Looking for a Stockbroker who markets Kingdom directed investments.

The LOVE of money IS the root of all evil.
Some never have enough. Even hundreds of millions --- it's like a disease.
Or maybe they love what they're doing and can't stop -- difficult to figure it out.
But kids get left alone all day and with nannies and other habits that are not good, and for what? 100 million dollars isn't enough for one lifetime???

I also agree that we're taken for fools.
The economy is NOT growing.
Not only that, but we're becoming poorer and poorer and I still can't figure out why. I think the reason is because the top layer wants us poor. But I don't know why. Maybe poor people are easier to control ?

Sounds like sci-fi...except it's not.
Lucky for those who know God and don't worry about this all day long.
we out sourced our jobs .at my work factory we advertise american made {manufactured more correct } we buy some of our parts from china . yet china is our biggest competitor.
we recently purchased 2 machine about a hundred thousand dollars... guess where there made ? Taiwan. we manufacturer our product in states send it to china to be assembled. then send it to Australia. in a town 30 miles from they are expanding many banks --many retail stores selling china made products...
how many new manufacturing jobs added? zilch .end results more jobs that takes your money works the average worker 30-35 hours max. pay out my guess maybe 9.00 a hour. heck i scratch with the chickens and times i just kick them out of the way ......i am only a h.s graduate and the new math does not add up . yet they say growth ? excuse me?
ok pardon my rant lol . almost i got email from our state gov. promoting conservative reforms which i support if you dont have the $$$$ dont spend it duhhh.. but he is asking for donation Will you assist our efforts by donating $25, $50, or even $100? ughhhh if i had extra $25.00 i might commit a bad sin lol
Hey Jason, loan me 10 bucks, will ya?
i think i will just quit my job and depend on the Lord to take care of my needs . that way i dont worry about my 4o1k or social security 11 years from now
Drug usage and labor shortages ,is there a conection?
i think i will just quit my job and depend on the Lord to take care of my needs . that way i dont worry about my 4o1k or social security 11 years from now
"less worldly desires, less need for money"
"less worldly desires, less need for money"
yeah that darn electric bill home expenses buy gas for the car auto insurance doctor bills groceries home payment or rent awww internet /phone bill . did i leave any thing out that is worldly ..care to share the wealth
yeah that darn electric bill home expenses buy gas for the car auto insurance doctor bills groceries home payment or rent awww internet /phone bill . did i leave any thing out that is worldly ..care to share the wealth
yeah that darn electric bill home expenses buy gas for the car auto insurance doctor bills groceries home payment or rent awww internet /phone bill . did i leave any thing out that is worldly ..care to share the wealth
I got rid of my mortgage
That's a big thing
And I don't use credit cards
I have no credit
I live just fine without it
That's another Christian scam
Anything can be abused.

Should we eschew churches over the rotten apples.

I can give reasons
1)I worked for a church,didnt get my pay for overtime
2) church nursery,schools are business like
3) racism? A lady had to sue to be able to move to another position.
4) home rentals? Rats infestation in old homes.

Three of those are in a church I worked for,taken photos of.
if you had all the money i made being with the church you would be broke
Sad ain't it.I hold no grudge towards that church. Man its sad how flesh like members acted there.he didnt pUT me book where I wanted it,he didn't lock the door.well at night they held church and left the doors un locked .so I would go to lock the doors at 9 at night .I told the members of that.finally I washed my hands clean of that .

I also wasnt the best employee.I quit to avoid a firing .I wasn't the best at cleaning.
We are searching for a Christian Stockbroker or Financial Planner who markets investment opportunities with Christian values and ethics. Can anyone recommend someone? Thank you!
this is a very limiting endeavor. I see the value in investing in only those principles you see as worthy. But out of 4000 or so stocks you may only have a dozen under performing companies, if you really think about it. But never the less I will ask around.
We are searching for a Christian Stockbroker or Financial Planner who markets investment opportunities with Christian values and ethics. Can anyone recommend someone? Thank you!

our company has a 401k program with probably a dozen mutual funds in it's brochure. IF I only invested in christian based companies, I may not even be able to use the benefit of having a work related 401k. But I do think it is a good thing, if you can find a broker that averages over 10% a year. Most are averaging 2-6%. I am up about 9% for the first quarter managing my own 401k. But I the only factor I use is charting skills and trending, and some special indicators. But when you get returns of like 20-40% a year on your retirement you need to manage it very well, I check it every single day. But I like it, it's sort of my sport. I don't watch sports, so I find entertainment in watching the game of stocks and mutual funds. But it takes awhile to be able to manage your own. And I can train people but I don't have the foggiest about the morality of the companies. I figure, I am moral. So if the money is helping me, then it's helping a christian. (but I did ask a cousin of mine who is a CFO at a company, he may know of some that I don't know of)
We are searching for a Christian Stockbroker or Financial Planner who markets investment opportunities with Christian values and ethics. Can anyone recommend someone? Thank you!
still waiting for a reply from my cousin, to see if he knows of any.