If you don't mind, I'll just paste here the post I made in a topic about this issue in the Teen's section:
Until somewhat recently, I had some hair that was about shoulder-length
A lot of Christian people (especially adult males) were telling me that the Bible discouraged long hair, and that I should cut it...
So I did.
Then, like I should have done before, I did some research:There is only one verse in the Bible that frowns upon (at first glance), a man having long hair. Paul, in 1 Cor, says "Does not nature itself tell you that if a man has long hair, it is a disgrace to him?" (I wrote this from memory, but that's essentially what it says). This confused me. For, in the Torah, God commands the Jews not to cut the "hair at the sides of their heads, or their beards" (again, from memory). And many honored people (Samson, Daniel, Prophets, Angels, John the Baptist, and more) are recorded to have had long (sometimes very long) hair. This hair was an honor to them and their peity. So, why would Paul seem to not condone long hair?
He didn't.
Paul told the people of Corinth not to have long tresses, if you were to translate the Greek word Komaos more correctly. Due to common Pagan practices of growing a male's hair long and feminine, including oiling it to specifically look more feminine, Paul warns the men of Corinth not to do such a thing. The word usually used to mean hair was Thrix, which is used in every other circumstance in the Bible. Komaos is only used three times, and only in 1 Cor. So, I think it's perfectly fine for a Christian man to have long hair. What say you?
[I will cite anything that was said to be from memory, upon request]