-sigh- this is a tough one. not everyone "fits in" churches near them/us, because...yes, churches are places for Christians (people who are called and are therefore "in the world, but not of it....") to assemble and grow in The Lord together....
they also exist within and are influenced by the surrounding community and society, as a whole. And...in the US....now, -everything- is politicized. -Everything- is about lifestyle, demographics, outlook, "values," etc. For instance...
my parents and people in their social circles lean (very) left, in a "progressive" (not quite socialist) way. church for people like them often = either a liberal mainline Protestant church or, for the more politically active among them, perhaps Unitarian. and then...
an acquaintance from my younger years hails from an "old family." Her religion--and it does seem to be a religion, not really a relationship with Jesus-- is based more on family tradition than on intense belief. Having said that, she's also "socially conscious." solution? easy. Episcopalian, like her family up to the 18th century or whenever, just reinvented for today's social climate (less Scripture, more social justice, etc.).
oh, and then there's the Pentecostals, whom I often really, really like as people and as fellow Christians....
but the -churches- themselves are often hardcore right-wing. I don't know what to make of it, honestly. I've found Pentecostals to be more genuinely Christ-like to "the least of these..." to a point, that is. There's a line, a very real one. I've never crossed it (I don't go to church), but I remember seeing what happened at the Pentecostal place I went to in my mid-20s. and then...
Methodists, Baptists. On the one hand, I like a lot of the material I read out of the SBC...material about engaging a post-Christian culture, etc...but then I've also read recently that, somehow, hundreds of -convcited sex offenders- are somehow still in positions of authority within various SBC churches, including some very close to me. and...
The Methodists seem to be warring, within. As with many US mainline Protestant denominations, their numbers have been declining, anyway....if the church itself veers left, they'll probably lose even more members (look at what happened to PCUSA and the Episcopalians).
so, I don't know. plus, at a personal level, I should add that I've always been a "misfit," then I was a pariah, now...well, Jesus saves (clearly). But where to go to church? I was such an outcast...I was stuck in traffic in front of a 'progressive' Presbyterian church, here locally. People in the parking lot were pointing and laughing. :-(
I -do- think that if one can find a solid church that does their best to fulfill the NT requirements of the local assembly and it is a tolerable experience--no vicious backstabbing, no hardcore church politics--then -my interpretation- of Scripture would be that God expects one to go there, or somewhere similar, learn to be put up with other Christians ("...as iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens his friend..."), and then one might see growth, maturity, the joys of sharing a bond in Christ, sharing life, with other believers. and yet....
churches grow out of communities, out of society. there's a growing number of misfits, "Losers," "rejects," labeled and effectively silenced individuals in America (I cannot speak for other nations...I think the UK and Canada are going down a similar path...), and we/they are often -not welcome- and -not accepted- and -not wanted- in what remains of the established church, USA.