- Oct 23, 2003
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Though every scripture is true if one takes the other 20 or so that APPEAR to oppose or contradict these and fails to see how this coin has two aspects or sides, then one is stuck picking one side OR the other and such is the war and division of the body started 500 years ago by this man.
There have been numerous disputes in christiandom, virtually non stop. Calvin saw what he saw no differently than Martin Luther saw when he read "the just shall live by faith" and challenged the status quo works salvation camps. These are not new things.
Freewill and works camps don't handle the predestination/Divine Sovereignty scriptures very well, imho.
One of the main errors (and accusations) of the Calvinist is that Orthodoxy and Arminianism teach that men can choose salvation or not and that is a terribly deceptive misunderstanding. Unlike Pelegius who taught this heresy, Arminius taught and knew that ONLY GOD decides who is saved and who is not.
In the here and now, yes. A remnant. That doesn't mean God in Christ just completely abandons anyone. Just as God did not abandon unsaved Israel from Romans 11 and that the Gospel is to be proclaimed to all men. Calvin's posture is that the Gospel really isn't for all mankind, but has to be preached to all mankind to 'reach' the elect. I don't find much support for that angle myself. But I do agree that only God in Christ can draw any person to Christ, in the final analysis.
None of us are dealing for forensic or empirical subject matter in these engagements in any case, as to who is saved and who isn't i.e. exactly none of it can be "proven" by those methods. As far as I can tell faith is something that is taken up on a purely individual and purely subjective basis. I could care less what some "sects" authority might present in these matters myself, particularly if they are adverse to me because I ain't in their religious club.
Even if a person appears to exhibit faith all men have sinned and God OWES no man anything. What Arminius was saying is that upon God's initiation (prevenient grace) then man must choose to submit to His Lordship or reject His offer and remian lord of his own life. He was saying God does not CREATE men condemned (we achieve that without His help). Let me give you the Bible's very first example:
I've already pointed out the rather extreme logic that people employ in any of these postures because they are all missing a massive component to these issues. And that is that there is another party that is not mankind, involved with mankind, even in their minds and hearts, that blinds peoples minds to the Gospel. That would be Satan (or his own), the god of this world, as shown quite openly in Mark 4:15, (and all the other seed parables), Acts 26:18, Romans 11:8, 2 Cor. 4:4, 1 John 3:8 etc. etc. I've written on this subject extensively here and yet few are even able to perceive that their basis of understanding is void OF FACTS if there is no accurate accounting of the parties to the drama and they are instead entirely mancentric.
So I just say...where is there accurate accounting? There is none to be had in either Calvin's or Arminius formulas on this particular count and that is a rather HUGE error in their sights.
In the story of Cain, his sacrifice was insufficient (no shed blood from fruits and vegies)...Cain gets mad at Abel (like a Jerry Springer guest)...then BY GRACE God audibly speaks to Cain and tells him "If you go and do it right will it also not go well with thee?"
In that account sin IS presented as a PREDATOR. An ADVERSARY to mankind. And that is exactly true. Sin is also demonic or "of the devil" our adversary, if you please. So, yeah, again there is more going on here than just "Cain" the individual. I've shown this dynamic many times. Where the Word of God is sown, Satan is COMPELLED to resist Gods Word and does so in the hearts of MAN.
This means there are TWO parties involved in this gig. Man and devil. Jesus couldn't have made His Position on these matters any clearer in the Gospels. But few get the "math" on it. We have to be able to count to TWO when we read the scriptures as scripture speaks in STEREO.
At the same time He warns Cain (BY GRACE from love) that if he does not then sin awaits....
Notice that Cain (after Adam) is NOT automatically a condemned man without capability or hope! God BY GRACE has offered him the solution and warned him of the consequence of standing in his pride and self-will.
Now Cain was quite able of "go and do it right" and had he done so it WOULD HAVE gone well with him as well as Abel, OR ELSE God who CANNOT lie would not have offered him the reward (God is not a man that He should lie). Now God, foreknowing (not causing) exactly the choice Cain was going to make...still gave him the opportunity...therefore when Cain chooses to disregard God's word and do what was right in his own eyes as if he was his own lord, he was TRULY without excuse.
And the above account is what I might consider the typical void presentation of what is really going on. There was no such person as just Cain, ALONE, in the eyes of scriptures. And this is also the case with all of us. Our sin, yes OURS is in fact of the devil just as Cain's was. So, who's got reality on these subject matters when they are blind of having a full accounting of the parties? I say good luck with all of that blindness 'cause it ain't goin far.
Now I must admit I have never read the works of Jacob Arminius but cut my Christian teeth being convinced of Calvinism and learning all the arguments to defend that position and then one day after a long discussion with a man that was Antiochian Orthodox I took the man at his challenge. It was this:
Prayerfully simply read from Genesis to Revelation and forget ignoring the opposing scriptures or re-interpreting them by your doctrine and just read ALL God says on this issue and accept ALL OF IT for simply what He says not what your teachers have told you it means...and then just trust the Holy Spirit to bring you to the truth.
I'd like the say the Holy Spirit has brought me the OPENLY OBVIOUS. It's even more pronounced when few can see it or perceive the simplicity of it when it's plastered all over the scriptures to see.
I did that and after a month or so of fighting Him I threw in the towel and ran from Calvinism as fast as I could.
Just to clarify, I would consider myself even more determinist than Mr. Calvin.
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