on to this forum and want to do nothing but argue...this is a bad sign.
It is interesting that the New Testament is filled with all kinds of episodes of arguing. It is clear that there were/are disagreements between people who believe in God, Jesus Christ, Scripture, etc. The only way I can explain this is that we have spiritual knowledge. Not "head" knowledge, but spiritual knowledge. I believe that each person is given spiritual knowledge, as God chooses.

1 Corinthians 13:8-13, "Love never ends. But as for prophecies, they will come to an end; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will come to an end. For we know only in part, and we prophesy only in part, but when the complete comes, the partial will come to an end. When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became an adult, I put an end to childish ways. For now we see only a reflection, as in a mirror, but then we will see face to face. Now I know only in part; then I will know fully, even as I have been fully known. And now faith, hope, and love remain, these three, and the greatest of these is love."
It is interesting that the New Testament is filled with all kinds of episodes of arguing. It is clear that there were/are disagreements between people who believe in God, Jesus Christ, Scripture, etc. The only way I can explain this is that we have spiritual knowledge. Not "head" knowledge, but spiritual knowledge. I believe that each person is given spiritual knowledge, as God chooses.

1 Corinthians 13:8-13, "Love never ends. But as for prophecies, they will come to an end; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will come to an end. For we know only in part, and we prophesy only in part, but when the complete comes, the partial will come to an end. When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became an adult, I put an end to childish ways. For now we see only a reflection, as in a mirror, but then we will see face to face. Now I know only in part; then I will know fully, even as I have been fully known. And now faith, hope, and love remain, these three, and the greatest of these is love."
You've said this before but I don't really understand what SPIRITUAL KNOWLEDGE is.
When I encountered Jesus, I knew nothing.
I only knew that I felt loved and that He was trying to take care of me somehow.
I had a family already with two small children to raise and God saved me from the pit.
Is this spiritual knowledge?

But soon I wanted to know more and more...
and here we are, more than 40 years later and I feel like there's still so much to know.
Am I supposed to stop my brain?
It's just a mystery to me how we can all read the same NT and come up with different beliefs.
Apparently no-one wants to discuss the opic anymore.
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