I don't think it matters how long it took to know that it
was long enough for certain groups of people to look alot alike,and
create the races of people we have now. Your idea of five years
really has no good sense to it at all,and you are objective?
I just guessed. 5 years, even if it was 30 years, seems adequate time to learn begin communicating between two languages. Anthropologist do this from time to time when they encounter new cultures (not too often anymore).
Regardless of the time, I was just pointing out that utter confusion seems unlikely, as withing a relatively short period of time everyone should have been able to communicate.
Why not venture out and be objective and study the books about a
christian mind by christians so you can debate with much more logic?
Learn about those who truly have a relationship with God,because if
you don't,you are not informed enough to debate christians. If you are
always reading books based on a secular world view,of course you can't
understand the christians,no secret there
I have read numerous christian books (I was christian once, remember). I still continue to read them.
Do I not always ask for your point of view and why you feel a certain way?
I understand your point of view, I simply disagree with it.
You never did answer most of my questions,like why did geographical
location determine what race we had from our ancestor's
Genetic evolution provides the ancestors. As humans emerged from Africa and spread to the various parts of the world, they were seperated geographically, and allowed to drift genetically in different directions.
Over tens of thousands of years, the subsets of humans evolved in different ways which better suited them for their environment. Because the were to far apart to mate and share genes, certain traits stayed localized to only that geographic area.
Africans developed darker skin and leaner frames in hotter areas. A taller, leaner frame will dissapate heat faster and keep the body cool.
For the same reason, Inuits evolved shorter, stouter bodies to maintain body heat in cold arctic areas.
Some differences may have no necessarily "positive" or "negative" effects, such as the shape of many Asian's eyes. It simply was a trait that began in that geographical area. Because they did not interbreed with Native Americans or Germans, that trait remained localized.
Because when you live outside and work outside. Environment matters.
Since a shorter, stockier frame gives a person a better chance of survival in a cold climate, they will more likely survive, and pass on genes for other short and stocky sons and daughters. Perhaps even in that culture, women viewed stockier men as more fit husbands.
As a higher percentage of taller people die out, shorter people begin to rule. Thus, a society of mostly shorter and stockier people are found in cold areas.
The exact opposite thing happens in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Does any of this sound unreasonable?
Also,languages didn't just get here over night either,and
for sure not so many of them just sprung up out of no where.
Isn't that exactly what the bible says happens? That after Babel God instantly confused the langauges?
Languages did not just pop up over night. They emerged in different areas at different times, and many languages (like English) evolved from other languages.
Linguists are quite able to track families of languages, and understand where the most ancient langauges emerged and how they led to new ones.
Interestingly, if God confused the languages, why are some so closely related to others?
Spanish and Italian are basically identical. English and Chinese couldn't be more different. If God confused and created all languages, one would expect that each one would be exactly as different as any other.
That is not the case at all.