Let's talk about homosexuality (again!)

My problem is that gay unions tend to be unstable and non monogamous. I’m all for civil gay marriage…everyone should have that right…
But I think ? the church should reaffirm traditional Christian morality about marriage…

One man and one woman please try to stay married etc…
My problem is that gay unions tend to be unstable and non monogamous. I’m all for civil gay marriage…everyone should have that right…
But I think ? the church should reaffirm traditional Christian morality about marriage…

One man and one woman please try to stay married etc…
Why do you think the church should do that?
I don't see how one cannot lust. Attraction is like the precursor to lust. You can't lust after something you aren't attracted to.
I am going to mention something here that will seem unrelated to some people (partially to me).

A Greek language study of verbs can work here. I seem to rember some thing (starting in the past and going into the future). English does not exactly have a verb that works that way. English just has past, present, and future and you have to jump through hoops to make a single Greek verb. If your Bible translation is word for word you lose the meaning.

Not being a Greek speaking person I can not give the details.

Anyway. Jesus broke the temptations to sin by travailing in prayer (to not sin). We English speaking people do not realize what the Greek language states. To break a temptation it takes a tremendous working to change a Greek verb.

Mississippi redneck
I try to remind myself of those verses…

On the one hand ? I do think there’s a biological basis for an inclination towards homosexuality. On the other hand ✋

Even modern research ? shows a correlation between homosexuality and narcissism. Eek ?
Hey All,
What do you mean by biological? Are you saying that homosexuality is a result of a brain abnormality, or defect? That is an interesting theory. If it's biological, then wouldn't it be a treatable, or even curable, condition? (Please don't take my questions offensively. They are not meant to be disrespectful. I don't know how else to ask them. )

Keep walking everybody.
May God bless,
Some of you guys might remember when I made a post about having same-sex attraction and navigating beginner Christianity. It kinda blew up on the site and I had some great healthy discussions with many of you!

It's been quite a while now. I've grown in my faith considerably and continue to. It has recently occurred to me that the same-sex attraction has become weaker & I appreciate my fiance's masculinity when I previously blanked it due to having attraction to femininity.

I do still find women attractive but when I have those thoughts basically I remind myself I am committed to my fiance and said attraction is unnatural anyway. I manually change the attraction from romantic/lust into simply an appreciation of beauty much like a straight woman feels when she sees a fellow woman and thinks she is beautiful. (If I make sense.)

It's been getting a lot easier over time. I've also completely stopped engaging with pornography and self-serving activity which I'm mentioning because I believe that change has contributed to my same-sex attraction being weaker.

I just felt I'd be a hypocrite not to post this as my initial post was an honest open account of what life is like when you're a Christian but you have same-sex attraction, and this is an important follow-up as I feel we as a community can learn from honest experiences and not just people's assumptions pushed on us by media.

I don't feel empty, deprived or miserable. I feel more peaceful actually. And closer to my partner.

The mainstream understanding is that sexuality is totally fixed and can not change, and any attempt to change it is dangerous and causes misery. I can't go with a narrative if I'm not living that narrative anymore.

Could this be an act of God? Or is it more about me turning away from sin and having my priorities in life be more God-orientated? Perhaps it is both! I think it is interesting to theorize.

I'd love to answer any questions you have about the topic! I'm here to be 100% honest as I feel this is how we can help the community understand the issue better, whether you are a Christian with same-sex attractions or on the flip side a firm straight Christian who has questions.
Hey All,
You get my big old hug of the day PrimFinalyFoundGod. I appreciate you being so comfortable talking about it. Thank you for your honesty. It is an act of God You are a new creation in Christ.

2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

I find it interesting that you believe it is getting easier. Also you say there was a link connecting homosexuality to pornography. You should explore that. I mean it makes sense that if a person watches sexual sin, they may become desirous to try it for themselves. Have you made any other changes in lifestyle? What you are saying is quite different than what Christ_empowered said. He/she thought homosexuality might be biological. But you are saying yours was psychological which puts homosexuality in the realm of a type of an addiction. There is the discussion. Homosexuality, birth defect or psychological addiction? Your thoughts?
Thank you for the update.

Keep walking everybody.
May God bless,
The mainstream understanding is that sexuality is totally fixed and can not change, and any attempt to change it is dangerous and causes misery. I can't go with a narrative if I'm not living that narrative anymore.

Could this be an act of God? Or is it more about me turning away from sin and having my priorities in life be more God-orientated? Perhaps it is both! I think it is interesting to theorize.

