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Looking for Paul

Romans 5:19

19 For, how that because the one son of man didn't obey, many became Khataye {Sinners}; thus also, because of the obedience of The One, many became Righteous.

- Obedience is central in our connection with Yah.weh!

- Adam didn’t obey Yah.weh but Jesus did!

- And man keeps following Adam!

- He will never understand!

- Like Lot’s wife!

- It is so simple and impossible to go against it!

- Find the mistake!
Romans 5:21

21 so that as sin had reigned in mawtha {death}, thus Taybutha {Grace} will reign in Kenutha {Righteousness}, unto Khaye {Lives} which are eternal, by means of Maran Eshu Meshikha {Our Lord Yeshua, The Anointed One}.

- On the one hand, sin and death are connected to the past!

- On the other hand, Grace and Righteousness are connected to the future!

- It is so easy to visualize the first part as it has been part of human history and we only know that!

- On the contrary, we have no idea of the second part!

- But we must work for it if we want to have a share!
1 Corinthians chapter 5:1

1 In short, it is reported that fornication is among you, and that this type of fornication isn't even named among the Khanphe {the Pagans}! That a son has taken {i.e. is having sexual relations with} his father’s wife!!

- Now if we compare today's practices, what should Paul say?

- He would condemn today’s practices!

- But today such practices are acceptable according to religion!

- It gives its support to leaders who have no morals and everybody agrees!

- It shows to what extent this world is light years away from Yah.weh!

- Thus it is not different from their followers!

- Thus they won’t be any surprise when Jesus comes back to clean this society!
1 Corinthians chapter 5:6

6 Your boasting isn't good! Don’t you know that a little leaven leavens all the lump?

- This society is corrupted!

- And every time, it is more corrupted!

- It is like a race toward corruption!

- Faster and faster!

- The only way to get away from it?

- Yah.weh’s kingdom!

- And it will completely eradicate corruption!
- In 1 Corinthians, Paul keeps speaking about corruption!

- Verse 11 is quite clear:

11 But, this is what I have written unto you: That you shouldn't be mingled, if there is one who is called "a Brother," and is fornicating, or unjust, or worships idols, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with whom that is such, don't even eat bread!

- It shows to which extent Christians should get away from corruption!

- But reality has always been different!

- How easy it is to get to sleep spiritually!

- But Yah.weh and Jesus are looking for people who are spiritually awake!
1 Corinthians 5:13

13 but, Alaha {God} is the One who judges the outsiders, and you must remove wickedness from among you.



- It is something we have to do every day!

- Maybe we may think about Job making sacrifices for his children in case they would speak against Yah.weh in their hearts!

- Or about Jesus who tells us to be careful not only about what we do but also about what we think!
2 corinthians 5:14

14 For, The Love of Meshikha {The Anointed One} compels us that we are to think like this: That One died for every man, therefore, every man has died,

15 and He died in place of every man, so that those who are living wouldn't live for their own souls {themselves}, but rather, for Him, who concerning their persons, had died, and was raised.

- Right, Jesus died for us!

- But he died for us if we live for Him not for ourselves!

- it means we must live according to His will!

- If not, it doesn’t work!

- Man always forgets that!

- Simple reality!
2 Corinthians 5:20

20 We are Iyzgade {Ambassadors/Representatives} therefore, in place of Meshikha {The Anointed One}, and it is as though that Alaha {God} was pleading with you, through us. In place of Meshikha {The Anointed One} therefore, we plead with you: Be reconciled unto Alaha {God}!

- or in Greek:

we are ambassadors
πρεσβεύομεν (presbeuomen)
Verb - Present Indicative Active - 1st Person Plural
Strong's 4243: To be aged, act as an ambassador. From the base of presbuteros; to be a senior, i.e. act as a representative.


