Let me go on record here, just FYI for anyone who remotely cares, that Im NOT a pacifist by any stretch of the word. I dont believe for a second, based on the WHOLE word of God, that Jesus' intent with the Jews was that they werent allowed to defend their families or their citizens when He tried to teach them to not 'hate' and to not seek revenge at every offense.
Jesus did NOT do away with the precept 'eye for an eye' as pacifists seem to believe.
What Jesus DID do was to correct the Jewish perversion of the intent of that precept, that was meant for dispensing justice by judges and leadership, into some twisted instruction to exact personal revenge.
This pacifist nonsense is just one more reason why understanding the WHOLE word of God is absolutely crucial before one decides to play teacher.
That all said, Im sure it will be no surprise to anyone to find out that I am licensed by the state of Ohio to carry a concealed handgun for the defense of myself, my wife and grandson, and ANY other innocent person I might seeing being attacked, raped, etc....and put in a position to use the 357 Ruger SP101 I carry every waking moment for the defense of my own life, the lives of my wife or grandson, my family, my friends, or some innocent child or woman on the street being physically harmed by a criminal, I would use it to whatever extent necessary and lawful to stop the attacker from harming their victim.
And frankly, Im not overly concerned if the pacifist is appalled by my views.
And by the same token the leadership of any country has the responsibility of providing that SAME defense to its citizens and to attempt intervention, if possible, to protect the innocent citizens of any other country who are being slaughtered by their own evil leadership.