There is but one crown my friend .The weeping are from those unrepentant saints & former believers doing the weeping that gets left behind over the loss of not being partakers of the firstfruits of the resurrection.
But I do agree that saved believers that have gone astray need to be corrected and warned about the consequence of not looking to Jesus Christ for help in repenting in that they can reap corruption, lose the rewards of crowns and be left behind as castaways aka reprobates aka disqualified to attend the Marriage Supper in Heaven. Getting stripes for the knowledge they had for not being ready & lesser stripes for not having knowledge for not being ready is no picnic either. Luke 12:40-49 & John 15:1-8
But God will judge a church and each unrepentant believer with death in according to their works when cast into the bed of the great tribulation per Revelation 2:18-25
If the punishment is far worse for one who believed and yet fell away
for it had been better to never have to believed than to have
known the way of righteousness and then fallen away .
Even worse for ones who fell away . And its bad enough to have rejected HIM
I have seen where men tried to give us different crown stuff .
YET every time paul makes mention of the crown , its about the one crown .
The crown of eternal life , of righteousness . The crown
I have kept the FAITH , I have endured , henceforth .............
Too many folks are unware that JESUS was serious when he said ,
HE who she who endures to THE END the same shall be SAVED .
Too many folks have found preachers and teachers that would exclude
and make void those very words . BUT LET US who are of the true faith
NEVER HEED such men .