Parts of Speech Adjective

Presbuteros Definition​

NAS Word Usage - Total: 67
  1. elder, of age,
    1. the elder of two people
    2. advanced in life, an elder, a senior
      1. forefathers
  2. a term of rank or office
    1. among the Jews
      1. members of the great council or Sanhedrin (because in early times the rulers of the people, judges, etc., were selected from elderly men)
      2. of those who in separate cities managed public affairs and administered justice
    2. among the Christians, those who presided over the assemblies (or churches) The NT uses the term bishop, elders, and presbyters interchangeably
    3. the twenty four members of the heavenly Sanhedrin or court seated on thrones around the throne of God

- So we are supposed to be Ambassadors / Representatives in place of Jesus!

- It implies many responsibilities, something men usually forget!

- Thus without responsibilities, no privileges!

- So simple!
2 Corinthians 5:20

20 We are Iyzgade {Ambassadors/Representatives} therefore, in place of Meshikha {The Anointed One}, and it is as though that Alaha {God} was pleading with you, through us. In place of Meshikha {The Anointed One} therefore, we plead with you: Be reconciled unto Alaha {God}!

- or in Greek:

we are ambassadors
πρεσβεύομεν (presbeuomen)
Verb - Present Indicative Active - 1st Person Plural
Strong's 4243: To be aged, act as an ambassador. From the base of presbuteros; to be a senior, i.e. act as a representative.


Parts of Speech Adjective

Presbuteros Definition​

NAS Word Usage - Total: 67
  1. elder, of age,
    1. the elder of two people
    2. advanced in life, an elder, a senior
      1. forefathers
  2. a term of rank or office
    1. among the Jews
      1. members of the great council or Sanhedrin (because in early times the rulers of the people, judges, etc., were selected from elderly men)
      2. of those who in separate cities managed public affairs and administered justice
    2. among the Christians, those who presided over the assemblies (or churches) The NT uses the term bishop, elders, and presbyters interchangeably
    3. the twenty four members of the heavenly Sanhedrin or court seated on thrones around the throne of God

- So we are supposed to be Ambassadors / Representatives in place of Jesus!

- It implies many responsibilities, something men usually forget!

- Thus without responsibilities, no privileges!

- So simple!
Romans chapter 6:6

6 For, we know that our old son of man was crucified with Him, so that the body of sin would cease, so that never again should we be slaves to sin,

- Yes, the body of sin would cease, so that never again should we be slaves to sin!

- It can’t be clearer!




Romans 6:16

16 Don't you know that unto whom that you make ready your soul to obey for service, that unto him you are slaves, of whom that you are obedient unto, if unto sin, and if unto the hearing ear of righteousness?






Romans 6:18

18 and when you were freed from sin, you were made subservient unto Kenutha {Righteousness}.

- We were freed from sin!

- But at the same time we were made subservient unto Righteousness!

- Thus we are not free!

- We must stay close to Righteousness!

- We have obligations!

- It is not possible to get everything for nothing!
Romans 6:19

19 As of among the sons of men I speak, because of the weakness of your flesh, that as you prepared your members for the service of impurity, and unrighteousness, thus also, now prepare your members for the service of Kinutha {Righteousness}, and of Qadishutha {Sanctification}.

- Weakness of the flesh!

- Service of impurity!

- Service of Righteousness and of sanctification!

- Man is used to doing bad things!

- As a Christian he must look for righteousness and Sanctification!

- It is completely the opposite!

- It is hard work especially in our modern society!

- We are surrounded by bad things!

- Everything is corrupted!

- As usual, it is a question of personal choice!

- It is not an easy job!

- We must fight our natural nature for bad things!
Romans 6:23

23 But, the wages of sin is mawtha {death}, and The Gift of Alaha {God} is Khaye {Life} that is eternal, in Maran Eshu Meshikha {Our Lord Yeshua, The Anointed One}.

- Here we are told about the wages of sin!

- And The Gift of God!

- Death on the one hand, eternal life on the second hand!

- But the wages in both cases should be more appropriate because in both cases, men are slaves!

- They must work for someone!

- And in exchange they receive something!

