“christ also said go and sell all and he also said we ought to do as the pharisees bid.
so that means when the jews say fast we should fast and also when the temple is built should we then also go to there for the yearly sacrifice?â€
Jesus said to sell all to a specific individual. He didn’t intend for us to develop a religion around it.
In the first century, the Pharisees were the bona fide leaders of the Jews. The Aaronic priesthood. It is still in effect according to Modern Judaism. But it has nothing to do with those who are in Christ because the Tabernacle Ritual has been fulfilled by Jesus. The caretakers of the dead ritual are no longer needed. It has been replaced by an eternal experience that’s supposed to be common and shared among all who are in Christ in spite of doctrinal differences. Christianity has a different view.
If the temple is rebuilt, it will only pertain to those who are in modern Judaism, mainly the leaders of the secular state referred to as Israel. It will be an imitation of what was given by God. An imitation has no worth except to those who desire it to be so. Many Christians today believe that the secular state called Israel is the continuation of the OT Israel. They will no doubt be deceived by their interpretations when and if the Temple is built. But as all know, first the Islamic Mosque must first be removed for that to happen. Which will result in a war of global proportions, of which few would survive. The secular state of Israel itself would no doubt be destroyed in the process. Those Muslims who now take a dim view of the Islamic extremists would swiftly change their minds. You as a Jew, albeit a Jewish Christian, would be on their hit list. Prepare yourself.
It is my opinion, since I don’t know for sure, that the reason that the Islamic Mosque is in place in the place where it is, is to show that there is not supposed to be the Tabernacle ritual any more. It’s a sign to Modern Judaism that they can’t accept. Even if the secular state of Israel disappears, that will in no way prevent Jesus Christ from returning in the same way he went. With two millennia worth of witnesses.