hey. What's with the deleted posts? Is this thread taking a turn for the worse?
I've always found Job interesting. In the OT, there's a lot of focus on God's rules and the consequences (in this world) of violating them. Violating God's rules equals poverty, destruction, "the grave." The here-and-now is emphasized over the hereafter. In Job I see God as more than a law-giver and judge, both of which are important roles, but also are aspects of God that fall relatively easily into human understanding. I see a glimpse of the dynamic, eternal, creative, all-consuming God who came long before us and will exist long after us. Job puts human existence into perspective. Also, I find Job's restoration to health and wealth to be something of a metaphor for the joy believers experience after a life filled with trials and tribulation. Its like a sneak peek at what's in store for those who "fight the good fight" and continue to "run the race."