- If they don’t do anything, they don’t receive anything or die!
Romans 6:22

22 and now that you have been freed from sin, and have become slaves for Alaha {God}, there is for you holy phire {fruits}, which end is Life that is eternal.

- There is no freedom!

- Being freed from sin implies becoming slaves for God!

- It implies we must serve him!

- if not, we are slaves of sin!

- there are only two options!

- Not three!

- We must make a choice!
Romans chapter 6:6

6 For, we know that our old son of man was crucified with Him, so that the body of sin would cease, so that never again should we be slaves to sin,

- Yes, the body of sin would cease, so that never again should we be slaves to sin!

- It can’t be clearer!




Are you a non-sinner ?
1 Corinthians 6:1-11

1 Dare a man from you, while there is for him a matter of dispute with his brother, who pleads the case before the unrighteous, and not before The Qadishe {The Holy Ones}?

2 Or, know you not that The Qadishe {The Holy Ones} will judge the world? And if the world is judged by you, are you not worthy to judge the judgments which are small?

3 Know you not that The Malake {The Heavenly Messengers} we will judge? How much more those who are of this world?

4 Yet, if you have a judgment concerning the things of the world, those who are despised in The Edtha {The Assembly}, seat for yourselves, with regard to the judgment.

5 Yet, it is to your shame I say this unto you. Thus, is there not among you, not even a wise one, who is able to do equity between a brother unto his brother?

6 But, a brother, with his brother, is judged, and furthermore, before those who are not Believers!

7 From now on, therefore, qnumkun {your selves/persons} are condemned, for, that there is judgment one with the other. For, because of what are you not defrauded? And because of what are you not cheated?

8 But, you are defrauding, and you are cheating, even unto your brothers!

9 Or, know you not that the unrighteous don't inherit The Kingdom of Alaha {God}? Don't be deceived, neither fornicators, and neither worshipers of idols, and neither adulterers, and neither the corrupted, and neither those who lay down with males,

10 and neither the unjust, and neither thieves, and neither drunkards, and neither revilers, and neither extortioners; these will not inherit The Malkutheh d'Alaha {The Kingdom of God}.

11 And these things were existing in certain men from you, but, you have been cleansed, and have become sanctified, and have been justified by The Name of Maran Eshu Meshikha {Our Lord Yeshua, The Anointed One}, and by The Rukheh d'Alahan {The Spirit of Our God}.

- Here we need the context to understand the whole thing!

- First, when a problem occurs between two brothers, it is a shame to bring the matter in front of the legal authorities!

- The situation should be resolved by those who have been chosen to guide the assembly!

- Of course, these ones can’t be corrupted otherwise it can’t work!

- The verb used is “dare”, it is a really strong one, thus it shows how wrong it is to act this way!

- These holy ones will judge the world!

- Thus they must also resolve the small affairs!

- Then Paul uses the word shame to describe the attitude of two brothers who are not able to solve a problem between themselves!

- Then he says they are condemned, defrauded, cheated!

- And they won’t inherit God’s kingdom!

- And it will be the same for fornicators, worshipers of idols, adulterers, the corrupted, those who lay down with males, the unjust, thieves, drunkards, revilers, and extortioners!

- And those who become brothers have been cleansed, sanctified and justified by Jesus and by the Spirit of God!

- Those who practice these things can’t be called brothers and won’t inherit God's kingdom!

- It is as simple as that!

- In fact, it is too simple!
- As human beings, we are all sinners!

- But it is not because we are sinners that we must be slaves to sin!
Thank God we can change that !
Being reborn of God's seed makes us a whole lot different than mere humans.
We are God's children, and new creatures !
We can choose to serve God instead of serving sin.
Thank God we can change that !
Being reborn of God's seed makes us a whole lot different than mere humans.
We are God's children, and new creatures !
We can choose to serve God instead of serving sin.
- Yes, it's a personal choice!

- Then we must keep serving God according to his will, not according to man's will!