Over the centuries, there have been many BIG lies told to the public which they have uncritically embraced. All that's usually required is a constant "beating of the drum" of whatever lie it is and a fierce censure of anyone who dares to question the lie. Sound familiar? One of the biggest lies told to the public in recent memory is that homosexuality is an irresistible feature of human physiology, like one's height, or eye color. It's a congenital aberration, we're told, dictated by one's genetics, and so the person engaging in homosexual behaviour is simply following the direction of their biology. What, then, is there to condemn? Do we condemn a person for having a long nose, or brown eyes, or big ears? No. Likewise, we can't criticize homosexuality when it is of a kind with a person's physical features. This is the BIG LIE western culture has swallowed quite thoroughly.

Is it true, though? No, it's not. And your story, PrimFinallyFoundGod!, is suggestive of this fact. Is truth always necessarily what a person lives, what is indicated by their experience? Not in God's spiritual economy of things; and not in the mundane character of everyday life, either. God says there are a good number of things that become true of any person who is truly born-again, spiritual things that He intends should replace the "truth" (i.e. lived experience) we have taken up about ourselves and which, as they do, transform our living. We are "joint-heirs with Christ," we are "dead to sin and alive unto God," we are "new creatures in Christ," we are "hid with Christ in God," we are "temples of the Holy Spirit," and so on (Romans 8:17; Romans 6:1-11; 2 Corinthians 5:17; Colossians 3:1-3; 2 Corinthians 6:19-20). These are all spiritual realities that are always true of the born-again person though they may live in total ignorance of them and so never benefit from them. "The me I see, is the me I'll be," right?

When, however, a Christian begins to stand by faith on the facts of who they are in Jesus Christ, declaring to themselves the truth of their new, spiritual nature, then it is they begin to experience a transformation that conforms them more and more to the spiritual realities that have been true of them since they were first born-again. This is why we are told in the New Testament that the Christian must "walk by faith, not by sight," and that the "just shall live by faith," and that "without faith it is impossible to please God" (2 Corinthians 5:7; Romans 1:17; Galatians 3:11; Hebrews 10:38; Hebrews 11:6). Only when the Christian counts it so that they are who God says they are as His children, as those "in Christ," do they begin to experience the truth of their spiritual identity in how they live.

Anyway, it's possible for the unsaved person to live in a lie in the mundane, un-spiritual condition of their lives, too. Homosexuality is a "good" example. First, there is the simple fact of physical anatomy that defies what the homosexual feels. Sexual organs are clearly made for procreation, not merely to express one's sexual "orientation." All sorts of damaging physical effects arise from the inappropriate use of these organs, and more and more so as a person (males particularly) persists in homosexual acts, which signals that, whatever a homosexual urges a person might feel, their biological reality is disconfirming of their sexual urges.

As well, human societies depend upon the production of succeeding generations of human beings, which homosexuality confounds. If one is considering homosexuality from a purely evolutionary angle, it is immediately obvious that such behavior cannot arise from genetics, since the behavior is clearly deleterious to the species and is, in fact, self-selecting for removal from the gene pool. If a thousand homosexual men (or lesbian women) lived on an island in complete isolation from the rest of the world, within a generation the island would be empty of human beings, even if they had all they needed to sustain their lives (food, shelter, clothing, medicine, etc.). How, then, is it genetics that are the source of this behavior?

Research into homosexuality, as far as I'm aware, has been inconclusive in showing a genetic basis for the behavior. Twin studies, brain studies, and hormonal studies have all failed to concretely establish that genes have anything to do with homosexual behavior. Increasingly, the evidence of research points to psycho-social factors (personality, family, friends, culture), not biology, as the root of homosexual activity. In spite of all that is in evidence against the idea of homosexuality being congenital, a physiological trait like hair color or height, western societies have largely adopted as a foregone conclusion that a person can't help but follow any persistent, strong homosexual impulse that grips them.

It seems, PrimFinallyFoundGod!, that you are beginning to live in the truth, both spiritually and practically, and thus discovering that the idea of same-sex attraction being biological in origin and thus inevitable and enduring is what it has always been: a lie.

God warns that any departure from His will and way leads to destruction and death. But when we live in His way, God promises blessing, the goodness of His excellence and power. Whatever pleasures and satisfaction may be found in sexual perversity, they do not lead - they cannot lead - to the fullness, richness and contentment of life lived God's way. I hope and pray that, as you align yourself more and more under the will and way of your Holy Maker, you will discover all the goodness, all the love, joy and peace, that He has always intended should be yours.

Deuteronomy 30:15-19
15 "See, I have set before you today life and prosperity, and death and adversity;
16 in that I command you today to love the LORD your God, to walk in His ways and to keep His commandments and His statutes and His judgments, that you may live and multiply, and that the LORD your God may bless you in the land where you are entering to possess it.
17 "But if your heart turns away and you will not obey, but are drawn away and worship other gods and serve them,
18 I declare to you today that you shall surely perish. You will not prolong your days in the land where you are crossing the Jordan to enter and possess it.
19 "I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. So choose life in order that you may live, you and your descendants,

Matthew 11:28-30
28 "Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.
29 "Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS.
30 "For My yoke is easy and My burden is light."

Galatians 5:22-25
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
23 gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.
24 Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.
25 If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit.
I don't see how one cannot lust. Attraction is like the precursor to lust. You can't lust after something you aren't attracted to.

I don't know how many times I've heard people tell me that they found drinking beer disgusting, at first. But as they persisted in drinking it (mostly out of peer pressure), they came to like doing so. I've heard similar stories about coffee. Folks have told me, too, about how working out at the gym was, initially, a miserable business but, as they persevered in exercise, eventually came to enjoy it and feel a strong need for it. These weren't people who, at the beginning, wanted at all to be at the gym, but who were there because of medical problems, or to head off medical problems. A person's desires can be developed, and directed, heated up or cooled, by their thinking, choices and effort. The person who is led about by lust is living at the very lowest level of human experience, like an animal, really, degrading themselves just as animals often do but without the excuse of the inferiorities of being an animal.
I dunno ?‍♂️
The focus on genetics as an explanation for all sorts of problems happens a lot when real solutions threaten the status quo’s power and control.

Example obesity is now increasingly being framed as a disease that responds to medical treatment. This ignores the serious risks of such treatments and the larger issues such as how the environment and social class can affect obesity and overall health and even lifespan. Mental illness is similar. Saying our nation has an epidemic of mental illness makes despair and distress medical conditions rather than social and economic problems…
I dunno ?‍♂️
The focus on genetics as an explanation for all sorts of problems happens a lot when real solutions threaten the status quo’s power and control.

Example obesity is now increasingly being framed as a disease that responds to medical treatment. This ignores the serious risks of such treatments and the larger issues such as how the environment and social class can affect obesity and overall health and even lifespan. Mental illness is similar. Saying our nation has an epidemic of mental illness makes despair and distress medical conditions rather than social and economic problems…
If money made one mentally sound then most Hollywood stars and others in that class wouldn't have mental health issues .
In general middle class and up sees fewer emo diagnoses. In the USA and a couple of other developed affluent countries the level of inequality mixed with increasing concentration of wealth at the very top seems to be making all classes less healthy, overall. South Africa is like this and I think ? the uk ?? is headed in the same direction because of deregulation shredding the safety net…
In general middle class and up sees fewer emo diagnoses. In the USA and a couple of other developed affluent countries the level of inequality mixed with increasing concentration of wealth at the very top seems to be making all classes less healthy, overall. South Africa is like this and I think ? the uk ?? is headed in the same direction because of deregulation shredding the safety net…
Honestly the reality is that no govt is able to promise a safety net for everyone .

Imagine saving your life savings then forced to work as it you didn't retire just to stay a float .

Inflation is a tax ,that and we'll the VA ..need I say more .
I dunno ?‍♂️

I’m not about utopia just…better lives for more people. I think ? government programs have their place…
I dunno ?‍♂️

I’m not about utopia just…better lives for more people. I think ? government programs have their place…
I'm not against it per se but well cola goes above the ver at 100 percent p ant t non employable he can't go get a job that pays more then 10 grand a year .yet can easily at part time make over that .

He struggles ..
I’m not an economist so…?

I just think fewer tax breaks for the super rich ? and more social programs for the masses would be a humane step forward…
That’s what I’m saying though…
Heavier taxation on the super rich less on everyone else….
It doesn't work that .my grandparents saved and lost money and went broke three times and invested them died and their offspring receives that trust .

It's taxable now and before they died when they earned it . Some states tax retirement going in and out .
Josef while I'm quite aware you're not talking to me, your kindness and sincerity is a breathe of fresh air. Too many people, who are not gay themselves, act like they know it all when it comes to this topic. I always dread these topics because of this, but just letting you know your posts stood out to me.

My view is that sexuality is very very complex and is likely a mix of genetic and psychosocial and psychological factors, which is why it is somewhat fluid. Ie, people who are mostly attracted to one sex might find themselves willing to date the other at some point even if that isn't their primary direction of attraction.
Same sex attraction is sin.

Ephesians 5:3 But immorality or any impurity or greed must not even be named among you, as is proper among saints;

You hear people say today, “Well look, it’s OK if you don’t consummate the act—if you hear about
SSA, same-sex attraction, but I don’t do anything about it.” The sensuality is forbidden as well as the
act. And it all constitutes what Paul identifies here as “greed.”

Why do you find greed here? We usually associate that with money. But no, there certainly can be
greed expressed toward money, toward something you don’t have that is a material thing. But when
you covet something sexually, that you have no right to, that’s the kind of greed Paul is talking about.
This is also idolatry—says that down in verse 5—because you have substituted sexual fulfillment for
the Lord.

Taken from this sermon...

The perversion of love.
